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Returning to the game after nearly 4 years

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Hello. I have been a long time Guild Wars fan. I spent many years as a kid playing guild wars 1. I bought guildwars 2 the day it came out and basically no lifed it for 2-3 years. The only reason I stopped playing was because my PC broke. Nearly 4 years later, today I have bought a new PC and am currently downloading gw2. Can anyone tell me what to expect? is it worth getting back into? I watched some videos and it seems like this game has changed drastically since I have last played


Also a side note if anyone reading this is from my old guild, Player Killerz.. my in game name is Auricle. would love to link up if any of you are still around!

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Lots of things have changed. The balance of the game is going to be completely different, if you have the expansions i highly suggest not playing them right from the get go and learn the new mechanics such as the breakbar that have been added to the game. Both HoT and PoF added things that make exploration both more fun and interesting if thats your thing. WvW and PvP havent changed much outside of meta shifts.


As to getting back into that is all on you, depending on what you want, the game could or could not be worth it.


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It's a different game, that's for sure. If it's for the better, honestly, personally, i'm not sure. I haven't been playing it much of late myself. Others do.

Ultimately it really depends on what you like to do in guild wars.

Story-wise you have a ton of stuff to do to catch up (provided you buy the expansions), and the story itself is much better than the original personal story, or Living World Season 1 (although it kinda misses that flair and impact of the one-time global events like the settling of Southsun Cove and killing the Ancient Karka, or when the Mad King Erupted from the Lion Fountain).

In overall PvE, the game's better, or at least it has way more content, and ways to complete that content, thanks to the 2 new Elite Specializations for each class. You also have more, and better Fractals and Raids. Dungeons are somewhat discontinued, but there's still a repeatable achievement that can make them worthwhile.


In PvP things are a bit worse for the wear, in my opinion. Both game modes (WvW and sPvP) have suffered a lot from devs struggling to find a decent balance between the classes, and there's been immense power creep, and weirdly enough, on the few cases where core specs have caught up, they have been somewhat toned down pretty fast.

So, people without expansions will struggle, and people without the latest expansion will struggle just a bit less (or not at all, depending on the profession). This of course has also transpired a bit to PvE with some classes and builds being denied a proper PvE build because their mechanics were over-tuned in PvP, and the resulting nerfs end up crippling them in PvE.

sPvP is also suffering from a chronic loss of players to the point where the matchmaker is apparently struggling to make decent matches, and will inevitably pair low ranked players with higher ranked ones (apparently devs are only interested in that the teams have the approximate overall ranks, neglecting the impact that being steam-rolled by higher ranked players has on new player retention), so don't expect too much fun from sPvP.

WvW isn't too much better, it suffers, like it always has from players bandwagoning to the higher rated servers, which leads to a big imbalance in the populations. That and the balance issues detract from it's enjoyment, but it's still pretty good, mostly thanks to the limit in server pops. Also Arena Net has announced a new system that regularly "shuffles" servers around, respecting only players' Guild Memberships and a future supra-guild level of Alliances to allocate players to new "Worlds". This will, theoretically, create more balanced worlds with players more evenly spread, and also apparently it takes into account the play hours of each group so as to have servers that are populated at similar times. But it's still WIP AFAIK, although it was announced nearly a year ago.


So, answering your question: It's really up to what you want. If you liked sPvP, it might be disapointing, if WvW was your thing, you might still enjoy it, if you were more of a PvE guy, then it's probably worth it to come back.

Just be ready to buy the expansions, and the Living World Season 3 and 4 episodes that you missed, not only because story, but because there's a ton of unique items and rewards you don't want to miss out on that are restricted to that content.


Again, to be fair, i think my comments are not misrepresenting the game, at least that's how i see the game atm. But then again, i've played like 2h this past month, if that much. So take my opinion with a grain a salt if you like.

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I think both HoT and PoF expansions did a lot to improve the open world pve side of the game, additionally raids have been added if you end up being interested in "high-end" challenging pve content. Fractals are also popular, Wvw is still alive, spvp might be a little sadder story tho.


All in all, I think there is still plenty for you to do and enjoy, I still do :)

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> @"Joe Augusta.8196" said:

> Hello. I have been a long time Guild Wars fan. I spent many years as a kid playing guild wars 1. I bought guildwars 2 the day it came out and basically no lifed it for 2-3 years. The only reason I stopped playing was because my PC broke. Nearly 4 years later, today I have bought a new PC and am currently downloading gw2. Can anyone tell me what to expect? is it worth getting back into? I watched some videos and it seems like this game has changed drastically since I have last played


> Also a side note if anyone reading this is from my old guild, Player Killerz.. my in game name is Auricle. would love to link up if any of you are still around!


Welcome back

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Joe Augusta.8196" said:

> > I wonder if it would be a good idea to start from scratch and create a level 1 character


> Yes I would say it is after a 4 year gap, but don't delete old characters. You will still get birthday gifts for them


Yep, in whatever game it is, after a long gap it's always better to start over, and then pick up your old characters after you've relearned the game.

But like @"Randulf.7614" said, in GW2 especially, don't delete the old characters, because you get goodies from being in for longer.

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