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I -hate- banners


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I just absolutely hate them. They're ugly, they're cumbersome, they're not fun to use, they're slow to pick up, they're slow to cast, they're completely anti-fun. And yet of course I HAVE to take them, because they provide unique buffs. I just want to play DPS Warrior and not feel like I have to bring these horrible banners.


Why is Warrior uncomfortably forced into a support role? Ever since Spellbreaker DPS was gutted I just feel sad about playing my class in PvE.

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To be honest, I kinda don't mind banners being boring and playing bannerslave most of the time, people don't bitch about my dps and I just do my shit.

You just place banners and that's it. Fuck banners.

But I am pretty sad that warrior has no real bursty power dps build, that would compete with rangers, thieves, eles, engis or guardians.

Inb4 anet changes banners to apply its buff only when hold by someone + they will buff banner aa by 7% to compensate. Super active gameplay promoting, engaging banner gameplay!

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I absolutely love them though. Drop them once, dont bother with them again (unless you need fury from discipline, or to reposition). Insane stat buffs, which are even stronger for warrior himself. Like, i dont even want to see a proper "top notch" dps build for warr, since this build already does soo much dmg (in fractals base warr is a bit behind actual dps if played correctly) so why do i even need a dps build then ?

I am already dps even though im support \o/

Also, the amount of dmg AND CC support warr pumps out is just great.

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you can already outdps some mediocre dps players with c-bs and base bs.

that said same is possible with a condi dps war and therefore its already welcome as a dps class in pug raids.

i don´t know about spellbreaker, i find full counter not very fun to play with.


although you are right with your core statement, banners are horrible boring and i would like them to be changed to a more "active skill" like:


"Raise your Banner of ........." Gives your Party 150......for 30 seconds.


That would also help against the HORRIBLE banner placement i see in pugs from time to time. But would als oresult in a minor dps loss.

wouldn´t mind them beeing removed completly either. it not like we need those stats to succesfully clear a raid.


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> @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> Turn banners into an NPC that follow you around (a squire similar to those summoned by the final boss in the urban battleground fractal).


if tthey also vanished like some BL traders then i would go full banner war just so i can litter the ground with corpses

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> @"cryorion.9532" said:

> > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > Turn banners into an NPC that follow you around (a squire similar to those summoned by the final boss in the urban battleground fractal).


> Please no. Don't make them alive.


I mean they'd have the damage reduction in pve that all AI has. It would only really effect pvp and wvw, which I'm pretty sure don't use banners. Wouldn't you rather that than a static object that you have to pick up and reposition everytime the fight moves (which no one ever does).

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > @"XenoSpyro.1780" said:

> > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > I just want to play DPS Warrior and not feel like I have to bring these horrible banners.

> >

> > Then run Physical.


> I do, but I still feel like I need to take at least one banner or I'm not being a "team player".


Sounds like you're afraid to advertise your warrior as dps. SPB is a good option as power DPS. especally at gors/sloth/KC/cairn/w6 b1

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> @"Rodrick.1942" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > @"XenoSpyro.1780" said:

> > > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > > I just want to play DPS Warrior and not feel like I have to bring these horrible banners.

> > >

> > > Then run Physical.

> >

> > I do, but I still feel like I need to take at least one banner or I'm not being a "team player".


> Sounds like you're afraid to advertise your warrior as dps. SPB is a good option as power DPS. especally at gors/sloth/KC/cairn/w6 b1


Spellbreaker has one of the worst (if not the worst) burst of all dpses. Even power reaper has higher burst than spellbreaker nowadays.

For riads, there are some niche uses of spellbreaker, but it is not because of its dps. For fractals, where things die relatively fast, dps SPB has too low burst to be comparable with other dpses like ele/ranger/guard/thief/engi.

Take for example soulbeast. It has very similar damage dealing like warrior, single hard hitting melee attacks with stacking damage modifers. So the real difference is basically only in soulbeast having more/higher damage modifiers. I don't want to go into deatails how broken soulbeast is, but the point is that if dps spellbreaker is suppose to be solid and consistent dps dealer with average burst, then it will never be in meta dps group.

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Everyone hate banners and the main reason is because:

* You drop a banner at point A, but then the fight quickly moves to point B. Therefore, if you want to get the bonuses, you have to walk back to point A, pick up the banner and drop it at point B, **BUT** then the fight quickly moves to point C, and you have to go back to point B, pick up the banner and then drop it at point C. This is no fun game play! Something needs to be done about banners!


I have suggested something like this in the past (about 3 years ago):

* Banners need to work like engineer tools.

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> Everyone hate banners and the main reason is because:

> * You drop a banner at point A, but then the fight quickly moves to point B. Therefore, if you want to get the bonuses, you have to walk back to point A, pick up the banner and drop it at point B, **BUT** then the fight quickly moves to point C, and you have to go back to point B, pick up the banner and then drop it at point C. This is no fun game play! Something needs to be done about banners!


> I have suggested something like this in the past (about 3 years ago):

> * Banners need to work like engineer tools.


Noone will use them then. Thats basicaly 1 person doing nothing .

Banners are fine the way they are, if you dont feel like bothering picking it up (aka ignoring the fight for a second or two) then just leave it there, w/e. Most bosses are static anyway so inital placement is fine in 90% of cases.

Note: This is regarding PvE, not sure why you would even use them in wvw though. :thinking:

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my suggestion would be:


* change the buffs (number tweaking or completely change them)

* make picking up a banner faster (instant preferably)

* picking up a banner doesn't replace weapon skills

* carrying a banner makes you still pulse out their buffs (might already be the case)

* weaponswap is replaced with a drop banner button, actions that count as weaponswapping (like engi kits) automaticly drop banners

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> @"Glider.5792" said:

> > @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > Everyone hate banners and the main reason is because:

> > * You drop a banner at point A, but then the fight quickly moves to point B. Therefore, if you want to get the bonuses, you have to walk back to point A, pick up the banner and drop it at point B, **BUT** then the fight quickly moves to point C, and you have to go back to point B, pick up the banner and then drop it at point C. This is no fun game play! Something needs to be done about banners!

> >

> > I have suggested something like this in the past (about 3 years ago):

> > * Banners need to work like engineer tools.


> Noone will use them then. Thats basicaly 1 person doing nothing .

> Banners are fine the way they are, if you dont feel like bothering picking it up (aka ignoring the fight for a second or two) then just leave it there, w/e. Most bosses are static anyway so inital placement is fine in 90% of cases.

> Note: This is regarding PvE, not sure why you would even use them in wvw though. :thinking:


The banners will have to deal a hell lot of damage to compensate for weapon swapping.

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I was thinking about something... For Banners, once you click on the skill, the banner will appear in your back and additionnal f3 to f5 skills could appears for the duration of the banner. Only one banner at a time could be used though, but you would benefit not only from the passive but the active as well. Right now, I don't run any banners in my build because I feel at a disadvantage compared to other classes who will have their 3 utility skills and I will only have 1, because 2 of them are banners.


Just throwing an idea here.

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What if they reworked warrior with banners becoming a new prof mechanic? I guess that would leave a gaping hole in our skill slots though... but im not sure they would be missed as much.

Basically they become something that we get to either use an an "inspiring aura" (but that may be too close to shouts) or a back mounted banner, basically the banner would become a new F skill, with its own recharge or management system. (i was thinking 3 ammo, so you can pop all 3 basic banners on your back or 1 ult banner), that or a tradeoff system, the banner stays active indefinitely(as in you can toggle the banner on and off) but when active might debuff the warrior slightly as compensation.

What the banners provide would need to be balanced of course, as they would be mobile and less cumbersome..


either way this is just a for fun spitball. But in my head sounds kinda fun.

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Another way to make them more enoyable would be to make them not a pick up anymore. Once you drop it, its there for good for next 90sec, however, we could get 2 new things from that:

- Once banner is droped, utility skill is replaced by "cast boons", which would grant everyone around the banner swiftness + extra boons (fury,might,protection,regen). Just like these two skills: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Furious_Rally , https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Inspire but both boons at the same time.


- Once banner is droped, your utility gets replaced by "destroy banner". This destroys the currently placed banners, and puts the skill on a 10-x second cooldown. This way, if banner too far away, we could just destroy it and place a new one shortly afterwards. Only works on normal banners, not on Warbanner.

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> @"Glider.5792" said:

> Another way to make them more enoyable would be to make them not a pick up anymore. Once you drop it, its there for good for next 90sec, however, we could get 2 new things from that:

> - Once banner is droped, utility skill is replaced by "cast boons", which would grant everyone around the banner swiftness + extra boons (fury,might,protection,regen). Just like these two skills: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Furious_Rally , https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Inspire but both boons at the same time.

> OR

> - Once banner is droped, your utility gets replaced by "destroy banner". This destroys the currently placed banners, and puts the skill on a 10-x second cooldown. This way, if banner too far away, we could just destroy it and place a new one shortly afterwards. Only works on normal banners, not on Warbanner.


I like this idea, works more like a turret. I could see that in a 45 or 60 sec cooldown. 90 sec CD in a stationary banner would not be good. Although maybe if they could be picked up and moved....

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Or... bear with me... what if you could impale your banner into another player? Or even multiple banners? Sure, they would incur a little bleeding and cripple for each banner, and they'd look like a walking pin-cushion but in return, IN RETURN, they would receive massive buffs and provide for moving, or shuffling, banners.


You could also impale your banner into an enemy or NPC so that wherever they went they brought your buffs with them. Imagine how great escort quests would become!


There could even be a new trait ("Voodoo master"?) which provides benefits for sticking banners into others. Maybe even exerting a little taunt or fear over them.


The possibilities are endless. And be honest. Haven't you ever wanted to poke some of the more annoying members of Destiny's Edge with a sharpened stick?

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