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Block Bounty boards for Non-commanders


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > > @"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:

> > > Want to try again? Either dig in your pockets and pony up the gold for the price on their heads, or wait for them to come back up.

> >

> > A price like, say, 100 trade contracts. Not like we have much use for them otherwise. :)

> >


> At this point, we have so many that 100 seems too trivial!


well, not everyone has tons of them, but 100 to skip a wait time isnt bad.

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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > @"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:

> > Want to try again? Either dig in your pockets and pony up the gold for the price on their heads, or wait for them to come back up.


> A price like, say, 100 trade contracts. Not like we have much use for them otherwise. :)



Tbh that’s probably a good amount, maybe up it to like 200 or so since it’ll be a group contribution thing like Ho Ho a Tron, it’d be a nice optional sink for trade contracts.

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...I really thought that this topic was named "block bounty boards for **Norn** commanders, so i decided to drop in to see what it was about. Ended up being really disappointed.


But back to real topic name: last time i heard such suggestions, Anet ended up eventually nerfing all Queensdale champs to veterans. Let's... not go there.


I'm more leaning towards instantly resetting all _failed_ bounties (but leaving the cooldowns for succesful ones alone). Non-legendary ones could reset even on success, actually, since they aren't really worth their time anyway, so i don't see the point of cooldown in this case.

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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> Maybe there should be a pop-up "Warning: This fight is intended to be group content. Are you sure you wish to activate this content?" It would mean an additional click to start the bounty, but it would warn curious newcomers that they're maybe in over their heads.


This is similar to what I've suggested previously in map discussions about the issue, though I'd probably use even stronger wording to try to prevent anyone from even considering triggering it without knowing exactly what they're doing.

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> @"Milosz.5938" said:

> HI,

> Do you know the feeling when you want to start squad for bounty run and someone new in the game opened and wasted legendary because he didn't know what is going on with that? If you make bounty runs - probably "yes". I have request for GMs - **_could you please make "Bounty boards" bolcked soo only players with commander tag could use it?_** Something simillar like raids. It will also gratitude that tag in some way.


This content is for everyone. I have a commander's tag and by no means feel that I should have dibs on the bounties just because I can lead a squad. Which in itself is completely optional. I think you need to adjust your perspective on what "Leading" is all about.

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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> Maybe there should be a pop-up "Warning: This fight is intended to be group content. Are you sure you wish to activate this content?" It would mean an additional click to start the bounty, but it would warn curious newcomers that they're maybe in over their heads.


Or have the [group event] tag added to the bounty mission, like is the case for almost all other group events in the game.

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The bounty system as it stands now is a bit 'hacked-kneed' and should get a revision anyway. In fact, this year's Halloween Festival content proposes an alternative:

The way that 'Ascent to Madness' is designed would be a good fit for bounties; simply designate a portal near the Bounty NPC. Kind of like a semi-Fractal, the party picks a Bounty target and engages it in an isolated area. This way, those groups that wish to farm the Bounties can to so without interruption, while players who need the Bounty for a collection can get a more accessible go at it.

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> @"Kalendraf.9521" said:

> > @"Palador.2170" said:

> > Maybe there should be a pop-up "Warning: This fight is intended to be group content. Are you sure you wish to activate this content?" It would mean an additional click to start the bounty, but it would warn curious newcomers that they're maybe in over their heads.


> This is similar to what I've suggested previously in map discussions about the issue, though I'd probably use even stronger wording to try to prevent anyone from even considering triggering it without knowing exactly what they're doing.


I agree about the stronger wording - making it *absolutely clear* that solo players are going to have one *heck* of a time trying to finish the fight (if they can do it at all). Just saying "group content" doesn't mean very much. Last night, I was playing in Verdant Brink with my thief, and I wound up doing the last bit of the Outpost: Noble Crash event chain all by myself: a group event to kill a legendary wyvern. Took me about ten minutes, but I killed the thing on my own and barely had to worry about dying - because this wyvern's only attacks were able to be easily dodged, the surrounding NPC's were nigh-invincible (whenever they were downed, they'd lie on the ground for five seconds while their health bar rapidly filled back up, then they were back up and at it), and I was able to just stay at range and pewpew away until the wyvern took a dirt nap. Yet that was a "group event."


So if a newcomer sees the bounty mission labeled "group content," they might go "Oh, well, how hard can it *really* be? I'm a pretty good player. I've done other group events by myself. I can do this! [gets steamrolled flat] ...anyone get the license number of that truck that just hit me?..." A much stronger warning (not sure how one would word it, though) might help to deter a few Leeroy Jenkins from running in and promptly being flattened, thereby locking out the content for a while. I don't agree with completely locking the bounties for people who don't have commander tags, though. That seems a bit much.

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