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Which Legendary to craft next for my Ranger....


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Hi guys,


I recently crafted my first legendary Twilight for my Ranger and I've been using it with dual axes in WvW solo roaming and really enjoying it. I'm trying to decide on my next Gen 1 legendary but I'm completely torn between the following:

- Frostfang (because I'm currently loving axes on Ranger but worry they will go out of meta - plus not the BEST looking legendary)

- Sunrise (since I have Twilight I could then go for Eternity and is a safe bet with the Sic Em' roaming build)

- Bolt (sword/warhorn seems viable for Ranger in WvW and I love the lightning aura effects)

- Incinerator (I don't like condi builds and note dagger on Ranger is more of a condi weapon but this dagger just looks so damn good)


I also plan to play Guardian/Warrior and perhaps Necromancer at some point in the future.


Any advice or opinions would be greatly appreciated to help me decide.


Thanks :)

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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> Of those options, I would say Bolt since it's probably the most widely applicable. I personally find the weapon god-awful ugly buuuuut I do like the sound and visual effects.


> Are you only going for Gen 1?


Thanks. Bolt is very much at the top of my list but I note alot of Rangers tend to solo with LB/GS which has me leaning towards Eternity now. Yes just wanting to stick to Gen 1 due to budget and time restraints.

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> @"Lynnie.7213" said:

> Bolt, for sure. It will be used on your guard/warr afterwards an also is a new legendary that you don't own. Sunrise is just a light themed twilight.


Thanks Don! I've been told that LB/GS is superior for solo roaming and in that case, it feels like Bolt would be wasted as I'm mostly playing my Ranger. I do like the idea of having a new weapon type legendary though. Eternity isn't worth it over Twilight you think? Also what do you think about axes?

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> @"JezzaLeo.6704" said:

> > @"Lynnie.7213" said:

> > Bolt, for sure. It will be used on your guard/warr afterwards an also is a new legendary that you don't own. Sunrise is just a light themed twilight.


> Thanks Don! I've been told that LB/GS is superior for solo roaming and in that case, it feels like Bolt would be wasted as I'm mostly playing my Ranger. I do like the idea of having a new weapon type legendary though. Eternity isn't worth it over Twilight you think? Also what do you think about axes?


yeah, i don't think making sunrise is a smart idea since you have twilight already, unless you are super rich and can afford. Axe is a very good choice, i've done astralaria myself couple months ago and no regrets, but as you said, it may go off meta anytime.

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Astralaria is still, imo, one of the most beautiful legendaries they have released. Its the first one i crafted and looks great with my Soulbeast. Bolt looks great on a ranger/druid because of the lightning theme. I crafted Verderach as well but admit the tuba design doesn’t go well with ranger. The detail and ghostly aspect is rather cool though.

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