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[Suggestion] Skeleton Combat Tonic


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Oh my six YES!


On a more serious note, combat tonics are never wrong, but could use some tweaking/updating.

For example:

1. Tonics allow for emotes, but they cancel mid-animation

2. Tonics dont allow for weapons to be sheathed, meaning you always run around drawn.

3. Tonics collide with mounts. I get the animations would be a lot of work, but in that case, just end the transformation upon mounting, instead of giving us an error message. We cant distonic if we’re falling and want to get on ur gryffon.

4. Some tonics hide the backpack, and some don’t, in an almost random manner. Place make it all or nothing.

5. Thanks for removing the tonic timer, that automatic ending after 15 minutes was horrible. Downright dreadful, worst design ever.

6. Add downstate animations for tonics

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