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Staff DD..for roaming


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I've been encountering more Staff Daredevils lately while roaming in WvW which has peaked my interest in the spec. I've never played Thief before so it will be a learning process for me. I see this build from metabattle: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Daredevil_-_Staff_Daredevil. While I understand it's more suited for GvG, I wanted to ask the experts if there is anything to modify (traits, armor, etc) for a roaming/havoc style of play?

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For roaming, with that build you would want to change Havoc Mastery to Brawler's Tenacity and Staff Master to Escapist's Absolution. This would change DrD to 3-2-3.

I'd personally have all Marauader, and change your runes to Durability. Elite skill is a toss up between Basilisk Venom and Dagger Storm. The stun in nice, but Dagger Storm can get you out of a lot of sticky situations.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> For roaming, with that build you would want to change Havoc Mastery to Brawler's Tenacity and Staff Master to Escapist's Absolution. This would change DrD to 3-2-3.

> I'd personally have all Marauader, and change your runes to Durability. Elite skill is a toss up between Basilisk Venom and Dagger Storm. The stun in nice, but Dagger Storm can get you out of a lot of sticky situations.


Thank you! Very helpful. Would you recommend keeping shortbow for the offhand as well?



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> @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > For roaming, with that build you would want to change Havoc Mastery to Brawler's Tenacity and Staff Master to Escapist's Absolution. This would change DrD to 3-2-3.

> > I'd personally have all Marauader, and change your runes to Durability. Elite skill is a toss up between Basilisk Venom and Dagger Storm. The stun in nice, but Dagger Storm can get you out of a lot of sticky situations.


> Thank you! Very helpful. Would you recommend keeping shortbow for the offhand as well?




When I solo roam with Staff DrD I generally use D/P as my offset for either a surprise engagement or an escape if things go sour. If I join a few allies and roam around in a small group then I'll swap that offset to Shortbow.

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> @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > For roaming, with that build you would want to change Havoc Mastery to Brawler's Tenacity and Staff Master to Escapist's Absolution. This would change DrD to 3-2-3.

> > I'd personally have all Marauader, and change your runes to Durability. Elite skill is a toss up between Basilisk Venom and Dagger Storm. The stun in nice, but Dagger Storm can get you out of a lot of sticky situations.


> Thank you! Very helpful. Would you recommend keeping shortbow for the offhand as well?




dont need it tbh, u can dodge ur self out of situations, use d/p and dodge in ur smoke field to get you out of enemy eye and ur good.

i roam with staff build, mainly cus im to lazy to switch to other roaming build.


i have full marauder tho, and im using daredevil runes tho i doubt runes make a huge different in roaming with staff build. i just love the crit after dodge :D.

and instead of accuracy rune i have stamina but that blows for roaming i dont even know if it performs good in blob fights/gvg but as i mentioned before im lazy and i dont have problem the way i go now.


only thing i sometimes change when im not lazy is acro to > crit and then 3 2 1 in traits and put Assassins signet instead of bandit deffense and smash on full zerk armor with scholar runes, it will wreck most people in 1/2 hits but u lose alot also in deffense so basically kill or die situation when u go like that.

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I myself prefer Staff mastery over EA in a staff focused build. Coupled with Acro the endurance regen is tremendous meaning lots of dodges. I then use PR as an added cleanse given the combo of dodges and weapon evades will rarely see a kickin for Instant reflexes.


A lot depends on your style of fight and the opponents you face. As example when I am on a condition build facing a staff user who I know has EA I just load the conditions on during a vulnerable frame in a burst and lay off attacking. He tries to use EA to cleanse and gets nowhere. IF however I am with a group of people who keep attacking after I put those conditions on, they give him a chance to cleanse. EA tends to become more effective when there more enemies at a time.

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