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Never been in fractals. I want to get to fractal 96 farm as fast as possible. How to do that?

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> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > @"Annihilator.2617" said:

> > I have never been in fractals. I want to get to fractal 96 farm as fast as possible. How to do that? Tips, tricks, advices?


> Of all levels, why 96?


42 and 96 are farm fractals. 96 is Aetherblade and can be completed in like.. 2min 30sec ? less ?

42 (Mai Trin) is faster, can be done in around 2min, but gives less inscriptions.

Now, which one is better ? I belive 42 still, due to exotic drops which you can salvage for inscriptions/insignias. It brings less relics though.

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> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> I thought fractal farms were gone after the 40 nerf, I never read about new farms on lfg in these days.


If you have fractal god, they are even better now than before (i think ?), or at least same level. Im not fully sure about this, since i never did old 40 farm, but as stated above, this farm (with fractal god) brings about 50-60g/h with a good group. If you dont have god, its a bit less (depending on the fractal title you have) but still realy alot.

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> @"Annihilator.2617" said:

> I have never been in fractals. I want to get to fractal 96 farm as fast as possible. How to do that? Tips, tricks, advices?


If you have never been into fractals before don't go there to just farm them. It's definitely not what you expect and it's more than likely that you'll be better off with Paladawan and RIBA.

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Few days ago, I joined a group in T4, one guys had 0 AR and died instantly once in an instance, Turned out, That 0 AR guy paid for the carry, we did all T4 + Recs on that run, I did not get the pay check from that person though. :s


So If you want to farm 96 super fast, should do the same as that person did.

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> @"VanWilder.6923" said:

> Few days ago, I joined a group in T4, one guys had 0 AR and died instantly once in an instance, Turned out, That 0 AR guy paid for the carry, we did all T4 + Recs on that run, I did not get the pay check from that person though. :s


> So If you want to farm 96 super fast, should do the same as that person did.




:p :p

Well at least he can get ~200 +1 infusion and some gold, it's worth it.

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> @"Glider.5792" said:

> > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > > @"Annihilator.2617" said:

> > > I have never been in fractals. I want to get to fractal 96 farm as fast as possible. How to do that? Tips, tricks, advices?

> >

> > Of all levels, why 96?


> 42 and 96 are farm fractals. 96 is Aetherblade and can be completed in like.. 2min 30sec ? less ?

> 42 (Mai Trin) is faster, can be done in around 2min, but gives less inscriptions.

> Now, which one is better ? I belive 42 still, due to exotic drops which you can salvage for inscriptions/insignias. It brings less relics though.


Are there some fancy skips or how do you do Aetherblade in 2,5 minutes? The fancy bomb-phase alone already takes like 5. At least it feels that way.

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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > @"Glider.5792" said:

> > > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > > > @"Annihilator.2617" said:

> > > > I have never been in fractals. I want to get to fractal 96 farm as fast as possible. How to do that? Tips, tricks, advices?

> > >

> > > Of all levels, why 96?

> >

> > 42 and 96 are farm fractals. 96 is Aetherblade and can be completed in like.. 2min 30sec ? less ?

> > 42 (Mai Trin) is faster, can be done in around 2min, but gives less inscriptions.

> > Now, which one is better ? I belive 42 still, due to exotic drops which you can salvage for inscriptions/insignias. It brings less relics though.


> Are there some fancy skips or how do you do Aetherblade in 2,5 minutes? The fancy bomb-phase alone already takes like 5. At least it feels that way.


im sure no profi but one thing i do as mesmer in this Fraktal is using Blink to access the room in which i disable the first traps through condi cleanse/jaunt. U can do this while ur group kills thrash mobs after u focus 4 them.

Saves some time since there is always one getting downed by this ^^



Found a video ; key for bomb phase is to have those pulls ready so u clear the waves efficient.

+ Y mesmer skipped the first two traps

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