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Returning Shatter Mesmer requesting bringing back two missing traits to power, dueling, illusions.

Blood Lord.5687

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> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> Lol watch all twitch and youtubers at play top 50 plat. They willingly admit it's op. Watch short's videos. U have massive Cindi dmg as well as actually direct damage burst with carion at 25k hp.

What top50 yt/twitch mesmers? Leaderboards mostly flooded with holos/rangers/guardians and necromancers

> U can spam, use mass clones sit back ur clones will do the dmg.

Brainless spam would kill you faster than you can kill others, go play it ,spam everything u can and semi decent player will farm you for entire day

> U also have signet of midnight invis. Blink. Sword movement.

There is no more mobility for mirage because sword was dropped , no more vigor, cant use it for mobility and refill endurance between leaps and be able to fight after burning 2 dodges just for mobility.

>U don't even have to move. And at any point you can disengage. Using skills said above as well as chaos armor.

Chaos armor now ultimate form of defense? Since when? Teach me how to not move and kill everything ezpz? If you are in bronze division I pretty much can kill everything with NPC minions from necromancer while being afk :d

> And at any point you can disengage

Thief or guardian +1 you and you arent going anywhere except your own respawn

> No other class can burst down aoe burst in such an amount of time with 25k hp and have the ability to stealth teleport and clone and portal all.

Fyi only 2 classes have teleport and stealth ...need a hand with figuring out which ? (fyi mesmer have no aoe,just as nother 'stealth teleport class' unles you count cluster bomb xd )

> Correction. U have 1 class that can massively remove Condi consistently. Firebrand.

Correction.Ranger/core guardian, weaver,fb , warrior with resistance doesnt cleanse as much but he have resistance \o/

> Condi mes can take any other class 1v1. Massive aoe, Condi cleanse isn't so good when the moment u cleanse it's reapplied. It's even better than sourge since it's ranged. N u don't even need to be there ur clones will do it.

Mesmer cant take any 1x1 , doesnt have massive aoe (once again), its hard to read what you write even ... what ranged? mesmer burst is ranged? Scourge is ranged? What that supposed to mean?

> But I guess u love ur carry build and can't see the problems with it.

Ever heard of 'blind rage' ? Here we have the same but this time is more like 'blind hate' xD

I guess most of your complaint about 'clone spam' is reference to IH ? ? After everyone being hating on EM and want to smitersboon it , you got it. But as been foretold IH is next target to cry about ,only good trait left.You deserved it ,now enjoy dodging illusions XD

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> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > > @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > > > @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > > > > @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > > > > > @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > > > > > > @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > > > > > > Nope. Was over powered and carried players. So happy it was nerfed. Condi is all the rage now. Go play Condi.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > You all heard him lads! Condi doesnt carry players and we all must play it ,thats where true skill lies !

> > > > >

> > > > > I didn't say it doesn't carry.it totally does. That's why u shld play it.then play the next carry spec. That's what I ve learnt from gw2 pvp. The u can play the any class you want and any stye u want is a lie.

> > > > >

> > > > > The truth is.if u don't want to get face rolled. Play the carry class that can destroy most of the other classes can decap, duel and team fight.

> > > >

> > > > You dont even worth listening tbh. When people like you say mesmer greatsword does 3-5-7k autoattack...thats just...ugh... from where you get this numers i dont even know... What you are doing on mesmer forum ? Just complaint how OP it is ? :D

> > >

> > > From using full zerk and the meta battle builds. If you watch short's vids he does that, actually I don't think power is op. If u r caught u die. Cindi mirage is op.

> >

> > I'm sorry for barging in,

> > OP compared to what? Because last I checked, there are more condi cleanses in the game, than ever before. Condi durations got nerfed, Phant damage got killed, the trait (EM) that shouldn't have existed in the first place got killed. IH gives halved durations and damage (or less), for all illusion inflicted condi.

> > So again to reiterate, OP compared to what?

> >

> > Any further nerfs to the class, beyond what they've already nerfed would result in Renegade level of performance, aka NO-Performance-At-All. :lol:


> Lol watch all twitch and youtubers at play top 50 plat. They willingly admit it's op. Watch short's videos. U have massive Cindi dmg as well as actually direct damage burst with carion at 25k hp. U also have signet of midnight invis. Blink. Sword movement.


> U can spam, use mass clones sit back ur clones will do the dmg. U don't even have to move. And at any point you can disengage. Using skills said above as well as chaos armor.


> No other class can burst down aoe burst in such an amount of time with 25k hp and have the ability to stealth teleport and clone and portal all.


> Correction. U have 1 class that can massively remove Condi consistently. Firebrand.


> Condi mes can take any other class 1v1. Massive aoe, Condi cleanse isn't so good when the moment u cleanse it's reapplied. It's even better than sourge since it's ranged. N u don't even need to be there ur clones will do it.


> But I guess u love ur carry build and can't see the problems with it.


You've got to be specific regarding the skills/traits and synergies that when used in combination can push things above the curve.


Shorts' build is one thing - doesn't mean all condi application from mesmer is overpowered. Depends on the build.


The few things I'd pick on that could do with being balanced are:

- Inspiration - the new Blurred Inscriptions in combination with SoI/SoM/RI for cleanse and invuln spam. It offers an excessive amount of sustain in combinaiton with usual mirage evades. I imagine it can be even crazier on chrono with F5 and alacrity but I haven't tested this.

- Ineptitude - I agree with Daishi's suggestions [here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/715344/#Comment_715344 "here") that confusion should only proc on interrupt, not blind, reducing the spam output when used with things like Blinding Dissipation.

- Mirage Thrust - removing the clone could be a start. Many options but whatever the case it could do with adjustment.

- Axe ambush - maybe slightly (emphasis on *slightly*) shave torment duration on ambush - eg 4s down to 3s. But no more than that, has to be very carefully done if at all.

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OP, how old are you? 12? Because you sound like one.

"They took away my favourite toy. Please, give it back, or I'll leave. Pleeeeease!!! QQ".


Dude, if you want to play skillful builds - there is a plenty of them. Don't like torch? Fine, take something else. I hate torch myself and run with off-hand sword. Swordsman Phantasm hits like a truck, if you can CC the target before his frenzy. How you CC the target - that's the subject of a skillful play.

Block ability is awesome too, privides reactive (instead of proactive) gameplay, hits like a truck on successful block. Or dazes, if you choose to.

Fun all around!


But if you chose to leave the game - do it. **Noone gives a flying fuck.**

Especially devs. They won't bring the traits back, just because some random guy from forums asked them to.





Although, I 100% agree, that "Clone" line of utility skills could use some love. Especially Decoy. Add some condi cleanse, or might stacks, or a cd reduction.

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