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Special shout-out for this comment, because it's slightly concerning....


**"we went years without mounts and gliders. Im positive taking a month (or less, based on leveling speed) without them is beneficial to every new player. especially when they can get both within a couple of hours hitting 80 on their first character.


theres no rush newbie, stop and smell the roses. seriously. a month or less is nothing in the big picture and it will do nothing help in the long run.


remember... theres no monthly fee."**


Over the course of the life of a game, changes are going to make things better for the people playing them, with somewhat unknown consequence for the new player. Take Looking-For-Group in WoW, easy, instant access to dungeons for people just having a good time. But the player base goes ENRAGE MODE when you fail a mechanic that's not even telegraphed. How were they supposed to know? No one told them. And the game doesn't tell you. It's a learning experience (or used to be). In vaniiiiillla WoW, people would be dying in these dungeons just because they were hard. Now, if people know ahead of time because they've played before, they're a joke...


...But with mounts and gliders.... I'm not sure how walking everywhere subtracts from the experience. How does walking around the world make me a better player? Again I ask this because I've already played through two maps on my necromancer, and I can't recall walking as having any experiential benefit. (I'd still run into the Dodge tutorial at some point, or miss it entirely if I just wandered off)


My favourite comment about this game "there is no monthly fee". This is concerning because it puts more pressure on the Devs to pump out expansions to make more money. I mean, there's still major bugs in this game. But people act like games that charge monthly are gouging the players. WoW is fixing bugs within the hour, some are decently big, they're making changes based on player input and I'm sure it's gonna be great. The level of service matches the security of the money coming in (personal opinion, yes).


There IS a bit of a rush because the "new-game" experience wears off very quickly. I reached level 20 and thought of all of the end-game complaints I've heard and worried that it was worth the time. So in order to make sure I wasn't going to get to the end and hate it, I needed to experience some of the end.



It is a very different MMO, but it's ultimate feel is the same. In WoW, we run "mythics" (fractals), but it doesn't end at t4. You can keep pushing and everything keeps getting more serious. New buffs are added to the dungeon. More mobs, random environment problems, issues that force the group to adapt (killing one enemy buffs other enemies, where eventually a normally low concern enemy is now super strong). And with the increased difficulty brings better gear.


So when I say end-game, I mean something very different. I mean, will the content in this game continue to be interesting after having aquired ascended gear and running t4 fractals.

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> @"deadpool.7036" said:


> So when I say end-game, I mean something very different. I mean, will the content in this game continue to be interesting after having aquired ascended gear and running t4 fractals.


That's a question only you can answer by playing the game. Unfortunately, you have already decided to skip a whole bunch of it, so it's hard to think it will capture your interest in the long term.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"deadpool.7036" said:


> > So when I say end-game, I mean something very different. I mean, will the content in this game continue to be interesting after having aquired ascended gear and running t4 fractals.


> That's a bit of an odd question considering you decided to completely ignore a whole bunch of content by boosting to 80. If you're whole purpose to play is just to get some ascended gear and play a few t4 fractals, then I don't see this game offering you much value.



If you read my posts complete my, you'd know I'm still leveling my necro from level 1... So no, not ignoring the storyline....


As for being carried, I'm not sure what you mean yet. Still looking for the difficult content, PoF isn't really "difficult".... Just more so than vanilla.

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OP, don't worry about people that say you are going to ruin your experience by using your level 80 character. That is just one of many opinions. Everyone plays and enjoys games differently. Reading your posts it seems as though you've done a fine job grasping the game and are doing quite well for yourself. The "difficult" content is generally high-end Fractals and the Raids. Some achievements are difficult as well but most of the rest of the game is casual and easy. Only time will tell if this is enough to hold your interest. Many people have been playing since launch so there is definitely enough for them to want to continue enjoying the game for years.

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To be frank, there is stigma associated with the 'endgame guy' and from what you have described as your playing experience so far, you are exhibiting it to the mark. Maybe that's not you, but it's hard to say given how you have thus far interacted with the game and the short but illuminating thread you have here. I hope you love the game, I just don't think you are doing yourself any favours by how you have decided to play. It is considered in some circles to be in poor taste to 'buy' your way to the end, then ask a whole bunch of people how to play and what to do, having skipped all the content that would have taught you that in the first place. If you decide that the leveling process isn't how you want to learn about the game, it's rather 'cheeky' to ask others to teach you, directly or indirectly.


I hope you find people that are willing to take a chance on you and spend their time to tell you everything about it you need to know to be more independent.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> If you decide that the leveling process isn't how you want to learn about the game, it's rather 'cheeky' to ask others to teach you, directly or indirectly.



Well again, my original post wasn't really about learning how to play... i noticed a massive "auto-response" to new people who boosted their character (or didn't even boost at all) and many times the information was terrible. Even people that MENTION boosting are be hailed as outcasts and they haven't even done it yet. It's silly.


I asked about mounts because I had a hard time finding a clear answer via the wiki, and I asked about difficult PvE content, which is indicitive of the games difficulty being far too easy for it to be fun, clarification on this was helpful as I knew I couldn't just "jump into a fractal" and hope for the best. I haven't asked about break bars, dodging, masteries, skill trees, weapons, dungeons, leveling, crafting..... Etc. I've already got a decent grasp on all of that.


While my questions got answered, people also flooded the forums with opinions, which I'm glad for... I feel these dialgouges have been a bit more helpful than others I've come across (not just on these forums).



The "end game" can present a problem too, I get that. Look at WoW vanilla content.... It's so deserted it shouldn't even exist anymore. And the way it's played vs the new stuff... It's clearly an "end-game" focused game. Crafting barely does anything anymore. Again, another reason why this is a fresh breath. Everythings the opposite from a game I've played for that last 10 years and still enjoy.

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