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[Suggestion] Making content/collections (specifically Mad Maleficence) more visible


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Hello! I've been having a good time completing the Halloween collections. However, I think it would make a lot of sense to integrate the starting hint of an important content collection like Mad Maleficence into the game's story. For example, a tiny PS in Tassi's letter that says something along the lines of "Oh yeah, Brigadier General Kernel wants to update you on the war effort against Palawa Joko. See him in Lion's Arch." Finding out that I have to speak with Brigadier General Kernel to open this collection via the Achievement UI is kind of meh, and initially I thought that there was no Joko content in this patch because I had not opened the Achievement panel right away. I wanted to experience the Halloween patch at first without going through the UI. I guess I would have eventually talked to the Brigadier by chance, but I would have gone the whole time thinking that the devs had decided not to bring Joko in. Anyway, hope you will consider it for the future! Awesome work with the patch! =)

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I guess I still haven't broken the habit from Season 1 when the achievement panel was almost all the info we got about new content because that's the first thing I check when a festival starts.


But I agree, it would be helpful to have something in-game to point us towards any new content. It was mentioned in the patch notes but it would be nice to have an in-game prompt too, especially for something story related.

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