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Best guide to play Elemantalist


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the enemy you're trying to pressure only has to run away from you in a straight line every time they are low on health and heal back up themselves and, if he wanted to, repeatedly come back & try to burst you until he gets the one successful burst where you cant sustain back to full to win. Any meta build can stalemate or apply more pressure to the trash known as weaver this way than it can to them, and if they dont want to stalemate they can just go be useful elsewhere while weaver afk on node.


Also, condi mirage is meh. Play broken holo instead.

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I love fighting a condi mirage on my D/D Tempest...


Had a decent 3 minute fight against a Team USA ranger the other day on my Tempest although he started acting like a brat once he realised I was the only person on my team not giving him a free 10s kill...


I spent that whole game entertaining him on uncapped side nodes where ever he went, not once did we kill each other 1v1

(I have issues when I see top tier guilds or players, I have to spend all game hunting them and forcing them into fighting me 1v1 as much as possible.)

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> @"NICENIKESHOE.7128" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > (I have issues when I see top tier guilds or players, I have to spend all game hunting them and forcing them into fighting me 1v1 as much as possible.)


> GJ haha, though unfortunately this is the only way people can get entertained in PvP these days :(


well sleeping on empty nodes isn't what I'd call a good time lmao

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