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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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Several ideas for gemstore stuff in this post which I will categorize by type (mount, glider, etc.):



Unicorn or Pegasus Griffon

T-Rex Raptor

Raven or Eagle Griffon

Super adventure mounts

Baby Wyvern or Dragon Griffon



Superhero cape glider/backpiece

Volatile Ley Orb Backpiece (kind of a giant ball of ley energy like we carry during current events stories but as a back-piece).


House within each racial home instance (similar to garden option) that we can unlock with gemstore purchase and decorate using our scribe and chill out alone in.


Eaters similar to candy corn gobbler for excess Heart of Thorns materials like Auric dust.


Fishing pond for home instance similar to garden with account bound chef recipes and maybe some for utilities with healing! (Also related, but not gemstore related but a fishing mini game somewhere in the game would be amazing!!!!!!)


Some other people might already have asked for capes and some stuff probably - don't mean to steal anyone's ideas just adding to them!







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> @"Chadramar.8156" said:

> Any armor, weapons or toys that are not human-themed! Sylvari in particular look so much better in gear that is designed for them. But some nice norn-themed things with fur and knotwork ornaments would also be great, and something for the charr of course because they're famously hard to find gear for.


> Actual armor skins over outfits, for all the reasons that have been stated many times.


> _Non-gendered armor_. Let me wear the exact same, beautifully themed, practical and/or impressive gear that men get to wear. No skirts, heels, underwear, b-plates, b-windows or other "strategic" naked skin.


> I once saw someone half-jokingly suggest a cat finisher for PvP, which each time randomly selects from any feline model ... and an Aurene wearing cat ears. That'd be hilarious, and I don't even do PvP.


All of this! I'd also really like more armors and backpack pieces that fit well on the charr model. I love my Griffon Hatchling backpack, but its little back feet _hover_ over my Deadeye's back.

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Not sure if this is the right thread for this, but could we have an item on the gemstore which is effectively a tome that lets us slot custom waypoints into it?


So for example something like the LS3/4 portal tomes, but where we could assign maybe 5-10 waypoints of our choice? I think it would be a nice QoL item for quicker access to WPs near the gather spots, events or world bosses that we frequent the most. (would need to have unlocked the waypoints before you're able to add them in of course)

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**The Book Of Cultural Behavior:** An item similar to the How to Dance book that, when consumed, gives your account access to Emotes that aren’t normally available, or possibly unlocks new emote commands. Things like more talk varieties, work poses like hammering and welding, and special Emotes like the Olmakhan floating meditation pose.


There’s a variety of animations that I know people would pay money to have access to. I for one love the new Olmakhan emotes and would love to see them player accessible in some form.

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Unbreakable Volatile Magic Gathering tools. OR an unlock to upgrade Unbound Magic tools to also collect Volatile Magic. OR add Mystic Forge recipe to combine Volatile Magic tools into a ones that have 250 uses like the Mystic Salvage Kit.


* Unbreakable Volatile Magic Tools

* Tome of the Traveler (Portal Tome that stores Portal Passes like Airship etc.)

* Account Library Unlock (to store lore books :) and thanks for adding them :) )

* Volume #2 Dance pack adding gw1 dances

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> @"Inimicus.7162" said:

> Shoulder gear variations on existing armor pieces.


> My pictures will display symmetry options, because that's my thing but don't limit them to that. It should be both symmetry and swap sided versions.

> For asymmetry to look good, it must still be balanced, it is simply a complex balance and it doesn't always look like when I can't choose which side I want it on.

> Increasingly old MSPaint examples (no sense retaking the screen shots):


> https://i.imgur.com/tAZ2eNL.jpg - Single

> https://i.imgur.com/Ek0F7hK.jpg - Single

> https://i.imgur.com/vRQLQBK.png - Many examples, heavy armor

> https://i.imgur.com/uX3FL8G.png - Light armor and an altered bladed back item suggestion

> https://i.imgur.com/t3DBjUu.png - Medium


> Again, I prefer symmetry but swapping the looks to the opposite side is worth doing too. I'd buy packages of these oO


Oooo I love this idea and completely agree with you! I would love to be able to have my armor symmetrical (Maybe an OCD thing). I would also love to be able to choose which side had what look. Being able to customize armor like that would be amazing.

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> @"MoonCrash.6713" said:

> I'd love to buy skins for necromancer minions. Those skins shouldn't completely change their look so that they can be easily recognized in pvp, but since you can heavily customize your character, i don't see why you can't change your minions a bit.


That would be awesome! I would absolutely buy necromancer minion skins! I kind of wish there was a way to get different looking ones.

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> @"Zekvich.6701" said:



> Also I would like to suggest a rework of some of the in store outfits which differ drastically between genders. I would much rather have two versions of outfits like 'noble count outfit' or 'verdant executor outfit' or even 'lyssa's outfit' as I only really play male characters but the outfits for them I don't like as much as the females ones and I would have already purchased all three of those outfits mentioned if the female counterparts was available for male characters. Basically outfits should be similar between male and female with differences only in shapes and not the whole theme of the outfit (verdant executor goes from full plate battle armour on male models to a elegant lightly covered armour on females which is a huge difference - too much).


*** Would be nice to decide for yourself which version your character is wearing, ie if you want the female version on your male character you should get the option to select it etc and vice versa.



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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> I would like to remind anet I am still willing to pay 2000 gems for a **normal** coloured version of the destroyer wings.

> There’s nothing worse than having a destroyer themed main character, destroyer wings dyed like normal fire, but the backpack being a venomous kind of green.

> ~~Vine-Touched~~ Destroyer Wings


Agreed, I want to be able to have my backpack match my glider..... If I can dye the glider skin I'd like to dye the backpack to match.

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I don't know if this has been posted -


Customizeable Mistlock Home instance - Allow us to pick pieces of each racial instance to slap together and a modifiable home.

SAB Beta tester pass - Allow people access outside of when it is normally accessable

Portable Crafting station/stations - Like the Mystic Forge Conduit

More add-ons for Home instance - I personally would like the Fractal cat golems to be available in my Home instance and Crafting stations, for atmosphere.


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There already exists the "Top Hat" skin, which i personally like, but sadly it makes ur characters bald for god knows why.. i've seen various of threads on Reddit as well about this, but I haven't yet seen anyone from Arenanet to comment on this matter. So..


1: Modify the existing skin, into having a default hairstyle, i know im nothing but a one guy, but literally any default hairstyle would do instead of the bald.


2: Since some people might not be bothered by this baldness, you could be able to make money out of this idea, by simply making another simple top hat skin, with the addition of hair. And yes i know it might sound like you're "milking money" if you did the 2nd option, but in the end, it is a gemstore item, a cosmetic one, which im sure nobody would mind in the end, but instead would gladly buy even if they already had the old top hat.


3: personally im not interested on the other skins other than the top hat, but there are various of other hat skins that do the same thing, such as the Wizard Hat, where u could make a similar change.


I'm not too sure if anyones reading up on this thread anymore, i surely hope so tho, since these small things can actually make a huge difference. ;)

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> @"Ryushujin.9857" said:

> A loyalty scheme for certain amounts of gems spent, for example 400 gems - Transmutation Charges

> Etc.. With more gems spent giving better items like a progress bar?


As long as this applied retroactively I would be ok with this. I just hate to think of all the players such as myself who have already spent hundreds in the gem store to have to start fresh on something like this.

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