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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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Hi Gale!

I want to thank you for the holiday card you and the anet crew hand signed and sent me back in 2014


Back in 2013/2014 I made a long post about items that would be interesting which included the idea of horn's, halo's, legendary dye's, Gem+Lion armor and floating orbs among many other things before they came out.


It was a very long post and unfortunately I missed out on the wild magic backpack...


I still think we need an item that shows how much total $upport we put into the game.


Either use past gem purchases to determine how much someone paid into the game or start fresh


The item would consume purcha$ed gems to purchase or upgrade the effects of the heavily priced cosmetic items.


Diamond shapes randomly as the armor with minimal obsidian Black lion design that change based on gender. $200.00 per piece


I was also imagining floating "gems" with auras or orbs that start with one and the more you pour into it the more orbs there would be.

one > two horizontally > upside down triangle > diamond > pentagon > hexagon > heptagon > octagon > circle 9


basically a gem skin that you can mold into a hand made legendary effect.


make quests for it to change the appearance (svanir ice, branded crystal, etc. etc.)

sacrifice a legendary to give the orbs the legendary effect and have a menu to decided a day and night rotation.

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Please put Viper's Medium-Armor Skin back in the Gem store !!!! You have lots of complaints about the lack of armor choices for medium armor wearers. And yet you do not make Viper's Medium-Armor Skin available. Meanwhile the Style section of the gem store is cluttered up with the same old stuff. And NO, I will NEVER buy anything that even remotely looks like Balthazar, no matter how many times you offer it. On the other hand, I will buy Viper's Medium-Armor Skin, the very second I see it in the store. Please..Please..Please

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My friends (and Guildies) often chat about what we wish we had. Whether the following items become integrated into a collection, achievement, or outright purchasable at the TP, we think they would be a very welcomed addition:


1) **A home instance bookshelf. **All the of the books you collect in this game take up a lot of space, if you are nostalgic and enjoy reading them from time to time. But when faced with precious bank slots, completed books are often destroyed. Why not offer a reasonably priced bookshelf - 600 gems maybe - that is delivered to your home instance. Interact with the bookshelf to store books there, both incomplete and complete. Maybe even add a "Master Librarian" achievement, granting APs for each tier of book storage you achieve.


2)** Account-Bound Goods Converter. ** There are a whole lot of items that are account bound, yet are rarely (if ever) used. For example: Total Makeover Kits, Hair-Style Kits, Name Change Contract, select weapons, select armor, Black Lion salvage kits, tonics, boosters, etc. Why not offer a tool (perhaps like the Ley-Energy Matter Converter) that allows you to exchange a collection of account bound goods for something else. With the advent of permanent (or endless) items, many of these items become useless, yet you continue to get them. For example, I pleased the RNG gods and received a Permanent Self-Style Hair Kit from a BL chest. Now, every time I get a single use Self-Style Hair Kit, I feel cheated...I don't need single uses, and since they are account bound, what in the world can I do with them other than destroy them. Feels like a waste when, especially when I routinely get these from BL chests. In any case, similar to my first response, this is an optional inventory space saver and it can bring value back to seemingly worthless items.


3) **Tonic Eater. ** I get it. Some people like tonics. I don't mind playing some costime brawl here and there, but why on earth are so many of these tonics account bound? They feel really cheap, especially when they are given as achievement or collection rewards. Basically, they are just fun items that are not interesting to many. I have been playing for a long time, but still, here is the complete list of tonics I have just eating up precious space in my bank (I have already deleted some): Endless Mystery Tonic (similar issue as with the Permanent Hair-Style Contract - when you have an endless, what's the point of single use versions??), 55 Mystery Tonics, Endless Mystery Tonic (different icon), Endless Skritt Burglar Tonic, Endless Gift Box Tonic, Endless Princess Doll Tonic, 2 Endless Mystery Tonics (yet a different icon), and 4 Endless Elemental Tonic Boxes. I simply delete all those from Wintersday and other festivals. All of these are Account bound. What in the world do I need with multiple endless mystery tonics? A tonic eater can consume these in exchange for something else. OR, as an alternative, use the Tonic eater to add one transformation to a master endless tonic. For example, use the Tonic Eater to add the Princess Doll option to (one of the) Endless Mystery Tonics? Last alternative is to add a "tonics" tab to the account-bood goods converter, mentioned above.


4) It was previously mentioned in this thread, but a **boost wallet** would be excellent. I don't think this needs further explanation.


5) **Additional unlimited use harvesting tool sets **that offer additional chances of extra swings or items with each use, like the Unbound Magic Tools (which are epic, by the way!). You could offer "Silverwastes" tools that harvest bandit crests with use, "Drytop" tools that harvest geodes with use, HoT tools that give appropriate map currencies with each use, PoF tools that do the same, etc.


That's what I have for now. I consider each of these items to be luxury items. I don't see a problem with making them purchasable only. Anet has to have cash flow, right? And none of these offer any specific advantages, other than storage convenience. You may sell fewer inventory or bank slots, but you will give players a bit more freedom...at a cost.


Thanks for posts like this Gaile!

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I admit that I did not read thru all of these pages so it may have already been stated.


Please give us some new light armor sets, and skip the open chested look. It's horrible. An ascended armor only set would be cool as well. Crafted ascended armor we worked so hard for is one of the worst looking sets in the game (light armor). I would gladly pay double for race specific armor that isn't stretched to fit (charr) or have tons of clipping (asura).

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> @"Augury.4053" said:

> Let me ponder...

> Mini Tiger Spirit skin as a mount that would represent the Jackal

> GW1 Factions Temple Guardian skin as a mount that would represent the Jackal

> Sand Lion skin as a mount that would represent the Jackal

> Cheetah skin as a mount that would represent the Jackal


> Alternative dances for our characters.


> Alternative "aura" colors for each class: For example...Mesmer energy or aura is purple/pink. Their attacks are "purple/pink".

> Why not blue or green?(same exact animations, just a different color) I think the GW2 universe is too complicated and layered to have pink = mesmer, green = necro etc; as a locked rule. Let the player decide what each color represents for themselves. "Red can be seen as "evil" or it can be seen as "bold".


> Sunglasses, ear muffs, and Mini Llamas do not quite "blend" into the GW2 story plot however it is a welcome and enjoyed aesthetic. A mesmer with a "blue-beamed-butterfly" spatial surge attack wont damage the integrity of the class lol. This would also change the skill icon colors.


> Alternative Cursor "skins"? I may not be describing this in the best way.


> "Walking/running" auras or animations that can be toggled for use in and outside of combat. Leaving the player to decide the implementation.

> -Lighting walking/Running

> -Ice "Crystally" walking/Running

> -Fire of course

> -Shadow energy etc etc







I'd pay so much to change colors of my attacks! I want green fire and lightning!!

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Would love to see something like this as a light armor skin or outfit!

The Luna Ghost from the first scooby-doo movie

[http://villains.wikia.com/wiki/Luna_Ghost](http://http://villains.wikia.com/wiki/Luna_Ghost "http://villains.wikia.com/wiki/Luna_Ghost")


And this: Halloween costume

[https://images.halloweencostumes.com/products/1487/1-2/adult-dark-jester-costume.jpg](https://images.halloweencostumes.com/products/1487/1-2/adult-dark-jester-costume.jpg "https://images.halloweencostumes.com/products/1487/1-2/adult-dark-jester-costume.jpg")


For some reason I seem to have zero luck with posting pictures on this forum site, o well.

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i havent read everything here but

yes to the major things

- bookshelf in home instance, plus the furtinure, make it feel like an actual home, mebbe add some plushies too

- tonic bag / tab, theres too many tonics to be takin up so much inventory, have them there own wardrobe/finisher tab

- also remove the timer and giv them all jumping and at least som fighting ability

- making all the items in the gem store available at any time

- lower cost on crafting licenses, bank/bag slots etc

- shared gathering tools slots, mebbe make the types as skins so u can still have different sets for each character

- portal scroll book

- capes

- npc + enemy logbook


- plush versions of th mount skins maybe, and an aurene griffin mount

- more customization for the non human races

- some more skirt skins for medium + heavy armours

- lesser race characters, itd be fun to play through the game as a skritt, quaggan, centaur etc, could be brought ether as a pack or individually having a second screen to click to and select from on new character creation (i know its unlikely to ever happen but still)


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2 quality of life things that I'd be super interested in:


Shared/account wide harvesting tool slots. I have like 20 characters and am not buying unbound tools for all of them...and it's far too annoying to unequip 1, put it in the bank or shared slot, reequip on the next char...


I wuld actually remortgage my house and throw my money at Anet for a permanent transmutation charge contract. I love fashion wars but dont wvw or pvp so dont have many transmutation charges

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* Capes, as backpack skins.

* Molten Jetpack as a Skimmer skin

when you mount, you hover with a jetpack on your back instead of being mounted on skimmer, but moves just like a skimmer

jet pack isn't a skimmer but there are already glider skins that are not gliders

* pogo stick springer mount, lol (maybe rocket-boosted pogo stick, to fit the high jump function)

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I still miss more Armor skins. Outfits are great but u cant combine them so easy to get an cool unic look. Most of all i whould like to see more remakes of gw1 armorskinns. have waited for a remake of the old krytan armor from gw1 for a long time. hope it will happend sometimes. but still there is alot of cool armors. why dont do a big box of armors from gw1 for people to bye to unlook them all in either wardrobe or outfits option?

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I would love to see the return of **Incarnate Light Armor Skin** to the shop.


Also, I realize **Belinda's Greatsword Skin** was recently in the shop, but it was for what, one day? I'd love to see that and other Asian style items available in the store for the duration of the Lunar Festival. It just makes sense to me.

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> @"Boulder.3589" said:

> * Capes, as backpack skins.

> * Molten Jetpack as a Skimmer skin

> when you mount, you hover with a jetpack on your back instead of being mounted on skimmer, but moves just like a skimmer

> jet pack isn't a skimmer but there are already glider skins that are not gliders

> * pogo stick springer mount, lol (maybe rocket-boosted pogo stick, to fit the high jump function)


Please none of this... well, maybe capes. Things are getting pretty corny already with items that look like they clearly do not belong in the world of Tyria. Don't ruin the look of the game please.

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> @"Bofouci.1320" said:

> > @"Boulder.3589" said:

> > * Capes, as backpack skins.

> > * Molten Jetpack as a Skimmer skin

> > when you mount, you hover with a jetpack on your back instead of being mounted on skimmer, but moves just like a skimmer

> > jet pack isn't a skimmer but there are already glider skins that are not gliders

> > * pogo stick springer mount, lol (maybe rocket-boosted pogo stick, to fit the high jump function)


> Please none of this... well, maybe capes. Things are getting pretty corny already with items that look like they clearly do not belong in the world of Tyria. Don't ruin the look of the game please.


I disagree. Asuras would 100% make these. Sure you may personally not like the whole Asura and high tech theme but it belongs in Tyria. Don't be so racist, you bokka.

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