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A warrior elite spec idea, The Captain


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The Captain

A warrior elite spec that is a leader of Tyria, leading the races against the elder dragons and other threats to life.

Tyria’s future is uncertain, it needs strong leadership and examples of sacrifice to be secured. The Captain is born out of conflict and wishes for peace in their lifetime. Glint led the way and the captain understands what must be done to secure the legacy of Tyria. Will it be enough or will Tyria fall into ruin?

Grants access to a land-based spear, a set of mantras, and the class mechanic Stand Together.

Profession Mechanic

Stand Together: Gain an extra level of adrenaline for a total of 40. Shares boons with up to 10 allies and increases their duration by 1 second per 10 adrenaline spent. It replaces all burst skills and has a radius of 600. (10 seconds)

Weapon Skills

1. Stab (½ sec cast): Stab your foe applying vulnerability and bleeding.

1. Jab (½ sec cast): Stab your foe again applying 2 stacks of vulnerability and bleeding.

1. Pierce (¾ sec cast): Stab your foe’s armor applying several stacks of vulnerability, bleeding, and the Rend Armor effect which increases all damage dealt to the target by 5% (does not stack).

2. Sweeping Slash (1½ sec cast): Use two swings to hit up to 5 targets in front of you for moderate damage and apply 4 stacks of bleeding for 5 seconds. It also grants 2 seconds of fury per foe struck. (8 second recharge)

3. Tripping Sweep (1 sec cast): knockdown 2 targets in front of you for 2 seconds, deals moderate damage and applies 3 bleeding. (12 second recharge)

4. Parry (2 sec cast): Block all incoming attacks then gain 5 adrenaline. (15 sec recharge)

5. Strike of Tyria (1½ sec cast): Deal heavy damage applying 4 bleeding for 8 seconds to your foe and grant 4 seconds of fury, 5 stacks of might for 5 seconds, and 2 seconds of protection, to 5 nearby allies in a radius of 600. (30 second recharge)

Slot Skills


Mantra for Tyria (2 second cast): Prepare to heal yourself and allies for a moderate amount and grant allies protection. (25 second recharge)

Hold, for Tyria’s Sake (2 charges): Heal allies and grant protection for 3 seconds to 5 allies in a radius of 400. (15 second charge recovery)

Never Falter (1 charge): Stun Break yourself, heal allies for a large amount, and grant 10 stacks of might for 5 seconds, 6 seconds of protection, and 2 seconds of quickness to 5 allies in a radius of 400.


Mantra of Strength (1 second cast): Embolden your allies to defeat Tyria’s enemies through strength of arms. (20 second recharge)

Destroy Her Enemies (2 charges): Grant 3 stacks of might for 5 seconds and 3 seconds of quickness to 5 allies in a radius of 600. (10 second charge recovery)

Finish Them (1 charge): Grant 5 stacks of might for 8 seconds and 6 seconds of quickness to 5 allies in a radius of 600.


Mantra of Defense (1 second cast): Prepare to stun break allies and grant them immunity to control effects. This skill grants 2 seconds of stability and resistance when it fully charges. (30 second recharge)

Stand Tall (1 charge): Stun break, grant a stack of stability for 6 seconds, and 3 seconds of resistance to 5 allies in a radius of 450. (15 second charge recovery)

Do Not Fall (1 charge): Stun break again, grant 3 stacks of stability for 8 seconds, and 6 seconds of resistance to 5 allies in a radius of 450.


Mantra of Discipline (1 second cast): Prepare to strategize with your allies. (40 second recharge)

Attack (2 stacks): You gain 1 adrenaline per ally and allies gain 4 seconds of fury, 5 targets in a 600 radius. (10 second charge recovery)

Regroup (1 stack): You gain 5 adrenaline and allies gain swiftness, fury, and stability for 5 seconds.




Mantra of Tactics (1 second cast): Prepare to direct your allies in survival. Partially revive allies and cure 3 conditions when this mantra is fully charged. (50 second recharge)

Slow Your Bleeding (1 charge): Partially revive allies, cure conditions on 5 allies in a radius of 600 and cause your attacks to apply 2 stacks of bleeding per skill usage over 4 seconds. (20 second charge recovery)

Make Them Pay (1 charge). Your attacks cause bleeding and heal you; and downed allies’ attacks partially revive and cause bleeding. All effects last for 5 seconds. (20 second charge recovery)

Die For Tyria (1 charge): If 4 of your allies die within 10 seconds you gain varying durations and max stacks of all 12 boons. You cure 13 conditions from yourself and cause the Mantra to have a 300 second cooldown.

Boons and Durations

Aegis- 5 sec

Alacrity- 1 sec

Fury- 3 sec

Might- 3 sec

Protection- 1 sec

Quickness- 1 sec

Regeneration- 5 sec

Resistance- 2 sec

Retaliation- 3 sec

Stability- 4 sec

Swiftness- 6 sec

Vigor- 3 sec

• Traits

o Minor Proficiency: Polearm Proficiency, you can wield spears on land

o Adept

 Minor

• Captain’s Leadership: Maximum Adrenaline is increased to 4 bars. Gain access to Stand Together and mantra skills.

 Major

• Boon Companion: Gain increased condition duration and critical damage per boon on you. 1% per boon.

• Leader of Heroes: Every boon applied to you and allies heals for a small amount.

• Stride Boldly: You gain 15% increased movement speed and debilitating conditions slow you down for reduced amounts and durations.

o Master

 Minor

• Let None Be Harmed: Heals on allies are 10% more effective.

 Major

• Polearm Mastery: Polearms deal 10% more damage and conditions applied last 20% longer.

• Mastery of Leadership: Boons last 10% longer and attacks against vulnerable targets give 1% more critical strike per stack.

• Avoiding Injury: The Parry skill on the polearm lasts ½ second longer and cures a condition for each attack blocked every 1 second interval.

o Grandmaster

 Minor

• Aura of Leadership: Allies within a radius of 150 gain a stack of might lasting 3 seconds every second, max of 5 targets, allies are prioritized.

 Major

• Pole Armed is Three Armed: Strike of Tyria now applies 4 seconds of alacrity, deals 15% more damage, and applies 2 more stacks of bleeding.

• Healing is Key: Every boon applied increases all healing by 3%, stacks up to 5 times and resets to 1 after 5 seconds of being capped.

• Lead by Example: Every time you avoid an attack allies gain 2 seconds protection and applying protection cures a condition on allies, 5 targets in a 300 radius.

• Equipment

o Weapon

 Captain’s Spear

 Tyria’s Hope

 Captains Plate

 Superior Rune of the Captain

• 25 Power

• 5% boon duration

• 50 condition damage

• 5% condition duration

• 65 Power 65 Condition Damage

• 15% boon duration and 15% condition duration


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