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Should Brutality change to also apply when swapping legends?


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In the Devastation line, Revenant can choose to take a trait called Brutality which states: "Gain quickness when you swap weapons. While you have quickness, your strikes remove stability." After some testings, I found out that this only works when swapping weapons and not legends. So, why do I think this should be changed to include legend swapping?


For one, some builds only run one weapon. If I wanted to take this for some reason on my healing Renegade, I only ever use staff on him. Therefore, this would be 100% useless and I don't think we should have ANY traits that when taken can still remain unused.


My second and most important reason is consistency. I run concentration sigils on my weapons when I play Healing Renegade and they proc when I swap legends rather than weapons. Same for Chronomancers entering Continuum Split and Elementalists swapping attunements. Everything should remain consistent, so I think this trait needs updated as well.


It wouldn't be hard to implement and it doesn't affect much as it still has a 9 second internal cooldown. It's not like you could swaps legends then swap weapons to cast it twice in a row or anything like that.


What are your thoughts? I figure this isn't meta-breaking and therefore can't hurt to add.



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My guess for why they have it for swapping weapons is because of [song of the Mists - Call of the Assassin.](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Call_of_the_Assassin "Song of the Mists - Call of the Assassin.") This already provides quickness when swapping to Shiro, so they probably didn't want outright overlap. I do agree it is a little weird and wonky when compared to the rest of the design of revenant, but in your situation you can always run double staff with the same stats/sigils. I never trait it, but i imagine there is advantage to having it on weapons because you can set up CC combos more cleanly and reliably that way.


With that said, Song of the Mists needs some attention. At the very least, the pathetic radius needs to be increased.

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