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Soulbeast doesn't feel like a ranger


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> @Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

> > @ProtoMarcus.7649 said:

> > > @squiggit.2357 said:

> > > > @Ackzar.9156 said:

> > > > Risk vs Reward. Why would you get the same rewards at range, as someone who exposes themselves at goes into melee range? You still get to be ranged, and kite with longbow, however, from a balance perspective, it's logical you don't get to do the same damage as someone who swoops into melee range with their great sword. You can always run LB/A-Wh, where you get to swap between long range singel target damage, and medium range utility weapons.

> > >

> > > I see people say this a lot and it kind of confuses me. How can it be from a balance perspective when ranged is generally considered kind of crap in this game?

> >

> > Let's say

> > + you deal 10K dps with a Melee-Range Greatsword, and

> > + also 10K dps with a long-range Longbow

> > +

> > It is not balanced to be able to deal the same amount of damage **from 1500 range,** away from danger, while the GS user has to go into **really close range,** into the enemy, exposed to deal the same numbers.

> >

> > So for balance purposes, ranged damage is typically **lower** than melee damage, hence Low Risk, Low Reward™ _(Low Risk, Low DPS)_

> >


> Ranged offers more risk though. One reflect/projectile block and the pewpew is shut down.


Or they offer equal risk?

- Greatsword user can get a block up close, the greatsword wielder has evasion during many of it's abilities and you can use a signet to take no damage.

- Longbow stays at a far range sure, but as mentioned projectile reflect is a huge break in damage and can cause a lot of harm, the LB wielder actively has to keep away for maximum damage hence why they have nothing to block damage on their weapon but instead push people away from them.


Each weapon is designed to fit a particular role or moment.

Getting blocked by reflection, switch to GS. Taking too much damage beyond your blocking capabilities, go to range.

This is why we have weapon swap, it allows us to be what we need to in any given situation, if you prefer one more than the other your build reflects that but there is a reason we have a back up weapon.


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