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I like Revenant, but I greatly dislike Energy mechanics


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> @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> >

> > I didn't miss any points.

> >



> But you are though.


> The purpose of energy cost on Rev weapons is to force a legend swap faster when using upkeeps. This is a very important balancing feature, otherwise players in PvP could just camp Mallyx form or Jalis Hammers all day and wreck kitten. The flip side of this limitation is that it allows a Revenant to proc Charged Mists faster.


> Can you imagine how OP Revenant weapons would be if they had no energy cost? Instant blink chill+slow and massive damage on Sword#5, a multi-hit Sword#4 that immobilizes almost instantly, Sword#3 evades while doing heavy damage, Sword#2 can maintain near-perma chill on top of chasing enemies with projectiles and doing massive damage. And that's just Sword alone.


> Can you imagine how terrible would have been the WvW Hammer#2 meta if Reveant weapons had no energy costs? Mallyx would have been wrecking kitten with Mallyx Form's boosted stats and basically oneshottig anything the hammer touches, all while having a near perma projectile block on Hammer#4, and massive evade+damage on Hammer#4.


> Energy costs on weapons put a time limitation into Revenant's upkeep, forcing more skillful play for temporarily boosted skills.


> Also, I'm going to reiterate that Revenant wep cds are much lower than other class weapons. And anyone who tells me "BUT YOU DIDN'T ACCOUNT FOR THE WEAPON TRAITS!!!", divide the weapon cds by /1.20 and do it yourself. Rev CDs are still much lower than other weapons.


> If anything can be said about the state of Revenant weapons, it's that Shortbow sucks, and Shield is underwhelming.


I feel like you didn’t really read or absorb my op. And nowhere did I suggest to allow players to “camp” skills... Glint and Ventari slot skills would make use of energy, while weapons and the other legends would work off cooldown and durations and an edited mention of “ammo”.


It’s not rational to ignore a potential 20% or 1/5 cooldown reduction traits just to make some argument in your favor.

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There have been many threads regarding Revenant balance. I know the class has a great flavor and theme, and some people would prefer it plays like the other classes. However, there are many people who know how to play the class as it is with a great deal of skill. We used to top the leaderboards in PvP all the time, it was such a ridiculously strong class in the right hands. Some of the tools are still there, actually.


Just keep practicing, learn to manage your energy properly, know which skills do what, and use them when they need to be used. I advise you to check out some videos of WVW roaming or PVP montages, and see how they react to certain situations.

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