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Where is it ok to buy gems


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In the end when you get a faulty code from a third party you need to talk to the third party and they don't always accept responsibility. So it's your risk then and ArenaNet can't help you there when it's not an official retailer. So when using third parties, make sure you read their terms and condition.


So there is a risk when going third party that you need to decide for yourself if that's a risk worth taking. If it's not or you're in doubt, don't do it. Buy them here. That's the bottom line as far as I'm concerned.

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> @"Plok.5873" said:

> Maybe this whole problem could be left to the market **if** there was an easy way to check whether a bought code is linked a fraud or not. As [i wrote before](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/711564/#Comment_711564), I feel AN's policy of account termination on using compromised codes deters from buying gem in first place.


A fraudulent code is a legitimate code that was purchased from buy.guildwars2.com and later refunded. There is no way to confirm whether a code is going to be safe or not, unless it was originally purchased at least 6 months ago, since a charge back can only occur within the first 4 months. Note that this only applies to codes that were originally purchased directly from ArenaNet, so in the case of physical boxes, or gem cards, it doesn't matter where you buy them, they're safe, and the only risk is getting scammed by the seller.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

The Sales Team reviewed yesterday's feedback about the pages you folks mentioned, and they agree that they need to prioritize updating the pages to make them more informative. I've also suggested that it would be helpful to have a separate page, or an addendum, that lists those vendors that sell gem card instead of the game (where some sell both). They should be moving forward with an update in the near future, but with the art requirements and such, I can't say for sure when that will be complete. Thanks for sharing that specific information, so that a case could be made for an update. :)


We do not wish to host links to unauthorized sellers of games or gem cards, because doing so can lead people to believe the linked vendor is considered to be a safe seller. The vendor may well be perfectly fine, or they may not be. The mods will remove links to sites, to ensure safety. I'm sure that anyone who wants to find that information can do so, but they don't need to see it here on our official forums, where it may appear misleading. Thanks for understanding.

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