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I'd like something explained.


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Just run it past me whenever you have time. PM it to me in game from mail or something, I don't care. But please, please, PLEASE explain to me why deadeye is still allowed to perma-stealth and do so much damage after exiting, but reaper, who has been bottom of the barrel trash for SO LONG, got a nerf?

Please. I'd really like to know. What was your reasoning, Anet?

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Reaper's been a noob trap since its damage got buffed massively and VP got nerfed as a consequence and the PvE crowd only wants more damage, which is who ANet caters to. I was destroying with it since it was released. Remember ghost thief and how it was nerfed in less than a week once it soloed a raid while seeing a new thread about it made every day for over a year in the PvP sections?


Reaper's binary because it loss literally 70% of its potential durability. It either destroys something or gets destroyed. If you want a class with versatility and real capacity to fight well, it can't do stupid amounts of damage with very little skill or risk required. Or at least, it shouldn't. I know, I'm one to talk about asinine amounts of damage being a signet D/D thief - but as someone who mained reaper for a long time after stopping playing my thief seriously: Reaper is still today miles more consistent and much easier to play with fair success, and always has been.


DE is garbage design fundamentally. I proposed the Deadeye in 2015 immediately after HoT. I wrote in the proposal explicitly why stealth sniper would be and now is a problem based on core thief's mechanics, literally basing the entire thing on revealed because ranged thief proves problematic thanks to OH pistol/chained stealth, which they'd never rework. ANet proceeded to expound on the problem by adding MBS and nerfing the rest of non-stealth damage on core thief.


You can ask the same types of questions about most classes today. Why a scrapper can run around with nearly 80% damage reduction all the time (holo isn't far off either), why longbow soulbeast can sit in a tower and kill someone by pressing 2. Why warrior and firebrand and mirage can run around not caring about damage at all.


These things happen because most people - at least the ones still playing the game - do not care about thought-provoking, balanced, and fair/fun combat at the end of the day. It's all for a power-fantasy. And as has been made apparent - nor do the people making the content really seem to care, either.



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In addition to what the guy said above. This is only really a problem in pvp if you lack the ability to punish them. In pve, deadeyes is only good in particular situations. Scaled up events? It's not very good there unless its a single target IE bounties and etc.


Deadeye has design flaws, which makes it a sink or swim class atm. But i dont mind that, as the reward for playing well is there. Reaper is similar, only way more consistent.

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Or you can simply see it for what it is: Necromancer's damages are relying on traits procs since release which made the profession's power builds inefficient in PvE and barely viable in PvP. ANet tried to correct this problem by giving raw stats and forgot that those raw stats would impact the procs and now they add more bandaids patchs (damage nerfs) to fix the mess they put themself into. In short this is what happen when you try to fix an issue with poor foresight.


As for DE, it doesn't have "procs" to fix, it's just a one trick pony that's bothersome at most. That said, I say this as a player which experienced the era where reveal didn't exist and thiefs could instakill almost all professions from stealth. The current DE is merely at that level and have plenty of tells to warn you.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> Or you can simply see it for what it is: Necromancer's damages are relying on traits procs since release which made the profession's power builds inefficient in PvE and barely viable in PvP.


I'd hope you realize that this claim is over-exaggeration. Even in sPvP with horrendously low stats I was hitting 10-20k Soul Spirals even before they buffed its damage by 40%. In WvW a proper power build has one-skill-killed anything except tank builds since these changes. Spinal Shivers was bonus and was like I said: An execute at 50% health.


Which is way too easy to hit given the damage reaper has access to.


LSS would have been fine as it was if they undid all the damage buffs. Because then it wouldn't proc halfway through the cast of RS4 letting the boonrip+massive burst allow RS4 to finish builds even responding to the initial hits of SSpiral with protection since it'd get removed.


Welcome to D/D thief, except Reaper still deals more damage and still has better sustain. It's not amazing, and it's not fun, but this is how being balanced actually works.

More damage isn't always the answer. There's a reason the VP/SoS nerf->damage buff patch was damning to the profession and why I condemned it since the day it landed.




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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > Or you can simply see it for what it is: Necromancer's damages are relying on traits procs since release which made the profession's power builds inefficient in PvE and barely viable in PvP.


> I'd hope you realize that this claim is over-exaggeration. Even in sPvP with horrendously low stats I was hitting 10-20k Soul Spirals even before they buffed its damage by 40%. In WvW a proper power build has one-skill-killed anything except tank builds since these changes. Spinal Shivers was bonus and was like I said: An execute at 50% health.


> Which is way too easy to hit given the damage reaper has access to.


> LSS would have been fine as it was if they undid all the damage buffs. Because then it wouldn't proc halfway through the cast of RS4 letting the boonrip+massive burst allow RS4 to finish builds even responding to the initial hits of SSpiral with protection since it'd get removed.


> Welcome to D/D thief, except Reaper still deals more damage and still has better sustain. It's not amazing, and it's not fun, but this is how being balanced actually works.

> More damage isn't always the answer. There's a reason the VP/SoS nerf->damage buff patch was damning to the profession and why I condemned it since the day it landed.





You mean the damage which for the most part is slow, melee, and dodgable with massive tells? There is a reason it hits hard. Reaper felt like trash to even land anything before. Now there is a reward for actually being in melee range and brawling.


You are talking about its main source of damage, as if it has a multitude of other reliable ways to do damage. It didn't. That's why it was always meme teir. Reaper is not only in a good position now, it's actually viable. I can only agree on certain tone downs, assuming other things are toned down in accordance. But that isn't what is happening.

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > Or you can simply see it for what it is: Necromancer's damages are relying on traits procs since release which made the profession's power builds inefficient in PvE and barely viable in PvP.


> I'd hope you realize that this claim is over-exaggeration. Even in sPvP with horrendously low stats I was hitting 10-20k Soul Spirals even before they buffed its damage by 40%. In WvW a proper power build has one-skill-killed anything except tank builds since these changes. Spinal Shivers was bonus and was like I said: An execute at 50% health.


And I hope that you realise as well that channeled skills hitting for this amount of damage is very common accross professions. Be it hundred blade, whirling axe, whirling defense, whirling wrath... etc they all achieve pretty much the same damage... Well, in some cases, even more. They are all channeled skills that share the same weakness: interrupt. Soul spiral output share the same weakness than any other power skill: weakness.


Now like you say, Spinal shiver was an execute at 50%. The issue being that there is no tell due to this being instant and happen without the necromancer even willing it to happen. When ANet gave this boost in ferocity in shroud, the burst from this trait just shot throught the roof. And like I said, this is/was inefficient in PvE and barely viable in PvP (read here: a gimmick. Now the gimmick become problematic and this is why it is nerfed).

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