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Feedback on solving Chronomancer role-compression


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As most people might have noticed by now, after the latest balance update Chronomancer with the ((CS+Mimic+Soi+Soi)*2)*2 rotation has become really strong in terms of boon upkeep, managing almost 100% on every boon in the game in a raiding scenario. Even in fractals, while slightly worse, similar results can be achieved, due to the short duration of fights/phases.

Now more than ever, it´s very appearant that chronomancer is a problem child of this game, invalidating many other support specs, that are viable and strong on their own, but pale in comparison to chrono and just never get played.

To solve this problem, we should first address what chronomancer is and what it´s supposed to do and bring for any given group. "Chronomancer" by itself fills the time-wizard theme of the game, providing quickness and alacrity to the group (Spoiler: they just make u think they alter time, messing with your perception). Furthernore, it´s a tanking class, having shield and many of the core mesmer evasion/mitigation skills. 3rd it provides CC in the form of Moa or Gravity Well and occasionaly aegis with inspiration or well of precognition.

So how do we address role compression of the class?

Firstly (and this one point is mostly my personal reasoning), chrono should not heal on top of all its other utility. Other classes are more specifically designed for the healing role and chrono just doesnt need that extra layer of power. This means the healing on the minor trait _"All´s well that end´s well"_ should be removed and be replaced with something more fitting for what chrono is supposed to do.

Secondly (the more pressing and larger objective problem), chrono should have way less coverage, of non time-themed boons. Chaos boons in conjunction with chrono add way too much coverage and power to a single class and can and should still be effectively handled by other supports. This one specifically is a problem with mesmers class-perception. Core mesmer has no problem with Signet of inspiration and it fits the basic theme of the profession (Thieves stealing ectoplasm for example, both from mesmers and certain raid-bosses). But chrono amplifies the power of this single skill so much by casting it 4 times (8 with another chrono and inspiration grandmaster), that is powercreeps to insane levels. I understand not wanting to nerf Soi for the sake of immersion, but in this perculiar situation it kinda has to be done.


So here are my solutions:


1. _"Seize the moment"_ and _"All´s well that end´s well"_ swap places; ~~Wells dont heal allies anymore, instead~~ this trait now increases target cap of wells to 10. Making this trait competitive with the Grandmaster _"Chronophantasma"_, having you make a tradeoff between personal dps and group utility.


2. _Signet of Inspiration_: ~~If this skill is used in conjunction with the chronomancer elite spec, its active effect changes. It no longer provides 1 stack of every boon in the game for 3sec, instead it only provides the tempo-themed boons quickness/alacrity/swiftness and maybe some might (+ aegis when used with inspiration grandmaster). This change is similar to how they nerfed scourges interaction with dhuum-fire (the one where, if u use the trait with scrouge, it gets an ICD). ~~

_Edit: Decisively better proposals have been made in the discussion below, go check them out!_

**Alternatively** they could also nerf _"Bountiful Disillusionment"_ , maybe with a reasonably long ICD, thus tuning back SoI into a skill that´s meant to acts as an amplifier for boons provided by other classes, rather than to synergize with itself and a 2nd chrono so hard and reduce the duration of boons other than quickness and alacrity on SoI.

3. _Firebrand_: (PvE only) _Quickfire_ now causes quickness provided by the firebrand to effect 10 people.

_Renegade_ gets buffed to have slightly more dps while running 100% alacrity. These are two change outside of the mesmer profession, simply to address diversity. (PvE only, because FB is already plenty strong in WvW)


With this you can run 1 chrono and either FB or Renegade, having the important boons and CC/healing; run no chrono and go FB+Ren to have way stronger group dps (as FB and Renegade both bring individually way more dps than any chrono build), or run 2 chronos for boons and stronger CC, but sacrificing the ~25K dps that either FB or Renegade bring in addition to stuff like aegis/resistance/stab spam (firebrand) or soul-summit/charr-spirits/other revenant utility (Renegade). It also opens options for supports who bring other boons, that are not quickness/alacrity, like vigor, protection, fury etc.


I hope this post is comprehensibly enough for everyone and gets my point across. I DO NOT want to invalidate chrono, i personally enjoy the class, but as much as i like perma every boon, it´s objectively OP and needs to go. Please consider leaving some constructive feedback.

I really love the game and want to continue to enjoy it for many years to come. Good balance is part of a healthy gameing experience and i would like to believe any constructive critism and feedback made by me here, or by any player at large can help influence in a positive way.

Now i dont know if any Anet-Dev actually reads this post, but i am hopefull this could actually lead to a productive discussion or help in any way.


Pls keep in mind, this is my personal opinion of the matter. Feel free to disagree, but please stay polite. As players, we have a very good and unique understanding of the game, but Anet is still a company with very professional employees and even tho we might sometimes disagree, these people love the game just as much as we do. They understand their system best and player knowledge isnt better or worse than Dev knowledge, it´s just different.

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@"Bramymond.7689" said:

> As most people might have noticed by now, after the latest balance update Chronomancer with the ((CS+Mimic+Soi+Soi)*2)*2 rotation has become really strong in terms of boon upkeep, managing almost 100% on every boon in the game in a raiding scenario. Even in fractals, while slightly worse, similar results can be achieved, due to the short duration of fights/phases.

> Now more than ever, it´s very appearant that chronomancer is a problem child of this game, invalidating many other support specs, that are viable and strong on their own, but pale in comparison to chrono and just never get played.

> To solve this problem, we should first address what chronomancer is and what it´s supposed to do and bring for any given group. "Chronomancer" by itself fills the time-wizard theme of the game, providing quickness and alacrity to the group (Spoiler: they just make u think they alter time, messing with your perception). Furthernore, it´s a tanking class, having shield and many of the core mesmer evasion/mitigation skills. 3rd it provides CC in the form of Moa or Gravity Well and occasionaly aegis with inspiration or well of precognition.

> So how do we address role compression of the class?

> Firstly (and this one point is mostly my personal reasoning), chrono should not heal on top of all its other utility. Other classes are more specifically designed for the healing role and chrono just doesnt need that extra layer of power. This means the healing on the minor trait _"All´s well that end´s well"_ should be removed and be replaced with something more fitting for what chrono is supposed to do.

> Secondly (the more pressing and larger objective problem), chrono should have way less coverage, of non time-themed boons. Chaos boons in conjunction with chrono add way too much coverage and power to a single class and can and should still be effectively handled by other supports. This one specifically is a problem with mesmers class-perception. Core mesmer has no problem with Signet of inspiration and it fits the basic theme of the profession (Thieves stealing ectoplasm for example, both from mesmers and certain raid-bosses). But chrono amplifies the power of this single skill so much by casting it 4 times (8 with another chrono and inspiration grandmaster), that is powercreeps to insane levels. I understand not wanting to nerf Soi for the sake of immersion, but in this perculiar situation it kinda has to be done.


> So here are my solutions:


> 1. _"Seize the moment"_ and _"All´s well that end´s well"_ swap places; Wells dont heal allies anymore, instead this trait now increases target cap of wells to 10. Making this trait competitive with the Grandmaster _"Chronophantasma"_, having you make a tradeoff between personal dps and group utility.


> 2. _Signet of Inspiration_: If this skill is used in conjunction with the chronomancer elite spec, its active effect changes. It no longer provides 1 stack of every boon in the game for 3sec, instead it only provides the tempo-themed boons quickness/alacrity/swiftness and maybe some might (+ aegis when used with inspiration grandmaster). This change is similar to how they nerfed scourges interaction with dhuum-fire (the one where, if u use the trait with scrouge, it gets an ICD).

> **Alternatively** they could also nerf _"Bountiful Disillusionment"_ , maybe with a reasonably long ICD, thus tuning back SoI into a skill that´s meant to acts as an amplifier for boons provided by other classes, rather than to synergize with itself and a 2nd chrono so hard and reduce the duration of boons other than quickness and alacrity on SoI.

> 3. _Firebrand_: (PvE only) _Quickfire_ now causes quickness provided by the firebrand to effect 10 people.

> _Renegade_ gets buffed to have slightly more dps while running 100% alacrity. These are two change outside of the mesmer profession, simply to address diversity. (PvE only, because FB is already plenty strong in WvW)


> With this you can run 1 chrono and either FB or Renegade, having the important boons and CC/healing; run no chrono and go FB+Ren to have way stronger group dps (as FB and Renegade both bring individually way more dps than any chrono build), or run 2 chronos for boons and stronger CC, but sacrificing the ~25K dps that either FB or Renegade bring in addition to stuff like aegis/resistance/stab spam (firebrand) or soul-summit/charr-spirits/other revenant utility (Renegade). It also opens options for supports who bring other boons, that are not quickness/alacrity, like vigor, protection, fury etc.


> I hope this post is comprehensibly enough for everyone and gets my point across. I DO NOT want to invalidate chrono, i personally enjoy the class, but as much as i like perma every boon, it´s objectively OP and needs to go. Please consider leaving some constructive feedback.

> I really love the game and want to continue to enjoy it for many years to come. Good balance is part of a healthy gameing experience and i would like to believe any constructive critism and feedback made by me here, or by any player at large can help influence in a positive way.

> Now i dont know if any Anet-Dev actually reads this post, but i am hopefull this could actually lead to a productive discussion or help in any way.


> Pls keep in mind, this is my personal opinion of the matter. Feel free to disagree, but please stay polite. As players, we have a very good and unique understanding of the game, but Anet is still a company with very professional employees and even tho we might sometimes disagree, these people love the game just as much as we do. They understand their system best and player knowledge isnt better or worse than Dev knowledge, it´s just different.


Changing one utility/trait skill is much easier than the changes you propose. If they rework SoI now, they won't have to ruin a whole trait-line later. _EM being a stark example of misguided balancing._


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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> I would say the only problem is signet of inspiration. It doesnt matter if you can generate those boons as chrono because you can just make any boon that you randomly get almost permanent. Maybe change soi that it extend duration of all boons (exept quickness and alacrity) instead of generating them


You mean Soi should increase the duration of all boons on your allies by 3sec instead of copying the boons that currently are on yourself onto them? That might actually be a pretty elegant solution aswell!

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> @"Bramymond.7689" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > I would say the only problem is signet of inspiration. It doesnt matter if you can generate those boons as chrono because you can just make any boon that you randomly get almost permanent. Maybe change soi that it extend duration of all boons (exept quickness and alacrity) instead of generating them


> You mean Soi should increase the duration of all boons on your allies by 3sec instead of copying the boons that currently are on yourself onto them? That might actually be a pretty elegant solution aswell!


In organized play those are mostly the same thing. Unless you mean for SoI to not scale with boon duration.

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> @"Knox.8962" said:

> > @"Bramymond.7689" said:

> > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > I would say the only problem is signet of inspiration. It doesnt matter if you can generate those boons as chrono because you can just make any boon that you randomly get almost permanent. Maybe change soi that it extend duration of all boons (exept quickness and alacrity) instead of generating them

> >

> > You mean Soi should increase the duration of all boons on your allies by 3sec instead of copying the boons that currently are on yourself onto them? That might actually be a pretty elegant solution aswell!


> In organized play those are mostly the same thing. Unless you mean for SoI to not scale with boon duration.


In this scenario, Boon duration wouldnt matter. Look at the new facet of nature from herald on glint. The active effect says clearly 2 seconds and nothing more. Only the trait to extend it to 3 seconds. Other then that boon duration wouldnt matter. Maybe A-net gave it to the herald first to "test" the effect on the playerbase, for preparations on using it on the future SoI. Dont know if they would do it though to mimic revenants FoN, but the chances are there.

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> @"Knox.8962" said:

> > @"Bramymond.7689" said:

> > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > I would say the only problem is signet of inspiration. It doesnt matter if you can generate those boons as chrono because you can just make any boon that you randomly get almost permanent. Maybe change soi that it extend duration of all boons (exept quickness and alacrity) instead of generating them

> >

> > You mean Soi should increase the duration of all boons on your allies by 3sec instead of copying the boons that currently are on yourself onto them? That might actually be a pretty elegant solution aswell!


> In organized play those are mostly the same thing. Unless you mean for SoI to not scale with boon duration.


Yes but then you can hit chaos so shatters give boons only to chrono and then you need to find aoe sources for boons you want. Chrono just makes them last longer.

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Is it really bad to have a boon-providing build for 10man? I feel like its rather the additional utility thats the problem, not the boons per se. Resistance, stability, aegis should be way rarer, yeah. But the other boons? It helps diversity a ton to have them provided by chronos atm.


Maybe go about it the other way? Nerf the cc of chronomancer. ToT on big hit boxes is 1k, moa 1k. On top of that utility, you get focus pulls and atm have even a slot free for something like precog well, which is just plainly OP in pve content.


Imo, its the additional utility thats the problem. Not the boons themselves. Reading how people want to nerf chaos trait or SoI pains me, simply because then we would need to get the boons from somewhere else. And the way boons are distributed across different builds ... I made a spreadsheet with percentage uptimes and lets just say, if you remove druid and chrono from the mix, you end up with 5+ very specific supporters. Vigor alone is a pain because pretty much only druid and chronos provide it 100%.


This could be solved by a 10man buffer build that sole purpose is to provide boons, some healing and decent cc - along the lines of a druid, but with less healing. With such a build, SoI could be removed without breaking raids and t4 fractals. Without SoI, chaos trait is pretty pointless.


But tbh, I gave up on the boon-fiasco a year ago, when anet went the easy road instead of finally completely restructuring boon distribution across builds and just added more boons and more boon corrupt to every build. Any major changes at this point will either mean a huge balance patch with unforeseen repercussions for pvp and wvw... or will break raids/t4 fractals.

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I would say it boils down to the fact that Quickness and Alacrity are too powerful when combined..... but this problem is specific to Raids (and to a lesser extent Fractals), because the rotations for 100% uptime are only really possible under this conditions. In other game modes, application is more sporadic, and the competitive modes counter it via boon strip. It wasn't exactly an elegant solution to boon share, but its what exists and does the job.


Chronos would be taken regardless of Role compression because they are the only build that enables a reliable 100% uptime on the 2 boons that matter most. Even with the changes, the FB/Rngd Combo have a harder time of this, and are not as modular as 2 Chronos in split group. The Tank aspects was just a bonus due to Mesmer's strong 1v1 defense, and already sacrificing DPS to gain its support uptime.


But the problem is you can't kill "just Chrono", because the majority of how it works comes from Core skills and Traits. So the only even close to reasonable solution is to either dismantle SOI, or unfocus Chrono's internal alacrity loop..... unfortunately doing the latter fundamentally breaks Chrono because its all its skills are balanced on the assumption of high alacrity uptime. (Which why they did Improved Alacrity to maintain Chrono, but lower its power on other classes). Unfortunately you can't outright kill SOI either, because thats currently how Mesmer boon shares in more mobile situations, and would hamper support Chrono in WvW.


Its just all around a tough call, because Chrono's design just slots so perfectly into everything. I think the bigger question is to ask what would a Chrono do if it lost its wells (main source of Quickness and Alacrity uptime), and use theorcrafting from that to adjust wells in some fashion. These are notably most effective in the 2 content wings where Quick/Alac has the highest uptime, and incidentally also the most game breaking/controlling.


But I don't think this would fix anything, because the problem is still fundamentally rooted in that boon pair being too powerful at 100% uptime, and that Raids are the reason its solidified in the first place. Boonshare chrono didn't create that problem, its just the best class to exploit it.

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I think many people have a wrong understanding of what will happen when they split boon generation to different classes. The game will actually become LESS diverse. People will still want as many boons as possible, so certain builds/specs/classes will be mandatory again. Chronomancer being able to provide basically all the boons you want actually gave us way more options in terms of class combinations. Right now the only fix classes are 2 Chronos and one warrior (maybe one druid). Everything else can be combined almost randomly (depending on the encounter) and is still really really strong. This has never been the case before and I for myself don't miss the time where at least 6 slots were already predetermined because everything else was significantly worse.

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In some matters I agree with you.

Yes boonshare chrono is too strong and it should definetly not provide every boon in the game.

I disagree about the healing matter. I like the fact that chrono as a suppprt spec can go for some heals. It doesn't outheal actual healing specs so I don't think that is a problem. It's just a nice support ability that fits the profession.


I hate your idea for Signet of Inspiration. An Elite specialization should never reduce the effectiveness of a base skill and let's be honest who would run Signet of Inspiration without chrono...


What I would like for chrono would be the ability to share quickness and alacrity 100% and some other boons with less uptime (e.g. via Bountiful Dissipation) but not being able to copy these even more.


That being said I would rather have the Signet reworked completely. Nerfing chaos would not help as players would just buff certain boons on the mesmer which would then keep these boons up.



Rework SoI killing chaos won't work

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> @"Bramymond.7689" said:

> As most people might have noticed by now, after the latest balance update Chronomancer with the ((CS+Mimic+Soi+Soi)*2)*2 rotation has become really strong in terms of boon upkeep, managing almost 100% on every boon in the game in a raiding scenario. Even in fractals, while slightly worse, similar results can be achieved, due to the short duration of fights/phases.

> Now more than ever, it´s very appearant that chronomancer is a problem child of this game, invalidating many other support specs, that are viable and strong on their own, but pale in comparison to chrono and just never get played.

> To solve this problem, we should first address what chronomancer is and what it´s supposed to do and bring for any given group. "Chronomancer" by itself fills the time-wizard theme of the game, providing quickness and alacrity to the group (Spoiler: they just make u think they alter time, messing with your perception). Furthernore, it´s a tanking class, having shield and many of the core mesmer evasion/mitigation skills. 3rd it provides CC in the form of Moa or Gravity Well and occasionaly aegis with inspiration or well of precognition.

> So how do we address role compression of the class?

> Firstly (and this one point is mostly my personal reasoning), chrono should not heal on top of all its other utility. Other classes are more specifically designed for the healing role and chrono just doesnt need that extra layer of power. This means the healing on the minor trait _"All´s well that end´s well"_ should be removed and be replaced with something more fitting for what chrono is supposed to do.

> Secondly (the more pressing and larger objective problem), chrono should have way less coverage, of non time-themed boons. Chaos boons in conjunction with chrono add way too much coverage and power to a single class and can and should still be effectively handled by other supports. This one specifically is a problem with mesmers class-perception. Core mesmer has no problem with Signet of inspiration and it fits the basic theme of the profession (Thieves stealing ectoplasm for example, both from mesmers and certain raid-bosses). But chrono amplifies the power of this single skill so much by casting it 4 times (8 with another chrono and inspiration grandmaster), that is powercreeps to insane levels. I understand not wanting to nerf Soi for the sake of immersion, but in this perculiar situation it kinda has to be done.


> So here are my solutions:


> 1. _"Seize the moment"_ and _"All´s well that end´s well"_ swap places; Wells dont heal allies anymore, instead this trait now increases target cap of wells to 10. Making this trait competitive with the Grandmaster _"Chronophantasma"_, having you make a tradeoff between personal dps and group utility.


> 2. _Signet of Inspiration_: If this skill is used in conjunction with the chronomancer elite spec, its active effect changes. It no longer provides 1 stack of every boon in the game for 3sec, instead it only provides the tempo-themed boons quickness/alacrity/swiftness and maybe some might (+ aegis when used with inspiration grandmaster). This change is similar to how they nerfed scourges interaction with dhuum-fire (the one where, if u use the trait with scrouge, it gets an ICD).

> **Alternatively** they could also nerf _"Bountiful Disillusionment"_ , maybe with a reasonably long ICD, thus tuning back SoI into a skill that´s meant to acts as an amplifier for boons provided by other classes, rather than to synergize with itself and a 2nd chrono so hard and reduce the duration of boons other than quickness and alacrity on SoI.

> 3. _Firebrand_: (PvE only) _Quickfire_ now causes quickness provided by the firebrand to effect 10 people.

> _Renegade_ gets buffed to have slightly more dps while running 100% alacrity. These are two change outside of the mesmer profession, simply to address diversity. (PvE only, because FB is already plenty strong in WvW)


> With this you can run 1 chrono and either FB or Renegade, having the important boons and CC/healing; run no chrono and go FB+Ren to have way stronger group dps (as FB and Renegade both bring individually way more dps than any chrono build), or run 2 chronos for boons and stronger CC, but sacrificing the ~25K dps that either FB or Renegade bring in addition to stuff like aegis/resistance/stab spam (firebrand) or soul-summit/charr-spirits/other revenant utility (Renegade). It also opens options for supports who bring other boons, that are not quickness/alacrity, like vigor, protection, fury etc.


> I hope this post is comprehensibly enough for everyone and gets my point across. I DO NOT want to invalidate chrono, i personally enjoy the class, but as much as i like perma every boon, it´s objectively OP and needs to go. Please consider leaving some constructive feedback.

> I really love the game and want to continue to enjoy it for many years to come. Good balance is part of a healthy gameing experience and i would like to believe any constructive critism and feedback made by me here, or by any player at large can help influence in a positive way.

> Now i dont know if any Anet-Dev actually reads this post, but i am hopefull this could actually lead to a productive discussion or help in any way.


> Pls keep in mind, this is my personal opinion of the matter. Feel free to disagree, but please stay polite. As players, we have a very good and unique understanding of the game, but Anet is still a company with very professional employees and even tho we might sometimes disagree, these people love the game just as much as we do. They understand their system best and player knowledge isnt better or worse than Dev knowledge, it´s just different.


Trying to understand the rotation for what’s CS+Mimic+Soi+Soi)2)2... what is the “2” in there? isn’t it weapon swap?

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Chrono is only one facet of the problem. The other facet is that anet purposefully released 2 support classes that don't work alone.


And chrono/druid had the right idea, being dedicated support classes. The model introduced with FB, Renegade and Scourge with dps/support hybrids has been nothing but problematic. Both from a balance standpoint, and player satisfaction. What's the appeal of playing support FB when the playstyle is identical to the condi dps version but you passively generate group quickness?


And why is everyone focusing on chrono alone? There is an alternative, regardless of other issues that might be. Where's the alternative to spirits and banners?

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> Trying to understand the rotation for what’s CS+Mimic+Soi+Soi)2)2... what is the “2” in there? isn’t it weapon swap?


In a raid scenario, you can cast SoI 4 times with mimic and CS. A second chrono will do the same and since they made SoI 10-targets, thats 8 casts of SoI. Base boon duration on signet is 3sec (6sec with 100% boon duration), effectively giving 48 seconds of every boon, if you stack properly and dont overwrite.

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  • 1 month later...



~~We gone and done it guys!~~

~~I´d like to thank everyone here for their great input and feedback.~~


_Edited: I realize that a lot of people are currently very unhappy about just how heavy the latest nerfs were. The comment i posted under the link therefore was very insensitive._

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> @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

> I think more classes could be given alacrity as well.


Noooo... WHYYY.... What then would be the **flavor** of the Chronomancer be? If every other class can do time-manipulation, then why the kitty-kat even call our specialization CHRONOmancer

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> @"Zoe.8310" said:

> > @"Bramymond.7689" said:

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/2018-12-11

> >

> > We gone and done it guys!

> > I´d like to thank everyone here for their great input and feedback.


> Man I wish I could slap you for this. Even though I doubt seriously the devs would listen to one single person, I still want to slap that smug response of yours



I would like to believe that the discussion in this thread, which we opened a while ago, which also had pretty insightful ideas and comments and stayed relatively civil compared to a lot of stuff in the forums, played a part in this patch. I´d like to believe Anet actually saw feedback here and got inspired by the suggestions of the community that were already floating about chronomancer balance among the playerbase. Nothing said here probably was anything new to an informed/invested player or developer, but it summed up many possible solutions to severe balance issues created by compression to much power into the chronomancer specialization.


This is not about me being smug. This is about me actually having faith in our gaming community and Anet staff. I did in no way mean to make this about myself. I agree i could have phrased my comment better, to clarify this as my own personal positive reaction about todays patch and gratitude for the discussions we held in this thread in a more transparent and "less self-righteous" (or "smug" as you called it) way. However...

Whatever your personal feelings on this patch, this thread or my comment are, is of no importance. Personally attacking me tho, is highly inadequate.

If you disagree with someone or something, try to make a good statement by constructive criticism, before getting brash and violent.

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I agree with you that it isnt entirely unjustified to be unhappy about the nerfs chrono received and i could have handled this a bit more tactful aswell. I got ahead of myself there.


But i also think these changes are agreable to a lot of players aswell. Chronomancer fits a theme were it combines the 2 time related boons into one class, which is still its own unique thing, nobody else has this. This means by default that chrono offers good value for the slot it takes. Paired with the natural ability to tank, good utility in form of portals, timewarp, group invis, focus#4 and a choice between a dps oriented build or a healing/bunkery one, i do not believe in the slightest chrono is "neutered". Chaos provided a lot of boons, many which already did overlap on other support classes (vigor, fury and prot being a few examples that are already providable ~100% by druid alone).

The main issue was the hard-stacking of boons that are considered rare and powerfull. The mimic rotation made boons like resistance have nearly 100% uptime in a somewhat decend raiding party and this translated to WvW aswell, which is extremely powerfull. Chrono was able to provide everything on its own, including cc, tanking, utility and either dps or healing (a mix of both sometimes). This invalidated alsmot all other support-builds.

I expect people will notice a slight drop on uptimes for some boons, but the important ones are still pretty save. It opens comp-diversity, without completely invalidating chrono. FB+Renegade became better in comparison, yes, but thats still 2 spots taken for the 1 chrono uses per party.

A nerf to the mesmer CC was really harsh, but not completely unexpected. The problem in here lies with the fact that Anet probably needs to do a rebalance on how much breakbar dmg is done by certain skills. Moa being as powerfull as it was, while other skills in comparison having relatively poor value on CC phases is a problem. I agree they could have waited with this perticular nerf until they improved cc-dmg on other classes, as this will definitely make things harder for some groups for the time being.

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