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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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I love the horns that just got released. Can we get more variety of that? Like Ram Horns, Goat Horns, Oni Horns for various shapes and curves? Can we also get a floating Halo above our heads? An actual glowing one, not the selfless potion one >_<


EDIT: Oh and give us more short skirts for our human female meta please!!

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> @"AkiMakura.6754" said:

> Add make up! This is such an obvious thing to add! The game is already fashion wars. Let us change eye-shadow, lipstick, blush, etc. Even just 5 presets of each with a color choice would be fantastic.


Agreed, it always bothered me that I couldn’t use lipstick on my female humans. I mean there are some faces with make up but the lipstick color that I like comes with ugly faces imo

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One thing I would be interested in, is an option in the Total Makeover Kits for [hornless/polled](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polled_livestock "hornless/polled") Charr. While there is the option for the horns that look like they've been [filed down and capped](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/2/2b/Charr_male_horns.jpg "filed down and capped") (it's the picture on the middle right), there's no really true hornless option. I think this could be nice for a more drastic look change, open up more options to people who don't like horns clipping through certain helms (or have a [horn helm they want to use but clashes with the Charr's horns](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/keep-your-edge-with-an-enchanted-dragon-crown-and-shattered-cathedral-glider/ "horn helm they want to use but clashes with the Charr's horns")), and there's some interesting ilr justification to back it.


Edit; Also it might give a dev some nice setup assets if they ever wanted to do a little nod to Dragon Age's Qunari and their [Hornless/Ben-Hassrath](http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Qunari#Hornlessness "Hornlessness/Ben-Hassrath"). xD

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I really enjoyed your implementation of the Novelty Item System. <3 It made me think of something that has probably been suggested many times before:


- **A Placeable Camp Site**, including a small fire, maybe some bags and other gear lying around, perhaps a little tent, a stew pot over the fire, etc...

That would be absolutely amazing for those times there is a lull in a map event, for players who roleplay during their adventures, to give more immersion to the exploring nature of this game. :D


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Gift Wrap!


Let us buy rolls of gift wrap that will let you put up to 5 items into a parcel and mail it to a friend. They get a cool little courier animation when they get one (much like the mail carriers now) and a new letter in their inbox with a wrapped present!


When they open it a themed pop-up appears that shows them their items. The theme could depend on the type of gift wrap used - birthday, quaggan, congratulations, you're awesome! are generic and available year round while holidays could sell limited time themed wraps.


What's more, you can use this to box up and send gem store items in your inventory to friends, so problems like stacks of hair kits for folks with the endless contract can be solved!


In exchange for your hospitality, you're given a black lion key. So price them at maybe the same price as keys or 10 gems more than keys just to help deter abuse.

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I would like to see a 3rd Black Lion Gardening Plot.


I would like an item that turns regular home instance nodes into rich versions.


I would like to see the return of the perma Noble Ledges pass.


I would like an item that allows me to store my favorite travel points like the season 3 and 4 books do but at my choice. I would also like to be able to custom name the points entered. Should work for anywhere. Basically an item that stores my 3D coord and allows me to return there at will at no charge. 10 spots should do nicely. No purchase limit.


Grtz War

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I'd love if some “awakened“ or “lil bit corrupted“ (like corporal kellach before he fully turned undead) skintones or faces were added to the total makeover kit.

Just the addition of the eyes from the wraith mask as an eye color would be great.


Who needs a full awakened race if you could just rp-walk to vabbi or orr and get your commander corrupted by the one and only king of undead palawa - or the other one in arah ;)


I'd love a more sepulchral look on my necro ^_^

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I have an AWESOME idea!!! Here she is: Make HEAD armors which AREN'T armors on the gemstore for 100-150 gems each, let me explain, instead of being an armor/head accessories it would be simply HAIR EXTENSIONS (strands/ extra hairs/ ponytails / spikes)


No needs to release 50 of them in 2 days, progressively , just some for players who aren't satisfied with their actual haircut and that just want to add ponytails... Will sell a lot imo, more customization! But yeah need some works.


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