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I -hate- banners


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  • 4 weeks later...

I do as well. Imagine my surprise when I who haven't really played since launch, who used to run GS/Rifle and perform great at both open world at dungeons, find out such a build is terrible now and that you're pretty much barred from raids as a warrior if you aren't running banners in some form or another. They took away our bleeding shot from rifle so now we're stuck with bows if we're running a condition build. When did my beloved Warrior as a DPS classed get so watered down and shoe-horned into a more supporting role? Guardian, who I recall as a more tanky / support class appears to have taken our place as the damage dealer. The world is upside down.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> I just absolutely hate them. They're ugly, they're cumbersome, they're not fun to use, they're slow to pick up, they're slow to cast, they're completely anti-fun. And yet of course I HAVE to take them, because they provide unique buffs. I just want to play DPS Warrior and not feel like I have to bring these horrible banners.


> Why is Warrior uncomfortably forced into a support role? Ever since Spellbreaker DPS was gutted I just feel sad about playing my class in PvE.


While I understand you, I like banner, they allow me to play a cheese easy build instead of a regular many-buttons dps build.

So instead of reworking banners, just give warrior the possibility to be a dps so that people can choose between dps AND banners.

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I'm just starting to learn Warrior, with the goal of making a BS to have another character to run in T4s. I jumped into some T2s to try banners out in a group setting a few days back; basically just re-doing the previous night's dailies.


Those dailies were: Solid Ocean, Aetherblade and Swampland. B) I felt trolled....


I'm rethinking gearing up this toon for fractals now, as even running SB with banners, I'm not sure I dig Warrior. I'll probably stick to my Core Guardian :)

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