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Rune/Sigil changes and Guardian


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**Edit: Patch finally dropped: http://dulfy.net/2018/11/13/gw2-nov-13-game-update-patch-notes/**


[DH Speed God WvW Build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNAseTn8cCVdiVDBmDB8DhlGiKL+uv87aYXgAQ+4T+oH-jZxHABXXGQ5DBw3PBgW2fAgTAAA "DH Speed God Build")


High uptime on swiftness means you can kite a lot (you will have a movement speed buff of 66% - they buffed rune of speed). You will have an OOC movement speed buff of 25%. Cleansing has been buffed in PvE, it now removes **3** condis. Energy can be swapped to Air if you feel like you won't need the extra dodge. You can change cleansing as well to energy... Just food for thought


**Edit #2**: Rune of the Centaur may be viable for WvW and PvP... Use your heal skill OOC to get an easy 15 seconds of swiftness. If you're using LoW, you'll have a 5 second downtime on swiftness and if you're using Purification, you'll have a 9 second downtime. Using only **one** sigil of agility will help maintain swiftness during combat by a lot. My main gripe with swiftness and DH is that if it gets corrupted/removed we're SOL until our heal skill is back


**Edit #3**: Rune of the Pack looks like it was nerfed? Doesn't reapply every 20 seconds?

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~~This will be extremely strong for full-melee DH. You'll essentially be able to run a valkyrie's amulet and burst once every 10 seconds. Tether someone for +30% damage, see if you can apply aegis with shield 4, weapon swap to GS (agility + vision), and WW is going to easily hit 15k in 0.4 seconds. ~~


Edit: Never mind, a dev clarified that these new sigils won't be coming to pvp. Still though, this means they'll be available in wvw which is a secondary worry.

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> @"mrauls.6519" said:

>That will be amazing for power Guard most likely. Can't wait to see what happens. In case you missed it:

> http://dulfy.net/2018/11/06/gw2-introducing-rune-sigil-salvage/


I run Core Guard and with ret up, my crit chance is 100%, and I have pretty much 100% uptime on ret :open_mouth:


Still, interesting change. I'm always happy to see crafting expand.



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> @"mrauls.6519" said:

> I have high hopes for the sigil changes next week. Sigil changes = a balance change in a way. The new sigil of intelligence will make ALL attacks crit for 3 seconds... Holy Jesus Christ. That will be amazing for power Guard most likely. Can't wait to see what happens. In case you missed it:

> http://dulfy.net/2018/11/06/gw2-introducing-rune-sigil-salvage/


Core guardian runs 100% critic, so does all power builds in PvE. It looks like a cool Sigil but I do not see a use for it on most classes.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"mrauls.6519" said:

> > I have high hopes for the sigil changes next week. Sigil changes = a balance change in a way. The new sigil of intelligence will make ALL attacks crit for 3 seconds... Holy Jesus Christ. That will be amazing for power Guard most likely. Can't wait to see what happens. In case you missed it:

> > http://dulfy.net/2018/11/06/gw2-introducing-rune-sigil-salvage/


> Core guardian runs 100% critic, so does all power builds in PvE. It looks like a cool Sigil but I do not see a use for it on most classes.


I was trying to be inclusive, but I really hope this helps out power DH in a way xD

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If the sixth rune in Dwayna means 10% more base healthpool it is kind of lame but if it is 10% more health on top of base+vitality it becomes more interesting.


I like this rune at a first glance, looks very nice on my celestial firebrand.


(1): +25 Healing

(2): +10% Regeneration Duration

(3): +50 Healing

(4): +20% Regeneration Duration

(5): +100 Healing

(6): +10% Maximum Health; regeneration you apply is 20% more effective.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"mrauls.6519" said:

> >That will be amazing for power Guard most likely. Can't wait to see what happens. In case you missed it:

> > http://dulfy.net/2018/11/06/gw2-introducing-rune-sigil-salvage/


> I run Core Guard and with ret up, my crit chance is 100%, and I have pretty much 100% uptime on ret :open_mouth:


> Still, interesting change. I'm always happy to see crafting expand.



how do u get 100-% critical?


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> @"alchemist.6851" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"mrauls.6519" said:

> > >That will be amazing for power Guard most likely. Can't wait to see what happens. In case you missed it:

> > > http://dulfy.net/2018/11/06/gw2-introducing-rune-sigil-salvage/

> >

> > I run Core Guard and with ret up, my crit chance is 100%, and I have pretty much 100% uptime on ret :open_mouth:

> >

> > Still, interesting change. I'm always happy to see crafting expand.

> >

> >

> how do u get 100-% critical?



https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Righteous_Instincts = 50%

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Radiant_Power = 10%

My gear = 40%


Because of the Virtues trait line, activating F1 grants retaliation (and sets your target on fire) and thanks to Radiance trait line, Virtue of Justice (F1) is reset whenever a mob dies, providing almost effortless retaliation uptime. And for when your target happens to not be on fire, if you're in a group, chances are you are getting hit with fury from some source, so again you're crit capped.


As a rule you also get retaliation from GS 4, and if you use G3 through your symbol which is a light field, you get retaliation from the light aura (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Light_Aura) you create by using a leap finisher - all helpful for when you're fighting a boss and can't get a kill to reset your F1.

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> @"Brutaly.6257" said:

> If the sixth rune in Dwayna means 10% more base healthpool it is kind of lame but if it is 10% more health on top of base+vitality it becomes more interesting.


> I like this rune at a first glance, looks very nice on my celestial firebrand.


> (1): +25 Healing

> (2): +10% Regeneration Duration

> (3): +50 Healing

> (4): +20% Regeneration Duration

> (5): +100 Healing

> (6): +10% Maximum Health; regeneration you apply is 20% more effective.


It should take vitality into account like divinity runes do.

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> @"mrauls.6519" said:

> Rune of Speed looks so juicy. I'm thinking about dropping my double energy sigils and replacing them with agility... and replacing travelers rune with speed... 66% movement speed with swiftness? Whaaat...


I thought the same for my core guard retaliation running GS (air/agility) and SW/FC (agility/blood) together with speed rune, any other potential synergies from a wvw roaming perspective?



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> @"Bheowulf.4572" said:

> > @"mrauls.6519" said:

> > Rune of Speed looks so juicy. I'm thinking about dropping my double energy sigils and replacing them with agility... and replacing travelers rune with speed... 66% movement speed with swiftness? Whaaat...


> I thought the same for my core guard retaliation running GS (air/agility) and SW/FC (agility/blood) together with speed rune, any other potential synergies from a wvw roaming perspective?




Air and Blood definitely became more reliable with this patch as well. Since you'll be slow OOC with core guard, use a staff to give you swiftness before moving, then swap back to GS. Sigil of cleansing got buffed in PvE/WvW (3 conditions instead of 1 removed!).


Nothing else caught my eye - I was mainly focused on how movement speed runes/sigils changed.

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Speed is probably going to get nerfed... it's pretty ridiculous.

Defender is probably going to be nerfed... pretty insane on warriors with shield 5 and DH VoC, etc...

New Sanctuary is meh... works only on certain heals. Doesn't work with litany damage healing.

Torment is crazy on a mirage as they apply torment so easily.

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I saw the change as well the change regarding the cleansing sigil... might change a bit my power rev (sao weak against condis). Any other thoughts regarding core guard and/or DH in wvw roaming? I have always used runes which were providing +25% mvt speed but now is it still the way to go? Or maybe a more dmg oriented set of runes with the risk of being kited?

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> @"Blasino.3128" said:

> Speed is probably going to get nerfed... it's pretty ridiculous.

> Defender is probably going to be nerfed... pretty insane on warriors with shield 5 and DH VoC, etc...

> New Sanctuary is meh... works only on certain heals. Doesn't work with litany damage healing.


Yeah I saw defender and thought "hmm, finally a use for Shelter" lol.


I too am hoping Speed gets nerfed because I can already tell it's going to make certain classes crazy

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> @"Bheowulf.4572" said:

> I saw the change as well the change regarding the cleansing sigil... might change a bit my power rev (sao weak against condis). Any other thoughts regarding core guard and/or DH in wvw roaming? I have always used runes which were providing +25% mvt speed but now is it still the way to go? Or maybe a more dmg oriented set of runes with the risk of being kited?


Running the risk of being kited is never a good thing. I suggest running Traveler or Speed in WvW. The only way I would suggest you run something else is if you can afford the 25 percent movement speed utility food


Edit: Centaur Rune may work for core

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"alchemist.6851" said:

> > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > > @"mrauls.6519" said:

> > > >That will be amazing for power Guard most likely. Can't wait to see what happens. In case you missed it:

> > > > http://dulfy.net/2018/11/06/gw2-introducing-rune-sigil-salvage/

> > >

> > > I run Core Guard and with ret up, my crit chance is 100%, and I have pretty much 100% uptime on ret :open_mouth:

> > >

> > > Still, interesting change. I'm always happy to see crafting expand.

> > >

> > >

> > how do u get 100-% critical?

> >


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Righteous_Instincts = 50%

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Radiant_Power = 10%

> My gear = 40%


> Because of the Virtues trait line, activating F1 grants retaliation (and sets your target on fire) and thanks to Radiance trait line, Virtue of Justice (F1) is reset whenever a mob dies, providing almost effortless retaliation uptime. And for when your target happens to not be on fire, if you're in a group, chances are you are getting hit with fury from some source, so again you're crit capped.


> As a rule you also get retaliation from GS 4, and if you use G3 through your symbol which is a light field, you get retaliation from the light aura (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Light_Aura) you create by using a leap finisher - all helpful for when you're fighting a boss and can't get a kill to reset your F1.


thank you! this is very informative.. i can’t help but notice shield 5 heal skill doesn’t grant retaliation but instead sword 1 does with radiance trait

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