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Minion Despawn game breaking.


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It would be nice for those of us who rely on our minions for heals and support to not have to recast them every time we zone, but with the Branded in Jahai it's reached a whole new level of game disruption. I'm talking about the fact that during ANY Branded event if the Necro gets crystallized there is a 20 second delay until any minion can be recasted. This combined with the 10 seconds it takes to actually recast them and it totals half a minute of zero minion support and limited heals.


It might not seem like a big deal to anyone who doesn't play a Minionmancer, but it's game breaking at times. There's nothing more special than getting locked in a crystal while standing under the Shatterer or a Rift boss. Rangers and Mesmers don't have this issue. Why do we?

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Coincidentally, I was totally trolling Kourna, yesterday, on a Viper's core Necro MM/Epi build checking out dagger/horn and scepter/dagger with Quickening Thirst.


I know just how you feel about being locked, alone, in a purple crystal, kicking to get out. However, I was also so tanky that I switched minions for a wells build to have a bit more action.


Blood Magic helped minions and players, alike. The MM build I used was not meta by any stretch of the definition but it was easy and effective.




Dumping Death Magic for Soul Reaping while keeping minions, was fine, too. I could camp shroud longer than could stand to be in it.

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Generally speaking why are you getting hit with 10 stacks of crystal I play reaper and i generally never go above 5 stacks at anytime and Im the one taking all the attention no minions to possibly block hits or distract other mobs for me etc.

You really have to you know dodge to remove it and and avoid things that build it up.

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