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Squad Interface Review


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I am often lieutenant in a large open world squad. We have mainly random people in the squad and often they don't know how a squad works. There are a few suggestions I have to improve how squads work, because there are a few problems we encounter very often.


1) option to make **cancelling invites only available to commander** and lieutenants

Unfortunately when people in the squad see the picture of an invited person under the squad interface and read 'pending invite' they very often press the cancel button because they just don't know what it means. Most of the time they think they themselves are invited to a different squad and as they don't want a different squad they just press 'cancel'. Others just tell me they have a small screen and wanted to get rid of the large picture of the invited player. Often the only way to stop them from cancelling invites is kicking them from the squad, which I would really like to avoid.

Some also cancel invites when they in fact want to leave the squad themselves (they seem to think it's the exit button).

It would be so much better if there would be an option for the commander to just make it unable for people to touch the 'cancel invites button' at all.


I also never understand why the chat message for cencelled invites says 'kicked' or 'voted to kick' because they were not even in the squad yet so nobody was kicked. When several invites are cancelled it gives the impression the comm/lieutenants kicked half the squad which is not very helpful as it gives a very unfirendly impression.



2) option to make **calling targets only available to commander** and lieutenants

People love calling targets but unfortunately they often call the wrong ones and that pulls the whole squad to a wrong direction or too far ahead. Therefore downed players often get left behind and everything ends in chaos. It would be great if there would be a way to stop people from doing that because many don't react to chat. It isn't even possible to click on the name in the target message to whisper them directly. Of course this should be only optional so calling is disabled only if needed.


3) **make both commanders agree to squad merges**

Sometimes people merge squads from lfg as a 'joke'. They take let's say a squad from leatherfarm and merge it with an Elonian bounty squad and then quickly leave the squad or just turn off their commander tag. This is very frustrating. The remaining commander has to kick all those who are in the wrong playfield and the kicked people end up without any squad at all and there is no way for anyone to stop people from doing this.

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> @"Glingal.5869" said:

> That's an interesting suggestion, but wouldn't it be more convenient instead of 'tag down', if instead the tag would be just invisible for all except your squad? This way you would keep all the commander functions.


They've said that they're not interested in making that a feature, as it would supposedly risk making WvW maps seem less active then they are.

Personally, if they made "squad-only tag" a thing I'd buy it in a hot second! What I want is the Squad markers for my buddies, not drawing people to us!

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