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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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I would really like the Aetherblade to come back into the shop ASAP. I was too busy farming for the Lion Griffon and I was stuck with a choice. I picked the Griffon. Also, I really want Zodiac back in the Gemstore. I'm pretty OCD and I have two characters that I'm dying to play, but I refuse to because I want them to look a specific way. PLEASE Anet put Aetherblade and Zodiac in the Gem Store so I can buy them.



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I'd love to see Butterfly Wings Backpack come back to the gem store for the beginning of spring, there's something wonderful about seeing butterflys start to appear everywhere as spring picks up steam and seeing that happen in game due to it returning to the store would be magical. Hope you consider it!

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I would like to see a once per account free swap of harvesting tools.

Here's why:

A lot of people (myself included) bought the permanent harvesting tools when they first came out (bone pick, jack in the box, etc). Then they went account-wide so you didn't have to buy more for other characters. Awesome! What's not awesome is that now there's tools like the magic ones that collect extra mats (unbound magic and so on) that we're missing out on, because we are stuck with the old tools, that don't give perks, and it makes no sense to buy more since they're account wide.

Therefore, I would really like to see a one time choice to be able to trade in your existing tools, for whatever other tools available.

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New & Improved GW1 Hairstyles for humans/ Norns- Just recycle because GW1 hairstyles looked better too. New hairstyles in general. New & BETTER beards. More Hats & Hoods with Hairstyles. Outfits that do not have Capes/ Coats/ Anything long that falls because it looks silly. More butterfly/ Bug/Insect wing gliders. More outfits that are lore/ racial based; Like the Wedding Attire. Racial based mounts? (Leafy mount for sylvari/ Machine mount for charr/ Dire mount for Norn/ Practical animal mount for humans/ Energy/ machine mount for asura)

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> @"Oskoff.5089" said:

> I'd love to see Butterfly Wings Backpack come back to the gem store for the beginning of spring, there's something wonderful about seeing butterflys start to appear everywhere as spring picks up steam and seeing that happen in game due to it returning to the store would be magical. Hope you consider it!


Yes! And I'd be a sucker for different patterns of butterfly/moth wings backpacks and gliders -- Monarch, Swallowtail, etc. I am not-so-patiently waiting for the moth wings glider to come back and would love varied patterns.

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I'd like a talking mini called "Dum Dum" preferably a tourist themed quaggan that regularly drops inane comments based on the area and takes photos of it.


Eg "Is that a volcano? Wow!" Click. Flash.


"What kind of tree is that?" Click. Flash.


Bonus points if the AI is terrible.


Also wanted a "conscience" themed mini that berates you when you kill something in the overworld.


Ie "you killed that innocent bear/hog/harpy/Dragon. You monster!"


"That poor Skritt had 97 children. What are you doing?!!"



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I don't expect to ever see this, but--I would love an outfit of [Dessa's Krewe](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dessa%27s_Krewe "Dessa's Krewe"). Have you considered making some 'cultural outfits' based on in-game skins? Making them cultural would let you off the need to adapt it for every race, and there must be NPC outfits for other races that people would love to have a chance to get.

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Wondering when you guys are going to bring back the phalanx heavy armor skins? I've been using the exemplar attire since it came out... there hasn't been an outfit that topped that elegant design imo.


I want to start using armor skin that isn't bulky and the phalanx armor fits that description the best. thanks in advance anet :D

Or release an outfit that tops the design of the exemplar :cookie:

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I'm waiting for any of these:


Raven Spirit Glider

Super Cloud Glider

Geomancer Glider

Griffon hatchling Gldier


Harbinger of Mordremoth outfit

Crystal Savant outfit


Replica job o tron backpack


Also I would like to suggest a rework of some of the in store outfits which differ drastically between genders. I would much rather have two versions of outfits like 'noble count outfit' or 'verdant executor outfit' or even 'lyssa's outfit' as I only really play male characters but the outfits for them I don't like as much as the females ones and I would have already purchased all three of those outfits mentioned if the female counterparts was available for male characters. Basically outfits should be similar between male and female with differences only in shapes and not the whole theme of the outfit (verdant executor goes from full plate battle armour on male models to a elegant lightly covered armour on females which is a huge difference - too much).

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> @"Oriens.5630" said:

> I have been waiting on the Jungle outfit for a while. It's one of the few outfits that looks good on female characters and ... gasp has PANTS with no skirt or draping cloth over the backside.

YES! So tired of skirts and more skirts for female light armor and the same can be said for male characters who have tabards and kilts or variations of the equivalent.


My suggestion for a Gem Shop item is an exact replica of the GW1 Warrior Elite Kurzick Female Armor and Male version too.


I was looking at the old GW1 armors and one realizes how truly horrifying the Elite Charr Hide armor set was :o :o Humans are the real monsters lol




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Request please for the Exemplar Attire Outfit.

Also , the Jungle Explorer Outfit.

Would also love to see a different spring outfit now, prefer a tasteful kimono , in a cherry blossom print, with hair combs for the ladies and the wooden sandals. Would make my YEAR if I could carry a hand fan too.... thanks. I understand there "used" to be an Elegant Fan Focus Skin , in gemstore - so perhaps could place that into the outfit- or make it available in Gem Store as a toy to carry ??

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