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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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1. More hair options for Asura - something simple, minimalistic, not as weird as some of the added options. Dread's with scarf are my favorite now, but I would love to see more of that.

2. Also we need more mature faces for Asuras - not cute, no weird big eyes, something that allow you to make tough looking bad-ass.

3. And finally, we need more ear options - I wish we could use male ears with scars on females too.

4. Hood for all proffesions, but with visible ears, and kinda NORMAL hood - not with mask, not with weird eyes, or not filled with black. Just a normal looking hood. Maybe with hairs?

5. More lore friendly gliders :)

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I think an item that can endlessly change the color of your eyes would be amazing. Something where you can change your eye color to match an outfit without the only option being to buy a makeover kit just because you want green eyes instead of purple or something like that. I'd love to see this in the gem store one day, what about your thoughts?

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Could you bring back Gwen's Attire...even for a few days? Some item will give a notice when they will be removed but Gwen's Attire was removed without notice. I was planning on purchasing the outfit but had not got around to it. If i had known it was leaving, i would have went ahead and purchased it. Thanks and keep up the good work!

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How about -- and I know this is crazy -- you make some of the existing/future gemstore items more versatile by giving them a freaking toggle for all the weird crap glued all over them. Let me turn off all the spikes/chains/skulls/sparkles the same way I turn off my helmet. There are a fair number of currently existing outfits I'd buy in a heartbeat if they didn't look like an 8-year-old with a goth-edition bedazzler had gotten hold of them. Just a few examples:


* Executioner's Outfit: Why does it have a skull over my crotch? Who thought this was a good idea? Was it the same person that thought putting claws over my boobs was a good plan? And that noose with _that_ purse? Please, sister.

* Bloody Prince: Again, I love the basic outfit, but um... why would I WANT to have foot long spikes growing from my shoulders?

* Champion of Tyria: "HUGE BABY FACE ON THE SHOULDER!" Like, who said that when they were pitching it to marketing and how did they not get slapped?

* Crystal Nomad: Nice outfit, too bad you can't see it under all the random floaty crap.

* Imperial: REALLY with the shoulder... things?

* Bandit sniper: Ok, I didn't list knives above, but just add knives to the list already. At least this one doesn't have a huge dagger coming out of my... _pelvis_ like certain other equipment I might mention.

* Marjory's: Please, skulls, _stop_.


There are plenty of other fashion catastrophes that are _almost_ good, as well. Don't misunderstand me: I know some people want to be sparkly and skull-encrusted and have knives coming out of their... places. I'm not telling you to stop making armor for them. But for the love of god, release a bedazzler-free version for the rest of us as well.


In other news, unrelated and less likely request: The option to purchase new voice packs for the player characters.

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> @"Akael Bayn.7812" said:

> How about -- and I know this is crazy -- you make some of the existing/future gemstore items more versatile by giving them a freaking toggle for all the weird crap glued all over them. Let me turn off all the spokes/chains/skulls/sparkles the same way I turn off my helmet. There are a fair number of currently existing outfits I'd buy in a heartbeat if they didn't look like an 8-year-old with a goth-edition bedazzler had gotten hold of them. Just a few examples:


> * Executioner's Outfit: Why does it have a skull over my crotch? Who thought this was a good idea? Was it the same person that thought putting claws over my boobs was a good plan? And that noose with _that_ purse? Please, sister.

> * Bloody Prince: Again, I love the basic outfit, but um... why would I WANT to have foot long spikes growing from my shoulders?

> * Champion of Tyria: "HUGE BABY FACE ON THE SHOULDER!" Like, who said that when they were pitching it to marketing and how did they not get slapped?

> * Crystal Nomad: Nice outfit, too bad you can't see it under all the random floaty crap.

> * Imperial: REALLY with the shoulder... things?

> * Bandit sniper: Ok, I didn't list knives above, but just add knives to the list already. At least this one doesn't have a huge dagger coming out of my... _pelvis_ like certain other equipment I might mention.

> * Marjory's: Please, skulls, _stop_.


> There are plenty of other fashion catastrophes that are _almost_ good, as well. Don't misunderstand me: I know some people want to be sparkly and skull-encrusted and have knives coming out of their... places. I'm not telling you to stop making armor for them. But for the love of god, release a bedazzler-free version for the rest of us as well.




Less gaudy, ugly, immature, weird, over-the-top, excessive, eye sores please!




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> @"Akael Bayn.7812" said:

> How about -- and I know this is crazy -- you make some of the existing/future gemstore items more versatile by giving them a freaking toggle for all the weird crap glued all over them. Let me turn off all the spikes/chains/skulls/sparkles the same way I turn off my helmet. There are a fair number of currently existing outfits I'd buy in a heartbeat if they didn't look like an 8-year-old with a goth-edition bedazzler had gotten hold of them. Just a few examples:


> * Executioner's Outfit: Why does it have a skull over my crotch? Who thought this was a good idea? Was it the same person that thought putting claws over my boobs was a good plan? And that noose with _that_ purse? Please, sister.

> * Bloody Prince: Again, I love the basic outfit, but um... why would I WANT to have foot long spikes growing from my shoulders?

> * Champion of Tyria: "HUGE BABY FACE ON THE SHOULDER!" Like, who said that when they were pitching it to marketing and how did they not get slapped?

> * Crystal Nomad: Nice outfit, too bad you can't see it under all the random floaty crap.

> * Imperial: REALLY with the shoulder... things?

> * Bandit sniper: Ok, I didn't list knives above, but just add knives to the list already. At least this one doesn't have a huge dagger coming out of my... _pelvis_ like certain other equipment I might mention.

> * Marjory's: Please, skulls, _stop_.


> There are plenty of other fashion catastrophes that are _almost_ good, as well. Don't misunderstand me: I know some people want to be sparkly and skull-encrusted and have knives coming out of their... places. I'm not telling you to stop making armor for them. But for the love of god, release a bedazzler-free version for the rest of us as well.


> In other news, unrelated and less likely request: The option to purchase new voice packs for the player characters.


All excellent suggestions. Nearly every outfit is sooo close to looking good, but typically has one or two garish things tacked on that just make it laughable.

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> @"Akael Bayn.7812" said:

> How about -- and I know this is crazy -- you make some of the existing/future gemstore items more versatile by giving them a freaking toggle for all the weird crap glued all over them. Let me turn off all the spikes/chains/skulls/sparkles the same way I turn off my helmet. There are a fair number of currently existing outfits I'd buy in a heartbeat if they didn't look like an 8-year-old with a goth-edition bedazzler had gotten hold of them. Just a few examples:


> * Executioner's Outfit: Why does it have a skull over my crotch? Who thought this was a good idea? Was it the same person that thought putting claws over my boobs was a good plan? And that noose with _that_ purse? Please, sister.

> * Bloody Prince: Again, I love the basic outfit, but um... why would I WANT to have foot long spikes growing from my shoulders?

> * Champion of Tyria: "HUGE BABY FACE ON THE SHOULDER!" Like, who said that when they were pitching it to marketing and how did they not get slapped?

> * Crystal Nomad: Nice outfit, too bad you can't see it under all the random floaty crap.

> * Imperial: REALLY with the shoulder... things?

> * Bandit sniper: Ok, I didn't list knives above, but just add knives to the list already. At least this one doesn't have a huge dagger coming out of my... _pelvis_ like certain other equipment I might mention.

> * Marjory's: Please, skulls, _stop_.


> There are plenty of other fashion catastrophes that are _almost_ good, as well. Don't misunderstand me: I know some people want to be sparkly and skull-encrusted and have knives coming out of their... places. I'm not telling you to stop making armor for them. But for the love of god, release a bedazzler-free version for the rest of us as well.


> In other news, unrelated and less likely request: The option to purchase new voice packs for the player characters.


Preach it, sister/brother. And then there's Grenth's Outfit, which appears to show, over the crotch area, a skull vomiting up a phallus. You can't make this stuff up, folks.

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May be an unpopular idea, but what about having a $14.99 a month deal similar to other MMOs that are cosmetic based'ish like TERA. Something that nets players increased RNG, loot returns (mats, money, karma) . . . permanent access to bank, merchants, etc for the time of the subscription . . . daily allotment of gems . . . exclusive mount skins for be a 'subscriber' . . . xp boost for the time of the sub . . . daily or weekly black lion chest gift box (basically a free black lion chest).


All this without NERFING the current RNG, XP gains, etc etc without a subscription.

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How about traveling companion. Like a sidekick every hero needs a sidekick there can be one of each profession in the gym store and you can only have one at a time. You'll have to supply them the weapons and armor and they'll be able to help you with Mobs and bosses

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> @"Akael Bayn.7812" said:

> How about -- and I know this is crazy -- you make some of the existing/future gemstore items more versatile by giving them a freaking toggle for all the weird crap glued all over them. Let me turn off all the spikes/chains/skulls/sparkles the same way I turn off my helmet. There are a fair number of currently existing outfits I'd buy in a heartbeat if they didn't look like an 8-year-old with a goth-edition bedazzler had gotten hold of them. Just a few examples:


> * Executioner's Outfit: Why does it have a skull over my crotch? Who thought this was a good idea? Was it the same person that thought putting claws over my boobs was a good plan? And that noose with _that_ purse? Please, sister.

> * Bloody Prince: Again, I love the basic outfit, but um... why would I WANT to have foot long spikes growing from my shoulders?

> * Champion of Tyria: "HUGE BABY FACE ON THE SHOULDER!" Like, who said that when they were pitching it to marketing and how did they not get slapped?

> * Crystal Nomad: Nice outfit, too bad you can't see it under all the random floaty crap.

> * Imperial: REALLY with the shoulder... things?

> * Bandit sniper: Ok, I didn't list knives above, but just add knives to the list already. At least this one doesn't have a huge dagger coming out of my... _pelvis_ like certain other equipment I might mention.

> * Marjory's: Please, skulls, _stop_.


> There are plenty of other fashion catastrophes that are _almost_ good, as well. Don't misunderstand me: I know some people want to be sparkly and skull-encrusted and have knives coming out of their... places. I'm not telling you to stop making armor for them. But for the love of god, release a bedazzler-free version for the rest of us as well.


> In other news, unrelated and less likely request: The option to purchase new voice packs for the player characters.


I've come to realize that the game's aesthetic is not designed for me. I thought it was when it first launched. I absolutely love map design, loading screens, character design, etc. I **love **the art design of the game. Personal armor/accessories ... not so much. I still love the game, but really, really do not love sparkle bots riding sparkle ponies in my face 24/7. I've come to accept it, but I do not like it. I am that person who wants the plain raptor reskin. I really want the crystal nomad outfit, but without the crystals. They've targeted one demographic to design for, and I drew the short end of the stick. My suggestion - design for a broader base of players.

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I think we have many types of chests and keys to open them. Maybe a keychain to store all keys from maps would be better to organize them.

It can work like the wallet system. This is how an average key stack looks like at the moment:

![](https://abload.de/img/invo9j8t.jpg "")



And we get books from collections and achievemets, why not store and collect them in a bookcase to read the lore when you want?

Also collection items should go to collections after looting and disappear from the inventory. There's no reason to keep them I guess.

I think those features would improve item organization/inventory QoL greatly.


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a good idea that could revolutionize the way Mystic Forge Crafting works

Gem-store item (similar to the transmutation charges, teleport to a friend, etc.) that de-crafts a mystic forged item back to its 4 components


I have 6 minis that are account bound and crafted for the Old Tom achievement, they're worth a total of 800g in raw materials

I would pay a good amount of $$$ to have them broken down to their materials and sell those on TP to get my gold back

(i made mistakes in my calculations and ended up with too many minis for old tom achievement)

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