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Arachnid Glider & Arachnophobia

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When spiders show up, I just sort of lower my glasses. They're easier to handle when blurry. That's kind of how I deal with it. I have to admit, it made the spider fight in the most recent living world release more difficult. If I could just turn the texture mapping to, like, a solid pink or something, that'd work for me even with the model untouched.

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If ArenaNet wants to find a way to allow individual players to toggle off spiders or other things, fine. I would be very upset, however, if they started altering the entire game to accommodate phobias. Especially spiders, because my ranger is spider themed--spider pet, spider minipet, spider bow, and yes, spider glider. It doesn't affect me if someone toggles so they can't see my pets or glider--that idea gets a "Yeah, sure" from me. But start taking my spider theme stuff (or ceasing to add spider stuff to the game), heeeeeellll No.

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Games like GW2 and so many others use spiders in one of two ways. Either they are environmental, (meaning you're standing in a dark and musty place, of course they're going to be spiders,) or they are designed from the outset to be a "special mob" such as the Spider Queen in Kessex. They use them because they DO illicit a fear response in some people, and they're more readily identifyable as evil or monster-ish. Alas, those with true phobias are affected in ways the developers can't work around. It's not just spiders, either. There are people who are phobic when it comes to open spaces, closed spaces, high places, rats, cats, snakes, birds, and yes, even butterflies. We just hear about the biggies like snakes and spiders all the time because they are so pervasive in media.


I think what a lot of people forget is that a phobia isn't merely being "afraid" of something. It's a debilitating condition that can cause people to have real, life threatening symptoms. Sadly, having a "toggle" or something to turn off the modeling is probably not the answer. It's just not possible to "turn off" anything that could cause a phobic to trigger.

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> @"Ashabhi.1365" said:


> I think what a lot of people forget is that a phobia isn't merely being "afraid" of something. It's a debilitating condition that can cause people to have real, life threatening symptoms. Sadly, having a "toggle" or something to turn off the modeling is probably not the answer. It's just not possible to "turn off" anything that could cause a phobic to trigger.


Granted. And a lot of people forget that phobias are also something that is treatable with a very high rate of success. Enabling people to avoid their problems doesn't help them in the long term. Helping them to deal with them does.


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Honestly, having the option to toggle off such things as the spider glider would most likely be a bad business decision for anet. Fashion is a pretty major component to this game and why a lot of people continue to play, and spend money.


Where does it end? Turn off all things spider? But wait, what about that fear of bats ... or snakes ... fire ... lightning ... bees? It would not stop. There would have to be toggles for pretty much everything.


Many people create their look not only for themselves to enjoy, but in the hopes other people will also at least notice their fashion, if not very much like or dislike it. It's not a huge leap to see how having the option to turn off fashion items in a hugely fashion oriented game, would have a negative impact.


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As a person with several phobias (although arachnophobia is not one of them) and a generalized anxiety disorder I can fully understand where you're coming from.

But I will never support the idea of "removing triggers". Avoiding your fears is almost NEVER helpful but will most likely make the matter even worse. I have a huge irrational fear of public exercise but me skipping PE would be one of the stupidest things I could do. I also suffer from trypophobia. There are tiny little holes in the white paint on our train platforms that make me have minor anxiety attacks, but me not taking the train because of that would be beyond stupid.

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