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Reaper is the worst spvp class I've ever played. Went 0-16 today, felt great.


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As a matter of fact in the PvP forum for the thread with the exact same title and start by the same player, a dev state that the metric show that reaper is one of the most used specialization out there and seem to have an above average winrate.


> @"Farkon.2170" said:

> I'll try Reaper again with a different mindset, maybe I should change race since I've been using radiation field with great effect as a mesmer..




Racial skills cannot be used in PvP or I missed a huge patch note that introduce the use of these skills there.

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> @"Farkon.2170" said:

> > @"DavyMcB.1603" said:

> > Plenty of reapers made it to plat and above. If you lose 4-5 times in a row, it could be mmr hell. If you lose more than FIFTEEN times in a row, it's YOU. I made it to mid plat all the time with reaper. It's not the best but by no means a weak class. Stop listening to those whiny map chat plebs.



> So what if I win 30 times in a row with a different class?


> https://i.gyazo.com/a031d8b396b254ba5e3df6870ed88933.png


> https://i.gyazo.com/0e6e70abe495c38683c77df39506cff4.png


> I'll try Reaper again with a different mindset, maybe I should change race since I've been using radiation field with great effect as a mesmer..


Are you pvping or solo roaming wvw? Racial skills cant be used in pvp

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Farkon.2170" said:

> > I'll try Reaper again with a different mindset, maybe I should change race since I've been using radiation field with great effect as a mesmer..


> wat?


> Racial skills cannot be used in PvP or I missed a huge patch note that introduce the use of these skills there.


It was a joke. Racials are more useful then necro utility in some regard.



> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> As a matter of fact in the PvP forum for the thread with the exact same title and start by the same player, a dev state that the metric show that reaper is one of the most > used specialization out there and seem to have an above average winrate.


You mean that one sentence without an real substance or definiteness? Pretty sure the coolest/popular class that's nothing but high burst can win any low ranked matches with ease.


But god, playing Reaper is unbelievably frustrating. It's not even satisfying to down an enemy team with a full combo because only a bunch of idiots would let a reaper do that in the first place. Here's some matches as one.




Everyone has more mobility then me, even with wurm/swalk and I never get away from anyone that has decent mobility. **wurm/swalk is just a poor man's blink/portal.** Even after I wait for a bit for classes to use up their utility, they often have at least one more trick to get away from me and Reaper's 2 isn't even cancelable, so I get juked as soon as I use it... It's such a shit ability unless you're trying to get away or race to a point before the enemy. Reaper form is unbelievably useless in team fights fighting for points when there's an enemy scourge or other aoeist since the aoe drops reaper form in seconds and fighting at range is a poor choice for necro since going around takes much time and opens you up.


Basically fighting any condition build is a loss, I often find myself teleporting out of range, only to get downed due to the conditions that I built up after I cleansed already. Ironically enough, I have the most success against mirages since I can destroy their illusions.

Fighting any class that has 5+ seconds of blocking and immunity is a loss since they just save it for when I go into reaper form.

Fighting any range is a loss, and breaking los with buildings just means I have to wait for allies to show up or leave instead of instantly getting murdered at range since there's no real form of gap closing

Fighting any of the top meta duelist builds with an ally is sometimes a draw since they have so much in terms of blocking,evading,invuln, or mobility.


I don't even understand why we don't have more mobility from the spectral tree, since most games has spirits that go through walls , shadowstep, invisibility, etc... There's no passive out of combat life force gain for some reason, so our ability is nearly the same as a warrior's adrene, but worse since we can't use other skills.

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So for you a dev will just jump on one of your post and give baseless argument? This is what he posted:


> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> To put things in perspective, Reaper had one of the highest win-rates and play-rates in ranked last season.


I believe devs have more accurate tools than players to point out whether or not a profession have a good win rate and/or play rate.


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> @"Farkon.2170" said:

> > @"DavyMcB.1603" said:

> > Plenty of reapers made it to plat and above. If you lose 4-5 times in a row, it could be mmr hell. If you lose more than FIFTEEN times in a row, it's YOU. I made it to mid plat all the time with reaper. It's not the best but by no means a weak class. Stop listening to those whiny map chat plebs.



> So what if I win 30 times in a row with a different class?


> https://i.gyazo.com/a031d8b396b254ba5e3df6870ed88933.png


> https://i.gyazo.com/0e6e70abe495c38683c77df39506cff4.png


> I'll try Reaper again with a different mindset, maybe I should change race since I've been using radiation field with great effect as a mesmer..


If you win 30 in a row with another class? Means you know how to play that profession. Just because you lose with Reaper doesn't mean it sucks. It may mean that you just don't know how to play Reaper. I've been playing Reaper again in PvP and I have yet to lose 16 straight matches with it. I don't even lose 5 straight matches with it. Reaper can be very strong in PvP if you play to its strengths.


>Everyone has more mobility then me, even with wurm/swalk and I never get away from anyone that has decent mobility.


Hence why you stay with your team.


>Fighting any class that has 5+ seconds of blocking and immunity is a loss since they just save it for when I go into reaper form.


This is when you bait your opponent. Go Reaper form and make a few swipes. They'll do their blocks and immunities. Drop Reaper form while their block and immunity are going. When it is used up return to Reaper form and finish them off.


>Fighting any range is a loss, and breaking los with buildings just means I have to wait for allies to show up or leave instead of instantly getting murdered at range since there's no real form of gap closing


Stay with your team and they will help you deal with range. Either by simply being an additional target that could get shot or them moving in to take care of the ranged person first.


>Fighting any of the top meta duelist builds with an ally is sometimes a draw since they have so much in terms of blocking,evading,invuln, or mobility.


Those are winnable.


>I don't even understand why we don't have more mobility from the spectral tree, since most games has spirits that go through walls , shadowstep, invisibility, etc...


Yeah that actually does suck.


I get how it is frustrating but a profession is not bad just because one person can't win with it. It may be the case that no matter how much you love Reaper as a concept that it isn't for you. Some folks can't play Elementalist. Others can't play Mesmer. Not everyone is good at all the professions and a single person not being good is not a reflection on the profession itself.

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> @"Dace.8173" said:

> > @"Farkon.2170" said:

> > > @"DavyMcB.1603" said:

> > > Plenty of reapers made it to plat and above. If you lose 4-5 times in a row, it could be mmr hell. If you lose more than FIFTEEN times in a row, it's YOU. I made it to mid plat all the time with reaper. It's not the best but by no means a weak class. Stop listening to those whiny map chat plebs.

> >

> >

> > So what if I win 30 times in a row with a different class?

> >

> > https://i.gyazo.com/a031d8b396b254ba5e3df6870ed88933.png

> >

> > https://i.gyazo.com/0e6e70abe495c38683c77df39506cff4.png

> >

> > I'll try Reaper again with a different mindset, maybe I should change race since I've been using radiation field with great effect as a mesmer..


> If you win 30 in a row with another class? Means you know how to play that profession. Just because you lose with Reaper doesn't mean it sucks. It may mean that you just don't know how to play Reaper. I've been playing Reaper again in PvP and I have yet to lose 16 straight matches with it. I don't even lose 5 straight matches with it. Reaper can be very strong in PvP if you play to its strengths.


> >Everyone has more mobility then me, even with wurm/swalk and I never get away from anyone that has decent mobility.


> Hence why you stay with your team.


> >Fighting any class that has 5+ seconds of blocking and immunity is a loss since they just save it for when I go into reaper form.


> This is when you bait your opponent. Go Reaper form and make a few swipes. They'll do their blocks and immunities. Drop Reaper form while their block and immunity are going. When it is used up return to Reaper form and finish them off.


The problem is, that you will have a hard time winning then.

I'm necro main. And when I meet other reapers, I wait for them to go into shroud, and simply run away. And that's even possible as a necro, that isn't in reapers shroud.

As soon as they drop out of shroud, pressure back hard.

So even if you didn't use the big damaging CDs in shroud, you are more likely to loose, by just popping shroud and doing autos, because of the 10 seconds shroud cd.



If people in spvp don't play like I do, then thats great for you.




> >Fighting any range is a loss, and breaking los with buildings just means I have to wait for allies to show up or leave instead of instantly getting murdered at range since there's no real form of gap closing


> Stay with your team and they will help you deal with range. Either by simply being an additional target that could get shot or them moving in to take care of the ranged person first.


> >Fighting any of the top meta duelist builds with an ally is sometimes a draw since they have so much in terms of blocking,evading,invuln, or mobility.


> Those are winnable.


> >I don't even understand why we don't have more mobility from the spectral tree, since most games has spirits that go through walls , shadowstep, invisibility, etc...


> Yeah that actually does suck.


> I get how it is frustrating but a profession is not bad just because one person can't win with it. It may be the case that no matter how much you love Reaper as a concept that it isn't for you. Some folks can't play Elementalist. Others can't play Mesmer. Not everyone is good at all the professions and a single person not being good is not a reflection on the profession itself.


The problem is more about this: you cannot win on your own against most classes, you need a support/healer, but then, why can't we be healed in shroud?



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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Dace.8173" said:

> > > @"Farkon.2170" said:

> > > > @"DavyMcB.1603" said:

> > > > Plenty of reapers made it to plat and above. If you lose 4-5 times in a row, it could be mmr hell. If you lose more than FIFTEEN times in a row, it's YOU. I made it to mid plat all the time with reaper. It's not the best but by no means a weak class. Stop listening to those whiny map chat plebs.

> > >

> > >

> > > So what if I win 30 times in a row with a different class?

> > >

> > > https://i.gyazo.com/a031d8b396b254ba5e3df6870ed88933.png

> > >

> > > https://i.gyazo.com/0e6e70abe495c38683c77df39506cff4.png

> > >

> > > I'll try Reaper again with a different mindset, maybe I should change race since I've been using radiation field with great effect as a mesmer..

> >

> > If you win 30 in a row with another class? Means you know how to play that profession. Just because you lose with Reaper doesn't mean it sucks. It may mean that you just don't know how to play Reaper. I've been playing Reaper again in PvP and I have yet to lose 16 straight matches with it. I don't even lose 5 straight matches with it. Reaper can be very strong in PvP if you play to its strengths.

> >

> > >Everyone has more mobility then me, even with wurm/swalk and I never get away from anyone that has decent mobility.

> >

> > Hence why you stay with your team.

> >

> > >Fighting any class that has 5+ seconds of blocking and immunity is a loss since they just save it for when I go into reaper form.

> >

> > This is when you bait your opponent. Go Reaper form and make a few swipes. They'll do their blocks and immunities. Drop Reaper form while their block and immunity are going. When it is used up return to Reaper form and finish them off.


> The problem is, that you will have a hard time winning then.

> I'm necro main. And when I meet other reapers, I wait for them to go into shroud, and simply run away. And that's even possible as a necro, that isn't in reapers shroud.

> As soon as they drop out of shroud, pressure back hard.

> So even if you didn't use the big damaging CDs in shroud, you are more likely to loose, by just popping shroud and doing autos, because of the 10 seconds shroud cd.



> If people in spvp don't play like I do, then thats great for you.



> >

> > >Fighting any range is a loss, and breaking los with buildings just means I have to wait for allies to show up or leave instead of instantly getting murdered at range since there's no real form of gap closing

> >

> > Stay with your team and they will help you deal with range. Either by simply being an additional target that could get shot or them moving in to take care of the ranged person first.

> >

> > >Fighting any of the top meta duelist builds with an ally is sometimes a draw since they have so much in terms of blocking,evading,invuln, or mobility.

> >

> > Those are winnable.

> >

> > >I don't even understand why we don't have more mobility from the spectral tree, since most games has spirits that go through walls , shadowstep, invisibility, etc...

> >

> > Yeah that actually does suck.

> >

> > I get how it is frustrating but a profession is not bad just because one person can't win with it. It may be the case that no matter how much you love Reaper as a concept that it isn't for you. Some folks can't play Elementalist. Others can't play Mesmer. Not everyone is good at all the professions and a single person not being good is not a reflection on the profession itself.


> The problem is more about this: you cannot win on your own against most classes, you need a support/healer, but then, why can't we be healed in shroud?




Winning with Reaper can be tough, no denying that. But the OP's claim that Reaper sucks because **he** can't win with it simply isn't true. It has problems. Decent players learn to overcome them to win. I don't win every match that I play Reaper with. But I also don't lose 16 straight matches with it either. Some matches I win because I clearly outclassed my opponents. Some I win because the RNG gods took pity on me and teamed me up with professions and Elites that work well with Reaper. Some matches I win due to just pure luck. If the OP wins 30 in a row on one class but goes 0-16 on Reaper, the problem is with him and his ability to play the profession, not the profession itself. That doesn't mean that Reaper doesn't have it's issues. It just means that the issues, in this case, is the OP, not the profession. I gave the OP points on what I do or what I use to win with Reaper. I stick with my team, because I know I'm weaker isolated. I bait professions and Elites I know has dodges and soaks that would render Reaper Shroud moot. Yes, it has a 10 sec CD. However, if I play right and I'm still standing at the end of 10 secs I stand a very good chance of beating the guy with some burst damage from Reaper shroud. I back my teammates up when I see them in a fight. In a general sense, you should always be moving with your team anyway. Unless you are playing something with insane mobility or insane stealth moving with at least one person will increase the odds of surviving a fight in any profession.


Winning with Reaper can be done. It may be harder than some other professions. However, not every profession and Elite you can take into PvP with and win is an easy win. People do win with Weaver, despite some of its recent shortcomings. People do win with Scrapper, and even core Engineer, despite Holosmith being the superior Elite. People do win with Renegade, despite its massive issues. If it's a hard win then it just means it requires more from the player than other professions whose natural strengths make winning easier. If the OP's complaint was that it is hard to win with Reaper I would agree with him, it is. Just like I agree with you, that it is a hard win and has several shortcomings. However, winning with it is not impossible and it doesn't suck just because this dude can't seem to eek out a win.


As a matter of fact, my current Reaper build I got from a youtuber ([video linked earlier](

"video linked earlier")) whose video showed how well he was doing with Reaper. I decided to try his build and it worked for me.
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> @"Dace.8173" said:


> Winning with Reaper can be tough, no denying that. But the OP's claim that Reaper sucks because **he** can't win with it simply isn't true. It has problems. Decent players learn to overcome them to win. If the OP wins 30 in a row on one class but goes 0-16 on Reaper, the problem is with him and his ability to play the profession, not the profession itself. TUnless you are playing something with insane mobility or insane stealth moving with at least one person will increase the odds of surviving a fight in any profession. However, winning with it is not impossible and it doesn't suck just because this dude can't seem to eek out a win.


Yea, I played a class that has "insane mobility and stealth" and got 30 wins, but I never said that I've never won with Reaper before. Do̲̫͖̦̼n̬͍͚͇̯'̞̟̥͓̠ͅt̤ ̹̥̬̹͍̫͇p̤u̹̼̻͔͙͖ͅt̬̬ ͇̼̥̠̪̥w͚o̰͙̠̮r̮̱̝̹ḏs̙̻ ͕̠̫in͔̫͍̹̯͖ m͙̥͇y̝ͅ ̹̦̣̦ͅm͎̖͎͍̭̻o̳̭̖̺̳͚u̼̩̺th̖͉̣͇̼̗.͍̜͕͚̲̫


My points are once again on the original post. Simplified, Reaper doesn't have enough survivability without sacrificing damage and not enough mobility, especially against ranged classes. Yet other classes, mirage for example, has damage, survivability, and mobility in one build without any glaring weaknesses.


> @"zell.3051" said:

> You're doing something wrong then. Even in plat and above, winnin with reaper is pretty much the equivalent of throwing your keyboard down a flight of stairs.


When I have a Firebrand to que up with me, sure.



/ \


> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> The problem is more about this: you cannot win on your own against most classes, you need a support/healer, but then, why can't we be healed in shroud?


Shroud in general seems to have a onslaught of problems and bugs. But more important then all of these problems, **shroud feels underwhelming** in the synergy and defensive departments.


No out-of-combat LF regen makes the starting battles unsatisfying and there's not enough maps with objects to get life force from.

Can't use anything other then the shroud's abilities makes the form feel stiff.

The lf drain is something that helps balance it, but there's not enough defensive power for the form to justify the LF drain.

The synergy between the shroud's own abilities and traits is nearly non-existent except for the ice field you generate with 5, but 5 does more damage on lower health threshhold targets so it's less incentivized to use the field to it's full potential.

Can't chase anyone well due to 2 not being cancelable, and this attributes to making the form feel stiff.

Can't use condition cleanse abilities in shroud, thus condition builds utter annihilate us.

Can't even surprise ppl with burst damage unlike other classes since transforming tells everyone in a 1 mile radius to get ready.

The list goes on.




As a sidenote, why can guardians, in heavy armor, teleport. I don't understand that.

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> @"Farkon.2170" said:


> Yea, I played a class that has "insane mobility and stealth" and got 30 wins, but I never said that I've never won with Reaper before. Do̲̫͖̦̼n̬͍͚͇̯'̞̟̥͓̠ͅt̤ ̹̥̬̹͍̫͇p̤u̹̼̻͔͙͖ͅt̬̬ ͇̼̥̠̪̥w͚o̰͙̠̮r̮̱̝̹ḏs̙̻ ͕̠̫in͔̫͍̹̯͖ m͙̥͇y̝ͅ ̹̦̣̦ͅm͎̖͎͍̭̻o̳̭̖̺̳͚u̼̩̺th̖͉̣͇̼̗.͍̜͕͚̲̫


> My points are once again on the original post. Simplified, Reaper doesn't have enough survivability without sacrificing damage and not enough mobility, especially against ranged classes. Yet other classes, mirage for example, has damage, survivability, and mobility in one build without any glaring weaknesses.


Um, dude, I'm not putting words in your mouth. You are the one that made the claim that you aren't winning with it. You put your record in the title of this thread 0-16. The part from you me you quoted has me stating what the title of the thread says, that you went 0-16. I didn't pull that number from nowhere. I took it straight from the title of the thread.


> Reaper is the worst spvp class I've ever played. Went 0-16 today, felt great.


Your words, not mine. Also, I got your point. I still stand by what I said, you can win with Reaper. It requires more skill to do so but it is doable and it is viable in PvP. It has issues, to be sure, but your claim that it's the worst profession in PvP is simply not true. Also, there are few professions/Elites that measure up to Mirage so let's not act like this is a problem that Reaper has. Put more time and practice into playing Reaper instead of going for something that is easier and you'll soon discover that you are winning regularly with Reaper.


> No out-of-combat LF regen makes the starting battles unsatisfying and there's not enough maps with objects to get life force from.


This shouldn't really be a problem as you will spend most of your time in combat anyway and there are abilities that help generate Life Force anyway. The build I've been running lately has no problem generating Life Force.


> The lf drain is something that helps balance it, but there's not enough defensive power for the form to justify the LF drain.


Not surprised since you'll be using Reaper Shroud to go on the offensive.


> Can't chase anyone well due to 2 not being cancelable, and this attributes to making the form feel stiff.


As was pointed out before you really shouldn't be chasing folks but remaining with your team. Letting people go is a viable path to winning.


>Can't use condition cleanse abilities in shroud, thus condition builds utter annihilate us.


Kill them first and this won't be a problem. Or if you find yourself having difficulties with conditions then save Shroud for when they aren't an issue or just drop out of it and use your skills that counter it.


>Can't even surprise ppl with burst damage unlike other classes since transforming tells everyone in a 1 mile radius to get ready.


You can catch people off guard, c'mon. If your use of it in a match isn't all that predictable then you'll take plenty of people by surprise as they won't know when that burst is coming.


>As a sidenote, why can guardians, in heavy armor, teleport. I don't understand that.


They are mystical/magical warriors. They also happen to be really slow outside of their teleports. It doesn't have a way to increase its base speed like most professions that can take traits and other abilities that grant it a higher base movement speed. Unless you are running a boon spamming build teleport is pretty much you're only real form of mobility.






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> @"Dace.8173" said:

> >Can't use condition cleanse abilities in shroud, thus condition builds utter annihilate us.


> Kill them first and this won't be a problem. Or if you find yourself having difficulties with conditions then save Shroud for when they aren't an issue or just drop out of it and use your skills that counter it.



You could have added that there is the possibility to build for "condi hate" while in shroud. Be it _unholy martyr_, _Plague sending_, _corruptor fervor_ or _necromantic corruption_, all of those help in relieving condi pressure while in shroud.


> >Can't even surprise ppl with burst damage unlike other classes since transforming tells everyone in a 1 mile radius to get ready.


> You can catch people off guard, c'mon. If your use of it in a match isn't all that predictable then you'll take plenty of people by surprise as they won't know when that burst is coming.


It's again a matter of build, the necromancer, and even the reaper, isn't pidgeon holed into a single build and the more common the build the easiest it is for other to counter. There is different way to burst a foe as a necromancer than simply going with the full glassy shroud build. Well builds should still be pretty decent in regard of burst/survivability ratio and the same goes for flashshroud builds.


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> @"Farkon.2170" said:

> Shroud in general seems to have a onslaught of problems and bugs. But more important then all of these problems, **shroud feels underwhelming** in the synergy and defensive departments.


> No out-of-combat LF regen makes the starting battles unsatisfying and there's not enough maps with objects to get life force from.

> Can't use anything other then the shroud's abilities makes the form feel stiff.

> The lf drain is something that helps balance it, but there's not enough defensive power for the form to justify the LF drain.

> The synergy between the shroud's own abilities and traits is nearly non-existent except for the ice field you generate with 5, but 5 does more damage on lower health threshhold targets so it's less incentivized to use the field to it's full potential.

> Can't chase anyone well due to 2 not being cancelable, and this attributes to making the form feel stiff.

> Can't use condition cleanse abilities in shroud, thus condition builds utter annihilate us.

> Can't even surprise ppl with burst damage unlike other classes since transforming tells everyone in a 1 mile radius to get ready.

> The list goes on.




> As a sidenote, why can guardians, in heavy armor, teleport. I don't understand that.


Here's a video of a Reaper player doing the things you say can't be done. He's fairly good. I actually use his power reaper build. I really like the way it performs.


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