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Disenchantment as an effect


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Since WoD got nerfed, is it fair to ask Anet to look at ways to better the other spellbreaker utilities that have 0 use?


Let's look at [disenchantment ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Disenchantment "disenchantment ")as an effect. Clearly has a place, and valuable in WvW. Sadly only Winds of Disenchantment applies this.


Now, let's look at the 2 most useless Spellbreaker skills and what's wrong with them.

* https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Imminent_Threat

Weak by design. 35 second cooldown for a 1.5 second taunt in a tiny 240 range radius. In it's current state, has 0 utility and fills no niche.

* https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sight_beyond_Sight

With the amount of stealth being thrown around, and even the ability to remove revealed, 3 seconds of revealed is hardly useful. Designed to counter stealth, the game already have mechanics in place to counter this skill.


Here's what I propose to fix them:

* Sight beyond Sight (Spellbreaker): Change it so you gain an effect that allows you to see stealthed targets instead of revealing them for a short period of time, increase damage to stealthed enemies. Enemies you strike during this period are applied disenchantment for a second.

* Imminent Threat (Spellbreaker): Give it 2 charges, reduce taunt duration. Apply Disenchantment for 5 seconds.

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Would indeed be nice if they further expanded Disentchantment as a unique condition.

Let's say, adding it to any of our utilities or traits as in "deal disentchament on your next hit (or few hits)". Would make it usuable against single targets in duels but also allow us to combine it with Hammerstun or anything else in blob fights. To get us away from running warriors as suicidal WoD bots only. There is obviously more they can do in blob fights than that but you know what I mean.

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> @"TheBravery.9615" said:

> * Sight beyond Sight (Spellbreaker): Change it so you gain an effect that allows you to see stealthed targets instead of revealing them for a short period of time, increase damage to stealthed enemies. Enemies you strike during this period are applied disenchantment for a second.


I love this idea. The main issue with this skill is small range and the deadeye's elite skill that removes reveal (which is one of the most stupid things anet could do... giving deadeye counter to counter).

Giving spellbreaker ability to see stealthed enemies for like 2-3 seconds with reasonable cooldown and no amunition is intriguing idea. Blind removal and 100% crit chance on next hit could stay. The only bad thing I can imagine is other classes crying that spellbreaker got something good like this.


Also, this would be only good against something that is already broken. I would prefer toning down broken stuff rather than adding counter to it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"TheBravery.9615" said:


> * https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sight_beyond_Sight

> Designed to counter stealth, the game already have mechanics in place to counter this skill.


So true it hurts.


> * Sight beyond Sight (Spellbreaker): Change it so you gain an effect that allows you to see stealthed targets instead of revealing them for a short period of time, increase damage to stealthed enemies.


Agree with this one. It won't break stealth so thieves can still have their counter reveal from other professions and yet spellbreakers would have their counter stealth useful (but selfishly useful as allies won't see the stealthed enemy)


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Disenchantment effect is such missed opportunity.

It would be more interesting if it was part of class mechanic, e.g. burst skills/full counter applied disenchantment effect, dagger 3 could also apply disenchantment effect upon interrupt, etc.

Grandmaster trait that adds reveal pulse on enemies that are affected with disenchantment, e.g. 1 sec reveal pulse per 1 sec of disenchantment effect.

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yes indeed those 2 utilities are very weak, but I am not going to lie, even if Anets makes them reliable and good utilities I will still not switch them for endure pain or berserker stance. The warrior survival heavily dependents on those utilities, so as long as there is condi spam and 1 shot builds, warriors are not going to make the switch.


Furthermore, bulls charge is also a must on warrior builds for closing gaps and mitigating kiting, so my guess is that warriors will not make the change even if Anet makes those utilities better.


But yeah, I do agree with you that warrior utilities need an improvement and not just those 2 that you mention but also these:

* Fear me (60 seconds is too high for a skill that gives 3,2 or 1 sec of fear and 6 sec of weakness)

* Throw bolas (the projectile is too slow and always misses enemies that move left or right)

* Banners


Anet has done minor buffs to the utilities that I just mentioned; they also did some major buffs to other utilities.

However, these utilities mentioned above are not up to current gaming standards.


* Fear me should have a reduce cooldown time between 25 seconds or 30 seconds to make it decent. Nobody is going to get a utility that has a chance of granting 3,2 or 1 sec of fear on a 60 second cooldown. Come on Anet!


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  • 4 weeks later...

I think the disenchantment effect should function similarly to resistance.

Instead of removing boons that are applied, it should make boons ineffective for its duration.

I feel that would be a better mechanic for Arena Net to work with if they were to expand upon the use of disenchantment and include it in other skills and traits.

It would be a nerf to Winds of Disenchantment, but compensatory buffs could be provided.

For example, the quickness from Time Warp persists even after leaving the bubble. Similarly a few seconds of Disenchantment could inflicted by WoD, so that affected players continue to have it for a bit even after leaving it's effect.

Otherwise cooldown/size/duration can all be adjusted for balance.

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