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[PvP Build] Offensive avatar boonbeast


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The credit for this build goes to [R O M](

"R O M"), he was playing around with the build (among the others) on one of his streams.


[Link to the build.](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNAR3XnUqAd8iN8CusActglJB7JIUr+Y552f7xtJA84mAl8g0A-jpxHQBib/BFeQAU2DAAAXAgvdEAGZZAA "Link to the build.")



* Nature magic got swapped for beastmastery which gives you more offensive power(pack alpha/prowess), access to shout regens as well as natural healing trait. Zephyr speed trait has a nice synergy with wilderness survival. Overall I feel it's superior to nature magic.

* The sword/warhorn got replaced with GS as you no longer have access to windborne notes. You can use s/w combo but I find the GS to be a more straighforward choice.

* The piggy got removed for a more dps oriented smokescale. You kinda need the offensive pet for pack alpha to work. Who needs plasma anyway -_-?

* Paladin amulet gor replaced with avatar amulet. You trade off toughness for healing power. Why do I need healing power you might ask? The build has access to regen on shouts, natural healing while merged and healing while you have protection. All of this adds to quite a nice passive sustain.

* Leadership runes - better boon duration + condi cleanse on elite. You loose resistance on heal, but you have access to plently of condi clear anyway.



I've been playing with this build and I have to say, It's way more fun than the boon beast. I'm not a top pvp player and there's no season going off atm so I can't reliably test the build against various builds/players. So far I've been doing great in the "ranked" but it's a lottery on what kind of players you'll face. Anyone ever played this build or something similar? What's you opinion about it?



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The build is fine, but you should take Two-Handed Training in Beastmastery because you have a greatsword and Essence of Speed over Second Skin if you're running BM over NM.


However, this build is weaker to ganks compared to the paladins variant and will lose trades against a holo because you don't have any extra armor.

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The build seems alright, but feels more like a roaming wvw build.

Greatsword at high levels is easy to counter due to the telegraphs it has, and the autochain evade, yeah it's one of the best autochain skills a 2h weapon can have, but relying on autos in this meta is not a thing.

Even revenant which has one of the strongest autos in the sword set don't spam autos anymore, because you will just die.

You take smokescale but giving up sword/warhorn you lose synergy with the F2 smokecloud, greatsword leap is not reliable as warhorn5 and sword2, plus the 2 evade frames on sword are superior to the block in the gs, evades can't be countered, block can.

As shadowpass.4236 said it's better to take the greatsword trait in beastmastery.

In the current soulbeast you can already swap the piggie for smokescale without any trait change and still have a viable build.

I might be wrong but seems a suboptimal build to the meta boonbeast.

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I did redesigned the build to be more of a hybrid build and hopefully more effective at dueling.


Avatar amulet got replaced with sage amulet.

GS is replaced with sword/warhorn and the second axe got switched to dagger. Plently of evades now.

Entangle is the new elite.

Iboga is the bread and butter of this build. The amount of damage it can dish out (in the beastmode and outside) forces anyone to leave the point or die.



I've won 8 matches in a row using this although the build might caught people by surprise and they didn't know how to react. There's still a problem of power spikes as you don't have toughness but I don't see any amulet worth using over sage. Overall I was capable of going against almost any class.



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