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What spec would you like thief to have next?


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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > > > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497"

> > You realize that Deadeye uses magic....


> Exactly as you said.



> A wild event appears. Find a word thief in sentences above.



"The **Deadeye is a thief** who stalks their targets with patience and brutal accuracy. They use a Rifle to snipe ..."

— Official site

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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> "The **Deadeye is a thief** who stalks their targets with patience and brutal accuracy. They use a Rifle to snipe ..."



Congratulations. You did it. You proved that Deadeye is a magician thief. So since you already got your arcane magical thief. Let us this time have normal elite spec with no magic so we can go back to the Thief theme.



''Experts at stealth and surprise, thieves can move through the shadows, vanish into thin air, or steal items from their opponents and use them as weapons. Thieves practice an agile, acrobatic fighting style, which can make them very hard to hit.''

- Official site


Oh and Edit:

Just because they are masters of Shadow magic it has no relvenace or connection to the Shadow Arts wich are as follows


''Shadow Arts is a core specialization for the thief that focuses on survival, defensive abilities, and stealth.''

-official site


just so you were sure


Stealth, also known as cloaking or invisibility, is an effect which allows the stealthed character to be invisible to enemy players and avoid being detected by hostile NPCs.


No magic here.


So since enjoy your thief that became shadow magician and please leave us non magical thieves alone so we can get nice new espec with a lots and lots of condi dmg.

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > "The **Deadeye is a thief** who stalks their targets with patience and brutal accuracy. They use a Rifle to snipe ..."



> Congratulations. You did it. You proved that Deadeye is a magician thief. So since you already got your arcane magical thief. Let us this time have normal elite spec with no magic so we can go back to the Thief theme.



A GW2 Thief without magic is either an Engineer or a Ranger. Thief is a Thief because of Shadow Magic.


Edit for clarification:

Engineer uses gadget to go in stealth.

Ranger uses camouflage to go in stealth

Thief uses Shadow Magic to go in stealth.

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > > Have you ever seen a burglar robbing a house with a flute?

> >

> > Considering the point of a burglar is not to be seen, how do you know they don't all rob houses with a flute?


> burglar is a thief that focuses on robbing housholds...


I know, it was a joke in good humour, don't worry :)

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> @"Artyport.2084" said:

> Mist Dancer.

> A dancer spec that can buff allies with the power of the mist.

Sounds like a Power Herald to me.

> Dancing through the mist to attack enemies

Unrelenting Assault.


> while pulling out boons to inspire allies and heal.

Herald's facets.


> Weilding an offhand Sword that slices open portals as he dances through the sky.

Quite literally Rev's offhand Sword: Shackling Waves is described to "slice through the air and send a wave of energy", while Deathstrike is a teleport/shadowstep.

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:


> > Thief uses Shadow Magic to go in stealth.


> Thief uses deception to go in stealth not magic. = They are deception skills.


> **Shadow Arts — focuses on stealth and blinding enemies. Enhances venom and deception skills.**



Engineer uses tools and gadget for deception (e.g. stealth gyro).

Ranger uses natural surrounding for deception (e.g camouflage). When Ranger taps into using magic, they use Druidic Celestial Magic for stealth (e.g. Celestial Shadow).

Thief neither need tool, gadgets, or natural surroundings for deception, they have Shadow Magic.


Blinding Powder does two things, it blinds and grants stealth. The blinding is caused by the physical powder but the stealth is Shadow Magic. This is no different than the Thief throwing feathers (Throw Feathers) at someone's face; the feather causes blind and Shadow Magic is used to go in stealth.


Cloaking and invisibility is physically impossible without magic. Otherwise, a cloaking thief is no different than Naruto trying to blend to a fence with a piece of cloth or Frodo pretending to be a rock. That is not how stealth works in GW2 since it is plainly obvious that it is magic.


Deception is the result of using Shadow Magic no different that it is a result of using Illusion Magic.


If deception not magic then explain Merciful Ambush (Thief) and Mirage Advance (Mesmer).


Take your time. I can wait.

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> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> I've wanted to have thief duo wield swords with aoe damage since launch of the original game.So it would feel like an assassin.


> But since duo wield and assassin stance has been given to the rev. I don't think it will ever happen.


> Wondering what ever one else thinks thief should get next.


I would love to see some kind of shadow mage group buffer and mass debuffer. Something not damage focussed but maybe providing group invisiblity, alacrity and might. Maybe spamming blinds and fumbles on mobs.

Maybe group evades? A reliable quickness bot?


We have had enough DPS specs for thief. Something supportive that lends to the class fantasy could be really fun.

For weapons? Offhand sword could be good...torch would be interesting...maybe even axes.


Daredevil and Deadeye are great fun, but I would love to see something support oriented that synergized with some of the core traits and gave us some fun buildcraft ideas. The profession needs a bit more variety

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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> >

> > > Thief uses Shadow Magic to go in stealth.

> >

> > Thief uses deception to go in stealth not magic. = They are deception skills.

> >

> > **Shadow Arts — focuses on stealth and blinding enemies. Enhances venom and deception skills.**

> >


> Engineer uses tools and gadget for deception (e.g. stealth gyro).

> Ranger uses natural surrounding for deception (e.g camouflage). When Ranger taps into using magic, they use Druidic Celestial Magic for stealth (e.g. Celestial Shadow).

> Thief neither need tool, gadgets, or natural surroundings for deception, they have Shadow Magic.


> Blinding Powder does two things, it blinds and grants stealth. The blinding is caused by the physical powder but the stealth is Shadow Magic. This is no different than the Thief throwing feathers (Throw Feathers) at someone's face; the feather causes blind and Shadow Magic is used to go in stealth.


> Cloaking and invisibility is physically impossible without magic. Otherwise, a cloaking thief is no different than Naruto trying to blend to a fence with a piece of cloth or Frodo pretending to be a rock. That is not how stealth works in GW2 since it is plainly obvious that it is magic.


> Deception is the result of using Shadow Magic no different that it is a result of using Illusion Magic.


> If deception not magic then explain Merciful Ambush (Thief) and Mirage Advance (Mesmer).


> Take your time. I can wait.


> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > I've wanted to have thief duo wield swords with aoe damage since launch of the original game.So it would feel like an assassin.

> >

> > But since duo wield and assassin stance has been given to the rev. I don't think it will ever happen.

> >

> > Wondering what ever one else thinks thief should get next.


> I would love to see some kind of shadow mage group buffer and mass debuffer. Something not damage focussed but maybe providing group invisiblity, alacrity and might. Maybe spamming blinds and fumbles on mobs.

> Maybe group evades? A reliable quickness bot?


> We have had enough DPS specs for thief. Something supportive that lends to the class fantasy could be really fun.

> For weapons? Offhand sword could be good...torch would be interesting...maybe even axes.


> Daredevil and Deadeye are great fun, but I would love to see something support oriented that synergized with some of the core traits and gave us some fun buildcraft ideas. The profession needs a bit more variety


The whole magical and/or support ideas are HIGHLY UNLIKELY to happen.


for one thing, an


[Adventurer](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Adventurer "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Adventurer")


is different in this game from a


[scholar](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scholar "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scholar") .


Even if they were to make another support mid-line role, it would fall onto rangers or engineers without a doubt.


**Shadow mage already exist in the game, it is called Mesmer**


Magical greatsword? See above

Clone Thief? See above

Stealthy support? See above


[General Thief Description](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thief_(character_class) "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thief_(character_class)") essentially a thief


[GW2 Wiki Thief](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Thief "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Thief") notice how similar the description is?



[GW2 Official Thief](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/professions/thief/ "https://guildwars2.com/en/the-game/professions/thief/")

They may be capable of using magic, but it's not really a core theme or skill.


**Most Likely Possibilities:**


* Offhand Sword

* Mace

* Condi Theme Torch (this would have the most "magical" potent theme-wise)



In other games thieves, rogues, and assassins have the potential to be promoted to a "sniper" class, so DE was thematically a compatible path upgrade.


I would be super surprised if it were given a great sword. My money and bet are that the next recipient of great sword will be Revenant.


**I won't change or delete this, so we can check back in a year or two and see who was more wrong.**



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> @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > > > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > > > Have you ever seen a burglar robbing a house with a flute?

> > >

> > > Considering the point of a burglar is not to be seen, how do you know they don't all rob houses with a flute?

> >

> > burglar is a thief that focuses on robbing housholds...


> I know, it was a joke in good humour, don't worry :)


ups sorry man i thought missunderstood what you said ( -.- ) I appologise

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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:


Ahhh. I dont really know how many times i have to quote this.


''Stealth, also known as cloaking or invisibility, is an effect which allows the stealthed character to be invisible to enemy players and avoid being detected by hostile NPCs. ''


It literally says it is a game mechanic. It is in the game because we lack abbilities such as climbing, crouching, hiding, ETC. That is why we can go in Stealth so the game keeps having realistic features altho they are not possible in game. Just because you throw yourself in stealth after you use blinding power it doesnt mean you are under a spell

The Stealth is there to imitate the Blindness you applied to your foe when you threw the dust in his eyes. He could not see you. That is why you are in Stealth. So he couldn't see you. Blindness is the side effect condition that helps to enhance the immersion so he wouldnt hit you for sure. Throw feathers same thing they just have it more diverse so you dont throw only dust at everyone.

As far as your Merciful Ambush goes. It is again just a mechanic. Thief could relocate you if we have the abbility. You could hide in near bush or behind a tree or under a slope or rocks or whatever. That is why you have those 2 secs of stealth. Also not to mention if a thief is really sneaky character you wouldnt prolly see him as he approaches the downed player so you dont excpect him to try and revive. Again imitation of real life circumstances.

No magic here.

It is all just there so it feels a bit real altho it cant be all in the game. Cuz data size, cuz it costs a lot and cuz it would take AGES to make and debug.

I am not gonna deal with mesmer skill those are mages they might go invisible = magic. But thief is never invisible they are only either runing around you while you are blinded by their trick. Or they are hiding in some bush or whatever. But since game cant provide this they gave us stealth so we still have the abbility even tho we dont have it.


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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > >

> > > > Thief uses Shadow Magic to go in stealth.

> > >

> > > Thief uses deception to go in stealth not magic. = They are deception skills.

> > >

> > > **Shadow Arts — focuses on stealth and blinding enemies. Enhances venom and deception skills.**

> > >

> >

> > Engineer uses tools and gadget for deception (e.g. stealth gyro).

> > Ranger uses natural surrounding for deception (e.g camouflage). When Ranger taps into using magic, they use Druidic Celestial Magic for stealth (e.g. Celestial Shadow).

> > Thief neither need tool, gadgets, or natural surroundings for deception, they have Shadow Magic.

> >

> > Blinding Powder does two things, it blinds and grants stealth. The blinding is caused by the physical powder but the stealth is Shadow Magic. This is no different than the Thief throwing feathers (Throw Feathers) at someone's face; the feather causes blind and Shadow Magic is used to go in stealth.

> >

> > Cloaking and invisibility is physically impossible without magic. Otherwise, a cloaking thief is no different than Naruto trying to blend to a fence with a piece of cloth or Frodo pretending to be a rock. That is not how stealth works in GW2 since it is plainly obvious that it is magic.

> >

> > Deception is the result of using Shadow Magic no different that it is a result of using Illusion Magic.

> >

> > If deception not magic then explain Merciful Ambush (Thief) and Mirage Advance (Mesmer).

> >

> > Take your time. I can wait.


> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > > I've wanted to have thief duo wield swords with aoe damage since launch of the original game.So it would feel like an assassin.

> > >

> > > But since duo wield and assassin stance has been given to the rev. I don't think it will ever happen.

> > >

> > > Wondering what ever one else thinks thief should get next.

> >

> > I would love to see some kind of shadow mage group buffer and mass debuffer. Something not damage focussed but maybe providing group invisiblity, alacrity and might. Maybe spamming blinds and fumbles on mobs.

> > Maybe group evades? A reliable quickness bot?

> >

> > We have had enough DPS specs for thief. Something supportive that lends to the class fantasy could be really fun.

> > For weapons? Offhand sword could be good...torch would be interesting...maybe even axes.

> >

> > Daredevil and Deadeye are great fun, but I would love to see something support oriented that synergized with some of the core traits and gave us some fun buildcraft ideas. The profession needs a bit more variety


> The whole magical and/or support ideas are HIGHLY UNLIKELY to happen.


> for one thing, an


> [Adventurer](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Adventurer "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Adventurer")


> is different in this game from a


> [scholar](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scholar "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scholar") .



Druid says hi and disagrees with you.

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:


> Ahhh. I dont really know how many times i have to quote this.


> ''Stealth, also known as cloaking or invisibility, is an effect which allows the stealthed character to be invisible to enemy players and avoid being detected by hostile NPCs. ''


> It literally says it is a game mechanic. It is in the game because we lack abbilities such as climbing, crouching, hiding, ETC. That is why we can go in Stealth so the game keeps having realistic features altho they are not possible in game. Just because you throw yourself in stealth after you use blinding power it doesnt mean you are under a spell

> The Stealth is there to imitate the Blindness you applied to your foe when you threw the dust in his eyes. He could not see you. That is why you are in Stealth. So he couldn't see you. Blindness is the side effect condition that helps to enhance the immersion so he wouldnt hit you for sure. Throw feathers same thing they just have it more diverse so you dont throw only dust at everyone.

> As far as your Merciful Ambush goes. It is again just a mechanic. Thief could relocate you if we have the abbility. You could hide in near bush or behind a tree or under a slope or rocks or whatever. That is why you have those 2 secs of stealth. Also not to mention if a thief is really sneaky character you wouldnt prolly see him as he approaches the downed player so you dont excpect him to try and revive. Again imitation of real life circumstances.

> No magic here.

> It is all just there so it feels a bit real altho it cant be all in the game. Cuz data size, cuz it costs a lot and cuz it would take AGES to make and debug.

> I am not gonna deal with mesmer skill those are mages they might go invisible = magic. But thief is never invisible they are only either runing around you while you are blinded by their trick. Or they are hiding in some bush or whatever. But since game cant provide this they gave us stealth so we still have the abbility even tho we dont have it.



Then explain why Dust Strike and Signet of Shadows doesn't apply stealth.


In addition, explain why Shadow Refuge applies stealth without blindness.


Shadow Magic is the game mechanic.

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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:


> >

> > The whole magical and/or support ideas are HIGHLY UNLIKELY to happen.

> >

> > for one thing, an

> >

> > [Adventurer](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Adventurer "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Adventurer")

> >

> > is different in this game from a

> >

> > [scholar](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scholar "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scholar") .

> >


Druid says hi and disagrees with you.


> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:



> [scholar](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scholar "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scholar") .


> Even if they were to make another support mid-line role, it would fall onto rangers or engineers without a doubt.


No he doesn't. Owned

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:


> Ahhh. I dont really know how many times i have to quote this.


> ''Stealth, also known as cloaking or invisibility, is an effect which allows the stealthed character to be invisible to enemy players and avoid being detected by hostile NPCs. ''


> It literally says it is a game mechanic. It is in the game because we lack abbilities such as climbing, crouching, hiding, ETC. That is why we can go in Stealth so the game keeps having realistic features altho they are not possible in game. Just because you throw yourself in stealth after you use blinding power it doesnt mean you are under a spell

> The Stealth is there to imitate the Blindness you applied to your foe when you threw the dust in his eyes. He could not see you. That is why you are in Stealth. So he couldn't see you. Blindness is the side effect condition that helps to enhance the immersion so he wouldnt hit you for sure. Throw feathers same thing they just have it more diverse so you dont throw only dust at everyone.

> As far as your Merciful Ambush goes. It is again just a mechanic. Thief could relocate you if we have the abbility. You could hide in near bush or behind a tree or under a slope or rocks or whatever. That is why you have those 2 secs of stealth. Also not to mention if a thief is really sneaky character you wouldnt prolly see him as he approaches the downed player so you dont excpect him to try and revive. Again imitation of real life circumstances.

> No magic here.

> It is all just there so it feels a bit real altho it cant be all in the game. Cuz data size, cuz it costs a lot and cuz it would take AGES to make and debug.

> I am not gonna deal with mesmer skill those are mages they might go invisible = magic. But thief is never invisible they are only either runing around you while you are blinded by their trick. Or they are hiding in some bush or whatever. But since game cant provide this they gave us stealth so we still have the abbility even tho we dont have it.



Na totally magic. Magic thief every where. All day errr day. Magician thieves.

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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:


> Then explain why Dust Strike and Signet of Shadows doesn't apply stealth.


> In addition, explain why Shadow Refuge applies stealth without blindness.


> Shadow Magic is the game mechanic.


You know what. I am stopping this after i explain this to you. Because you will simply list all the stealth traits thief and when i rationally explain it to you you will simply disagree cuz you want to have magician thief.


Shado magic is not a game mechanic. Shadow magic is a theme.


Game mechanics are ways how the game allows you to acomplish your goal. = You can walk so you are able to get from point A to point B.

Game mechanics are sort of a line you can or have to walk so you've achieved your goal.


A theme on the other hand. Is the in game explanation of the game mechanics which is either set with the backstory or lore of the world.

It has nothing to do with mechanics. It is only a sticker which tells you = the character moves forward, Yea he walks. The character is invisible. Yea he is in stealth.


In lore of GW2 thieves were never mages. Only espec for thief that mentions shadow magic (a theme) is Deadeye. And as i said before. You already got your magical thief themed espec = Deadeye.


The Thief or Daredevil on the other hand NEVER had nothing to do with magic. They were acrobattic, sneaky, deceptive, tricksters.

I am not going to explain every single trait Thief has to you go to Wiki and read it word by word so you can figure it out.


A theme of a Thief is not a mage. A theme of a Thief is THE THIEF.


Thank you for your attention lecture is over.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:


> > >

> > > The whole magical and/or support ideas are HIGHLY UNLIKELY to happen.

> > >

> > > for one thing, an

> > >

> > > [Adventurer](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Adventurer "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Adventurer")

> > >

> > > is different in this game from a

> > >

> > > [scholar](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scholar "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scholar") .

> > >

> >

> Druid says hi and disagrees with you.


> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:


> >

> > [scholar](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scholar "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scholar") .

> >

> > Even if they were to make another support mid-line role, it would fall onto rangers or engineers without a doubt.


> No he doesn't. Owned


Sorry but that shows that he proved himself wrong in the same post. Saying "HIGHLY UNLIKELY to happen" then referring to the Druid is self-ownage - no need to point that out, but thanks for highlighting it.

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:


> > Then explain why Dust Strike and Signet of Shadows doesn't apply stealth.

> >

> > In addition, explain why Shadow Refuge applies stealth without blindness.

> >

> > Shadow Magic is the game mechanic.


> You know what. I am stopping this after i explain this to you. Because you will simply list all the stealth traits thief and when i rationally explain it to you you will simply disagree cuz you want to have magician thief.


> Shado magic is not a game mechanic. Shadow magic is a theme.


> Game mechanics are ways how the game allows you to acomplish your goal. = You can walk so you are able to get from point A to point B.

> Game mechanics are sort of a line you can or have to walk so you've achieved your goal.


> A theme on the other hand. Is the in game explanation of the game mechanics which is either set with the backstory or lore of the world.

> It has nothing to do with mechanics. It is only a sticker which tells you = the character moves forward, Yea he walks. The character is invisible. Yea he is in stealth.


> In lore of GW2 thieves were never mages. Only espec for thief that mentions shadow magic (a theme) is Deadeye. And as i said before. You already got your magical thief themed espec = Deadeye.


> The Thief or Daredevil on the other hand NEVER had nothing to do with magic. They were acrobattic, sneaky, deceptive, tricksters.

> I am not going to explain every single trait Thief has to you go to Wiki and read it word by word so you can figure it out.


> A theme of a Thief is not a mage. A theme of a Thief is THE THIEF.


> Thank you for your attention lecture is over.


As long as Thief has access to Shadow Arts, regardless of the Elite spec, they have access to Shadow Magic.


A Daredevil leaping through smoke field is using Shadow Magic to go in stealth. A Daredevil who spec for Shadow Art is using Shadow Magic for defense.


Shadow Arts is a core spec of the Thief so saying that both Thief and Daredevil had nothing to do with magic is highly inaccurate.


Keep in mind that an Elite Specialization is a specialization, it does not invalidate the core specialization other than another Eilte spec. Meaning a Thief that specialize in physical skills doesn't necessarily mean they no longer have access to Shadow Magic.


You still failed to make a case where Engineer needs a gadget to go in stealth while Thief does not. You have yet to debunk that the only stealth access of Thief is through Shadow Magic. Nothing in Trickery nor in Acrobatic that allows for stealth because Thief's Stealth is not a parlor trick, a camo, or a light distortion device, it is real magic in the world of GW2.


You are yet to explain why Dust Strike and Signet of Shadows doesn't apply stealth.


And why Shadow Refuge applies stealth without blindness.


The first profession that used Shadow Arts was the Assassins from Cantha and their patron goddess is Lyssa, who has magic in both deception and illusion. This is why Mirage has access to Deception just as Thief has access to Deception. They share the same magic that was granted by the goddess Lyssa to Tyria.


You are also confused what a game mechanic is. A game mechanic is a set of rules. These rules consists of differentiating between a gadget generated stealth vs. a magic generated stealth. The game mechanic requires an Engineer to use their gyro to go in stealth, while the game mechanic does not require the Thief to have any tools to go in stealth. Thief is allowed to go in stealth just by trying to revive a fallen ally -- why? Because Thief is using the game mechanics the rules magic.


Weapons are treated like a magical focus and the Thief can channel Shadow Magic to their dagger when using Cloak and Dagger to go in stealth after the dagger attack. CnD does not blind the target nor the Thief uses a gadget, so how does the game mechanic allows the Thief to go in stealth? One answer, magic.


EDIT: typos

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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> >

> > > >

> > > > The whole magical and/or support ideas are HIGHLY UNLIKELY to happen.

> > > >

> > > > for one thing, an

> > > >

> > > > [Adventurer](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Adventurer "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Adventurer")

> > > >

> > > > is different in this game from a

> > > >

> > > > [scholar](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scholar "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scholar") .

> > > >

> > >

> > Druid says hi and disagrees with you.

> >

> > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> >

> > >

> > > [scholar](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scholar "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scholar") .

> > >

> > > Even if they were to make another support mid-line role, it would fall onto rangers or engineers without a doubt.

> >

> > No he doesn't. Owned


> Sorry but that shows that he proved himself wrong in the same post. Saying "HIGHLY UNLIKELY to happen" then referring to the Druid is self-ownage - no need to point that out, but thanks for highlighting it.


no. you are wrong.

the context was that it is highly unlikely a thief will get a support role.

you said druid says hi as if I didn't acknowledge that there could be mid-line support, but I did. It will be engi or ranger.


so, you are wrong. OWNED. and own it, don't try to twist the narrative.



also read all the profession descriptions, see what is at their core.


notice how the thief and mesmer are the only classes that don't mention providing aid their allies.


they are selfish classes


sure, there can be ways to indirectly aide, but thematically......




**edit: yes, it was in that context...we are in the thief forums**

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