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I hope Anet brings EOTM back to life


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Here is my worthless 2 cents. I actually cut my teeth in EOTM. I tried starting out in WvW but being such a noob I was constantly ridiculed for my lack of knowledge. So EOTM can serve a purpose and possibly give Noobs the confidence to jump into WvW.


As far as adding Pips I am not sure that is the answer to bring back life to it. Maybe only allowing the first three chest tiers wood, bronze and silver could be a small compromise and then they have to jump into WvW to finish.

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> @"Dilligaf Wyt.1867" said:

> Here is my worthless 2 cents. I actually cut my teeth in EOTM. I tried starting out in WvW but being such a noob I was constantly ridiculed for my lack of knowledge. So EOTM can serve a purpose and possibly give Noobs the confidence to jump into WvW.


> As far as adding Pips I am not sure that is the answer to bring back life to it. Maybe only allowing the first three chest tiers wood, bronze and silver could be a small compromise and then they have to jump into WvW to finish.


+1. I have a few fond memories of EoTm from back when I was a complete noob, no idea what I was doing or where I even was or what game-mode I was participating in. Eventually I discovered the main WvW maps because of EoTM.

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Make EoM an actual map that counts toward wvw score, BAM. Of course there are lots of problems that need to be worked out if that were to happen, but I think it would be doable. As it stands there is next to no reason to play EoM, since the rewards for playing on EB/BLs are almost ten times better. I used to love EoM when I started a few years ago, it is how leveled most of my early characters, the special objective powers were mostly fun, nodes in the field were small fun reason to run around the map.

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I would love if EoTM became a “second” EBG, even slap down a castle in the center where the useless pirates are, or better yet make it into a pirate fortress we capture.


Imo, EoTM is the most fun WvW map they’ve made, but when it devolved into a karma farm, and then everyone left it sucked, would be nice to fight there where objectives actually mattered.

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