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Theory-craft Scourge WvW Builds


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Hi all!

Super excited and can't wait to scourge foes on the battlefield!

Would you guys want to theory-craft and share your possible Scourge Builds for WvW?

We could use this [build editor](http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/ "en.gw2skills.net/editor/") to share our builds!

I think not all the new runes/sigils/stats are out yet on the editor (I see new stats like Grieving, Harrier, Marshall up now), but its never too early to theory-craft!


Would be great if we include information like:


1. **Build purpose:** for solo roaming? duo roaming? party roaming (3-5 players)? raids (6-20 players)? blob (21+ players)?

2. **Theme/Role:** for defensive support? offensive support? support bruiser? damage dealer? boon corruption focused? sustain bunker? Well-o-mancer? Mobility? etc.

3. [Link your build with Build editor](http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/ "en.gw2skills.net/editor/")

4. **Short description** on how you envision your build to work/contribute and what synergies/combos you could pull off with it, alone or with your roaming mates


Also for the rest of us, feel free to review these builds and give constructive suggestions on how it might be made better!

Just putting this out here that the builds does not need to be 'meta'. It can simply be something you think you will enjoy playing with, or something that you think will contribute to the mates around you etc.

Have fun theory-crafting!


P.S. I'm particularly interested to know if anyone can think of a possible Power-based scourge build especially since it seems like the Scourge F1-F5 skills don't work that well with power. Or does it actually scale well with power damage?

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Alright i'll bite:


Build purpose is small group roaming terrormancer: i.e. 1-5 players Past that, it's better to swap spectral wall for walk.

A Cool little interaction on this build is fear causes torment causes burning, so you can stack up some heavy hits.

On top of that, if you fear someone using the sand shroud, they run away from the shroud hence you can actually make them run back to you (and into your fear wall) if you want.


Reasoning behind soul reaping trait line is because you'll notice your lack of life force very fast without any good substantial gains like soul marks. Though we may hate to do it, get used to auto attack on staff, the life force generation may be worthwhile.


The main downfall of this build is it's freaken slow. moving off the comparatively nimble reaper will make running around the map feel torturous the good new is you have your own Mesmer portal (only 900 range but still)

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> @"Dreaming serpent.5197" said:

> Alright i'll bite:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNAW7fnc0Ad9iN9C+2As9ilgBj6K8F+V63196gNaAEAKXA-jVChABdo+zsKB16gA80DA0MUlyPA0BM1+DOdEAW8CAQKAIWWB-w

> Build purpose is small group roaming terrormancer: i.e. 1-5 players Past that, it's better to swap spectral wall for walk.

> A Cool little interaction on this build is fear causes torment causes burning, so you can stack up some heavy hits.

> On top of that, if you fear someone using the sand shroud, they run away from the shroud hence you can actually make them run back to you (and into your fear wall) if you want.


> Reasoning behind soul reaping trait line is because you'll notice your lack of life force very fast without any good substantial gains like soul marks. Though we may hate to do it, get used to auto attack on staff, the life force generation may be worthwhile.


> The main downfall of this build is it's freaken slow. moving off the comparatively nimble reaper will make running around the map feel torturous the good new is you have your own Mesmer portal (only 900 range but still)


I like it a lot, but I would use Spectral Grasp instead of Spectral Wall. Sand Swell should be at least 1200 range, such shame :anguished:

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> @Vitali.5039 said:

> 1. WvW zerg Build

> 2. AoE downed support, cleanse and boon removal

> 3. [Curses 2/2/2 - Blood Magic 1/3/1 - Scourge 1/1/3](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNAnYWjk0QLNWTD+0AHOW8GspGQAIBE9waVrK9daQdpC-jRSEQBcVJIEOEAXV53/eAADVfAAOCA+7EA8u9Haq6PkC4yhWA-e)

> 4. Cleanse, damage mitigation, boon corruption. Hybrid Damage




> @Vitali.5039 said:

> 1. WvW zerg Build

> 2. AoE downed support, cleanse and boon removal

> 3. [Curses 2/2/2 - Blood Magic 1/3/1 - Scourge 1/1/3](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNAnYWjk0QLNWTD+0AHOW8GspGQAIBE9waVrK9daQdpC-jRSEQBcVJIEOEAXV53/eAADVfAAOCA+7EA8u9Haq6PkC4yhWA-e)

> 4. Cleanse, damage mitigation, boon corruption. Hybrid Damage




Why use Desert Empowerment with Greaving stats? I would say Scourge 1/3/3 (unending Corruption) for another boon corruption.

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> @mazut.4296 said:

> > @Vitali.5039 said:

> > 1. WvW zerg Build

> > 2. AoE downed support, cleanse and boon removal

> > 3. [Curses 2/2/2 - Blood Magic 1/3/1 - Scourge 1/1/3](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNAnYWjk0QLNWTD+0AHOW8GspGQAIBE9waVrK9daQdpC-jRSEQBcVJIEOEAXV53/eAADVfAAOCA+7EA8u9Haq6PkC4yhWA-e)

> > 4. Cleanse, damage mitigation, boon corruption. Hybrid Damage

> >

> >


> > @Vitali.5039 said:

> > 1. WvW zerg Build

> > 2. AoE downed support, cleanse and boon removal

> > 3. [Curses 2/2/2 - Blood Magic 1/3/1 - Scourge 1/1/3](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNAnYWjk0QLNWTD+0AHOW8GspGQAIBE9waVrK9daQdpC-jRSEQBcVJIEOEAXV53/eAADVfAAOCA+7EA8u9Haq6PkC4yhWA-e)

> > 4. Cleanse, damage mitigation, boon corruption. Hybrid Damage

> >

> >


> Why use Desert Empowerment with Greaving stats? I would say Scourge 1/3/3 (unending Corruption) for another boon corruption.


I love versatility, and it can buy me time to leech some health.

I feel like my build is good enough with corruption but glassy so I took Desert Empowerment, that get better with low health thanks to Last Rites.

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(Because of 15 min rule... mods please merge consecutive post)


For organized group , theorycraft


Curses (+20% bleeds), soul reaping, scourge


1800 scepter auto :) (Dire+trailblazer)


(Trailblazer... for people with lots of gold to make trailblazer armor...)



I'm unsure Parasitic Contagion will be useful with a decent group, whereas Lingering Curse is insanity (+50% condition duration on scepter) regardless of squad comp. Serpent Siphon will likely be better than Sand Swell.


Un-optimized gear, Barrier focused:

Scourge,Curses , Blood Magic (for healing power)



I played with the build editor and it seems maxed healing power gear isn't worthwhile. Even going all out with just under 1200 healing power, barrier on F5 goes from 5K to 6K, F3 goes from 2K to 3K, the heal goes from 4K to 6K.


Given Nefarious Favor (F1) is on 5 cooldown, I don't feel dropping Fell Beacon for removing 1 condition via Abrasive grit is worthwhile unless your party lacks condi removal completely.

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> @Infusion.7149 said:

> @ Maven, why not use Scepter if you are running condi? I don't see a point to running axe with a condi build.


This is actually pretty common in WvW, since you don't often AA. The Axe 3 is strong enough to justify the weapon _by itself_ in WvW. Especially with scourge adept3 (Axe 3 returns 30% lf!) and gm3 (those 10 boons are applied to you). Scepter by proxy is weak, since scepter 2 is just AoE cripple (which Axe 3 has) and scepter 3 is weak LF generation since most people don't have enough condi's on them.

Scepter AA is much stronger, but you don't use it nearly enough for this to matter most of the time.

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Solo/group support with damage to boot:




Just change group traits for solo when needed.


The only issue is probably the lower LF regen if you don't have Nourishing Rot traited, so better management is needed, though nearby deaths on group fights will keep you fueled up somehow.

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I am finding it really hard to make a build for the Scourge. Although I like its concepts and aesthetic! Initially i thought that the Scourge was in a good spot with the Pre PoF meta, but for the life of me i could not figure out how to build it. This is what i have so far, any suggestions would be appreciated greatly because i think i might get owned if i ran this in WvW.




I really wanted to build a supportive Scourge but the barrier seems to scale poorly and not be so great. So i shelved that idea for now and attempted this condition damage build, which seemed the only option. It may well be possible that i have made a mistake and i really hope that i am proven wrong by someone in the near future.


Btw all I have a vid about Guild Wars 2 Path of Fire. Its an overview of the second expansion and a discussion about the nine new elites.



Cheers guys and girls keep trying to make awesome builds Scourge players, plus have faith that all will work out when Path of Fire launches on September 22nd.

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Holosmith looks like it might get used on Reaper. At least as one option. Scrapper was another rune that worked.


Come to think of it, Soulbeast runes on Condition Reaper with Rise seem interesting for WvW. You can swap to Pet mode instantly, and the shambling horror offsets the Toughness drop well.


I would say they could be good for PvP as well, but given the harsh nerf Rise got there...

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  • 1 month later...

1. Zerg's boons manager

2. Build dedicated on barrier sharing, boon corruption, boon conversion, might stacking and downed support.

3. [Heavy Support](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNAnfWnk0A10g90Am9Cs9iljBLqnttCAT7gj2NQPtGXrrA-jFC1ABr8AAqU5Xg6DWU9nW2fAgTBQWHBANVCSKAvWAA-w)

4. Usage:

4a. Make use of your Sand Shade to support your frontliners with F2 and F3 skills

4b. Make use of your utilities to weaken foes and empowering allies

4c. Desert Shroud is meant to "cover" Well of Blood's revive

4d. Ghastly Breach is good to punish push.


Its possible to achieve 100% boon duration while having a Sand Shade and some Sigil of Bounty stacks if under [Naturalistic Resonance](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Naturalistic_Resonance_(effect))'s effect.

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