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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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In all honestly we need more t-mogs in the game, both gemstore wise and normal ones you can obtain from any other source of content. The lack of t-mogs since the release of Gw2 has been very dry. Sure we've gotten gemstore items from time to time but not actual t-mogs that you can pick and choose on gear. Wasn't the last t-mog peice that you actually chould pick parts from was from the release of hot? And that was only like 1 transmog. Which says alot. Anet please stop making the already fixed outfits and bring in way more normal ones that you can arange with other peices of gear. More new legendary items has been added then t-mogs funny enough...


Secondly, whould love if you anet chould add more instruments and promp up the existing ones to make them more "balanced" so its easier to play songs with them. So they dont go on "cd" when you play a certain note to many times within a certain window. Whould love to see a normal guitarr being added, piano and violin etc. Aka the more commonly known intruments. These items will add more deepth to the game and immersion overall.


Regards, a fellow mesmer.

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> @margarynka.3807 said:

> Two words: Banner backpacks. Banner. Backpacks.


I got one yesterday in a Path of Fire drop. It's drop-dead gorgeous and I believe (not in-game right now) it's called Banners of the Sunspear and is like a combination of a crest and a banner, plus the top part has a glowing center. Sorry I'm not describing it better.

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Gem store ideas:

1) a small fenced area in home instance for minis with little cages at one end. Select 10 minis (or some other set #) to roam in the yard. Kinda like HoM display.

2) a torch with dyable flame

3) expansion to add 5 more slots for additional guilds

4) a way to clear the mastery points and reassign them. (I'd happily pay real money to correct my stupid mistakes since I won't be able to max masteries.)

5) a tonic that makes me look like a full-sized version of whatever mini I have equipped

6) a ghost portal that lets me go into any map I've already cleared as a ghost -- a special instance with nothing there, no nodes, no enemies, no chests, no people, nothing -- just 3D art appreciation. (I really miss GW1 HM clear where I could walk around & enjoy the beautiful artwork.) I would pay quite a bit for this.


Love the game, thanks!

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> @TheGrimm.5624 said:

> Black Lion Chest Drop - Permanent Repair Kit. Rarity inline with Permanent items like Hair Styling and Bank Access.


> Also another 8 Shared inventory slots over current max to account for potential new zone currencies.


Do you mean Endless Repair Canister (which is already out).. ?

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Please think about adding the World Tournament Finishers again, I know there is not a world tournament at the moment, but like me, there are a lot of people that would love you have it, and didn't have the chance, because either we didnt play at that time, or like me, i was still learning the game, didnt even knew what a finisher is.

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This is the scholar armor which was actually in the cash shop since beta. Some NPCs can be seen wearing this armor. I'd love to see it return in a form that is not outfits. It has individual pieces already so it should be easy to implement :+1:



(can be seen at beginning of the video)


Also, releasing some of the NPC outfits in POF would be awesome. They look amazing and would be a waste to just be NPC clothing.

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