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Buff Thief

Crab Fear.1624

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I guess this is just another ha-ha troll thread, it cant be serious. Really, if you think that thief should be either buffed or nerfed (maybe except DE) then you clearly **dont know** how to play it/play against it. It is one of the most (or rather the most) mobile classes in game and in duels it has many tricks to use and high potential of outplaying enemies (just like rogue in WoW). But also it has some counters, because none class should be imba, just deal with it and learn how to overcome your weaknesses.


Edit: Mhm, i see my post outraged few teefs, then ill just simply edit it to not continue the story. Okay i guess you missed my point. I was talking about _duels_ outside of conquest mode. You dont have to tell me whats its role in sPvP because i already ended few times in legend and then because of boredom switched to WvW (~2k hours playtime on thief). Tricks Im talking about is using terrain to your advantage and non-targetable skills with shadowsteps, thief has many options (what, maybe not, huh?) compared to f.e. warriors who lacks them because of their stiff gameplay.

About duels once again, o u t s i d e conquest mode thief has 1v1s where he shouldnt lose, skill matchups and counter ones. I see what you trying to get making thief capping-machine, but imo ANet wont do anything with it. Anyway, try your best.

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> @"Widmo.3186" said:

> I guess this is just another ha-ha troll thread, it cant be serious. Really, if you think that thief should be either buffed or nerfed (maybe except DE) then you clearly **dont know** how to play it/play against it. It is one of the most (or rather the most) mobile classes in game and in duels it has many tricks to use and high potential of outplaying enemies (just like rogue in WoW). But also it has some counters, because none class should be imba, just deal with it and learn how to overcome your weaknesses.


I don't know what perspective you are talking from.


Is it safe to assume WvW?


I'm talking about SPvP brosef.


I don't think I am the only one who feels thief is a little under-powered.


In an conquest arena, there are a few classes that are essentially just as mobile, and they will knock your teeth out, and your teef out.


So long story short... BUFF THIEF


[Noody saying thief is pretty much outclassed and nerf after nerf for like the last 2 years](

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> @"Widmo.3186" said:

> I guess this is just another ha-ha troll thread, it cant be serious. Really, if you think that thief should be either buffed or nerfed (maybe except DE) then you clearly **dont know** how to play it/play against it. It is one of the most (or rather the most) mobile classes in game and in duels it has many tricks to use and high potential of outplaying enemies (just like rogue in WoW). But also it has some counters, because none class should be imba, just deal with it and learn how to overcome your weaknesses.


I don't believe you believe that, especially the part about "many tricks".


Also this profession _doesn't_ have counters at its Core/DD levels, to have a counter a profession is firstly required to be viable for Counter to exist and be called "it's counter". This profession _doesn't_ have counters, every single profession is better than Thief in a Duel.


I have serious trouble to believe that you play Core/DD Thief and you're like "this is fine, I am having no trouble fighting others".

I can go in my Thief and win Matches, even win most of my duels, but I can tell without any doubt, that its because my opponents were far far far worse than me, not because my profession allowed me to outplay them.

People need to learn the difference between killing someone in a duel and killing someone who knew what they were doing, I am totally not pointing fingers at you now just generic stuff, but killing some not-kitting still-standing SB (or anything else) while the thief had to try harder, doesn't mean the Thief has "many tricks and potential to outplay".


EDIT: it is anything but not "just like Rogue in WoW" their Rogues have the worthy dmg of Rogue, non-de Thief doesn't.

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> @"Widmo.3186" said:

> I guess this is just another ha-ha troll thread, it cant be serious. Really, if you think that thief should be either buffed or nerfed (maybe except DE) then you clearly **dont know** how to play it/play against it. It is one of the most (or rather the most) mobile classes in game and in duels it has many tricks to use and high potential of outplaying enemies (just like rogue in WoW). But also it has some counters, because none class should be imba, just deal with it and learn how to overcome your weaknesses.


Really? Please elaborate on the many tricks? It is known basically by every one in pvp. The thief's role in pvp is not a duelist. Apart from power mirage. Every other class and build should not lose to it. Every YouTube vid or fourm post by anyone above plat will tell you. You don't go duel with it. It's not him that clearly doesn't know how to play. It's you who doesn't.


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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> Daggera Storm is insanely stupid rn and dnot need buff. It need nerf tbh. Its not fun to play with or against. It could have ammo system


The way to deal with dagger storm.. you move out the way. It literally does nothing if u just move away for a few seconds... If you face tank it... Then that's just you..

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> @"babazhook.6805" said:

> Utilities that need an adjust are things like :

> ...

> Thieves Guild Lower ICD

Lower ICD alone is not going to do much, they either should turn it into an always active like the necro summons (which is what I would prefer) or seriously buff their damage.

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> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > Daggera Storm is insanely stupid rn and dnot need buff. It need nerf tbh. Its not fun to play with or against. It could have ammo system


> The way to deal with dagger storm.. you move out the way. It literally does nothing if u just move away for a few seconds... If you face tank it... Then that's just you..


Dude im usually using daggera Storm and i say its stupid :p. When i run out of ideas or initiative i Just Press this pani button and see how my opponent waste his dodges. 4, 5 s evade frame is stupid

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > Daggera Storm is insanely stupid rn and dnot need buff. It need nerf tbh. Its not fun to play with or against. It could have ammo system

> >

> > The way to deal with dagger storm.. you move out the way. It literally does nothing if u just move away for a few seconds... If you face tank it... Then that's just you..


> Dude im usually using daggera Storm and i say its stupid :p. When i run out of ideas or initiative i Just Press this pani button and see how my opponent waste his dodges. 4, 5 s evade frame is stupid


Maybe. But cool down is long. I personally have no problems with this skill when I m on other classes. Mesmer just blink. Guardian just block. Warrior endure pain. If anything I can't beat a guard without dagger storm as thief s/d. Just don't push enough dps before it heals. With d/s I can potentially kill a core guard.

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