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WvW - No Traits Weekend Event

Rasp Sabreblade.5421

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> @"Rasp Sabreblade.5421" said:

> > @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> > I hope the OP isn't serious hoping for something like this.

> >

> >

> I am very serious. This event would give Anet a real tool to see just how skills (weapon and utility) function without any modification. What's balanced. What seems under tuned or over tuned.

> Being able to really see how WvW functions without some of the OP profession/specialization traits would be a great tool to help Anet balance WvW and PvP. By just saying we should do a core traits only event, wouldn't show anything hugely meaningful in terms of balance. Does all the power creep come from the Elite specs or can some it be attributed to the weapons or existing skills in combination with new skills. Some core Skills might be come useless without the newer functionality of the Elite Specs. Besides doing core only specs/traits would only prove how some professions can't even function without the elite specs.



Yeah whatever. Anet knows. And for some of the professions -Core Engineer especially, which has had many of its abilities(never even minding traits) either left stagnant for several years or just gutted(and left there because of the stupid Holosmith), they know and they just don't give a toss. Many of us don't need to spend a weekend as somebody else's tomato can to know our professions need help or that this proposal is just bad.

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