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is staff tempest still viable in PVE/raids?


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Scepter/warhorn fresh air tempest is really smooth in fractals even raids with adds or boss on drugs.

Staff is strong too, but a bit frustrating when you're casting aoe and the target just moves out or a little ****** knockbacks it. That and the nerf of meteor shower and lava font are why elem/weaver is kindly push out the scene. Scepter and Overload Air erase some plausible errors.

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Staff tempest isnt really viable because of the nerfs to lava font and meteor shower, its still usable ofc as a DPS weapon but you are just better off using sc/wh since that gives you AoE too, but its mostly good against one target bosses, since the lightning things from your wh5 can be eaten up by adds, i enjoyed tempest more when staff was at its old state like 7 months ago or when, since then you use either sc/wh or there is a dagger varian too. In fractals staff is fine since its burst is still sits high on the charts, but its damage falls off after some time and between phases too

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