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Roaming with scourge or reaper


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> @"misterman.1530" said:

> I like the reaper for roaming, but that's a personal preference. Power scourges are tough close up but do not have the health pool of a Reaper - nor the absolutely crazy burst damage of one either.


Well. As power scourge you can kill people from 100 to 0 with just ghastly claws.

But it takes way longer setup wise, than playing reaper.

Also you need to be even better at kiting with scourge, than with reaper.

Else you will just die due to lower "health pool"

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Power scourge is not viable in the roaming world. You can kill people by surprise as most will expect a condi scourge that has no burst at all (this happened even to me once, I must admit). But that's it. Once your target got aware you run a power setup, you are a freekill to everyone - and I really mean everyone! There is no spec you counter or even have a balanced matchup against.


Power scourge is a 100% large scale setup.


Power core necro (spite/blood/soul reaping) is viable now. You are easy to CC but still miles stronger than on power scourge.


All in all: if you want to roam on necro, power reaper is your best option (RS2, spectral walk, maybe wurm --> better than everything else necro offers). If you are tired of reaper, go for dire condi bunker scourge and master the art of positioning to be semi competitive.

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Mirages will just dodge everything you do then burst you, wars guard and eles will out sustain you, de and ranger will just snipe you from 1200+, engi will chain cc you, power rev can burst you down. Your only hope of winning vs other professions is if they're a worse player than you, and even then it's not a guarantee that you'll win.

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It’s possible to roam, there are builds out there that work for reaper. However everything pretty much counters you so your always fighting an uphill battle. Thieves and Rangers are your biggest issues. I’ve had success killing most people on reaper but against really good Roamer running specs that can kite better than you, you will eventually lose unless they misplay or you outplay.

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> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> Mirages will just dodge everything you do then burst you, wars guard and eles will out sustain you, de and ranger will just snipe you from 1200+, engi will chain cc you, power rev can burst you down. Your only hope of winning vs other professions is if they're a worse player than you, and even then it's not a guarantee that you'll win.


That's exactly what I think as well.


But then I tried to join a wvw guild. Not gonna post its name.

I had to do some 1v1s against the guild leader.

I didn't do 1v1s lately, and I almost not played wvw because of low pop.


So naturally I lost against a lot of what he threw at me first (power mirage/chrono, core guard, spell breaker, weaver, thief [dagger and staff], rev and necro [scourge as well as reaper]). We fought in spvp self-made arena.


Against power mirage/chrono I lost the first one because I failed dodging the spike. Next fight I killed him.

As a weaver he died, because he played horribly.

Same for both thief specs and necro specs.


Then rev. Was pretty close but I won (because he didn't kite me)


But then core guard and spellbreaker came..


Well there's almost nothing you can do against coreguard I think. Because of the out of nowhere teleport followed by another teleport and insane burst. We did a couple of 1v1s. Sometimes I almost got him, but he was maining guard, so I lost all of the fights.


Spellbreaker was also a tough one. Lost 3 fights because of this freaking full counter visual bug (didn't disappear), so I couldn't really tell, when he was actually using it.


After those fights I was told that I'm not very good, because necro is the best 1v1 class in the game right now.




So why can I kill necros on professions I almost never played? Got 2 warriors at 80. Maybe 4hours playtime on the warrior profession, yet I easily manage to kill necros with it.



I still think that necro is a sitting duck, not able to 1v1 evenly skilled or higher skilled players, it can only demolish idiots or new players, that don't know how the game and the class they are playing works.


If you don't have backup (heals/ support or someone like engi that has massive cc-tools) you will most likely loose any 1v1.


Am I wrong? Don't think so.


Or am did I just get rusty by playing almost only pve-raid? Maybe


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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> Outside of 2 dodges, necro is just punching bag without any defense, so any skilled roamersahould be able to kill necro. If core or reaper go to shroud u Just kite him(holy kitten kite for ur life reaper hurt) and burst him to ground when he leaves it. Mesmer and pew pew classes eats necro


I just do my best and hope they enjoy their loot bag. :3

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> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> Mirages will just dodge everything you do then burst you, wars guard and eles will out sustain you, de and ranger will just snipe you from 1200+, engi will chain cc you, power rev can burst you down. Your only hope of winning vs other professions is if they're a worse player than you, and even then it's not a guarantee that you'll win.


Adding to what I've said: those classes will do all that while having blocks, invulnerabilities, life-saving passives, evasion skills, shadowsteps/movement skills (mostly on weapon skills that also double as a form of damage for them), and easy access to stealth (thief, mes, ranger, and engi). Mean while you as a necro have to give up utility slots for mobility. One of said mobility skills has to be precasted, the other can be interrupted and locked behind scourge, and the 3rd is purely for jukes. And all because you have 2 hp bars, unless you're scourge which is why they got 1 extra source of stab and 1 900 range teleport with a cast.

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