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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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More hats with hairstyles. Hoods with hairstyles.

Please anet, **Do not make any more headpieces that erase hairlines**. When your designers make the outfits, is it a "Well, it makes them bald which we know annoys them but make the outfit anyway, they can always un-check the mask box." Why not just incorporate outfits that give hairstlyes that change per race? Take more time into designing your outfits.


Make cute but practical hairstyles for every race. Long braid for human females, BETTER beards for male norn/ humans. More tattoos for norn. Long sylvari hair. More horns/ mohawks for charr. Maybe hairstyles with feathers in them?

For humans/ Norn why not bring back more GW1 hairstyles? There are so many that are amazing looking from GW1.


Make a hairstyle design contest, 3 per race!

Make a costume design contest! Just imagine all the buttcapes that won't exist or clunky armors that we just shrug to.

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I have been loving the Wings of Love [&AgHsLwEA] ever since it came out.

Unfortunately it only comes in Glider skin and not backpack. But the other wings with exact same mesh did.

![](https://i.imgur.com/GxEJb06.png "")

It wouldn't even require A-net that much time to make a backpack version of it. *shrugs*

![](https://i.imgur.com/6mSU4lc.png "")

Other colours for the wings would be nice too. Fully white ones, maybe red? Any colour. Maybe even starbound?

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The ability to purchase a second armor slot. For example: I have two sets of armor: one for PvE and one for WvW. When I switch from one to the other, I have to change out my armor and weapons. It'd be nice if I could choose to have a second armor slot that switches (automatically would be great, but manually works too) when I move between the two game modes.

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WOOT! UNBOUND MAGIC GATHERING TOOLS, YALL DID GREAT!, Thats the good news, bad news is now i have to buy more diamonds. lol

can yall put the currency needed to buy the weapons skins in the store for diamonds? no pay to win stuff, just to buy skins and such. im a big fashion, outfit, and skins buff. some of the currency is hard to come by and i will pay diamonds for them. just a thought. always a devoted servant of the Anet GW2. Galaa

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I have been waiting on the Jungle outfit for a while. It's one of the few outfits that looks good on female characters and ... gasp has PANTS with no skirt or draping cloth over the backside.


Also, I would love to see some classic European medieval heavy armor / full plate. I suppose this would be from the 14th-15th centuries. The constant spikes and horns sticking out of everything are fine, but after a while it gets old.

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> @"Darkon Ligator.9342" said:

> 2 Things:

> 1: Why not add a tab to the crafting stations that allow players to pick up items and crafting supplies purchased from the Trading Post?



Adding a tab to crafting stations for the ability to pickup items from the Trading Post is a great idea. But what I really want is to see a way to sort crafting selections into batches you use all the time, similar to how the Favorites in the dye selection screen works.


It would also be nice not to have to constantly close down all the different crafting levels every time I open up my crafting window. I would like to see it collapsed every time I open it instead. With one small caveat : keep open the selections you are currently working on until you finish with them.


Having to constantly re-select what I am currently working on. Its a pain to go through this process every single time without a way to keep your selections on top until you are actually finished with them.

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