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RIP weapon swapping in rotation


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> @"Dace.8173" said: You did X,Y,Z then swap and do A,B,C and then swap and do X,Y,Z all over again.


Yeah right...you try doing CM100 like that without timing Aegis for orbs and see how your group likes you...really...you don't know the timing that high end pve requires of chrono to maximize support, which is one of the most fun aspects of the profession that will now be gutted.


> @"Dace.8173" said: Also, making your game more accessible to people, which brings in more people, which increases revenue, which increases the number of players who are engaged in a game is a winning business strategy.


Blizzard thought this was true as well recently. I'd rather anet not turn into the new blizzard, tyvm. Making content for high end folks while creating pathways for low-mid content players to progress is the winning business strategy. Gutting high-end content and playstyles to cater to low to mid content and low-mid skill players is a net loss. Always has been. WoW made this mistake. SOE made this mistake with star wars galaxies. Turbine made this mistake. Square Enix made this mistake(FFXIV currently dying because of it). I have been playing MMOs for 20 years and I see this mistake made over and over by MMO businesses. I have never loved a game more than GW2 and hope anet realizes the mistakes others have made in the past and does not repeat them. Unfortunately, it seems they are on that path.

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I mean if you love weapon swapping pretty much on CD for your rotation you can always play druid, it’s got the added complexity in deciding whether to swap to the avatar state or swap your weapon...


Personally I’m fine with not NEEDING to swap, bonus points if for whatever reason it lets me run scepter, I doubt it will, but I can dream.

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> > I hope there will be more synergy, or at least more choice, less disparity, with each class design and chosen roles.


> There should be a significant amount of additional choices, particularly for deeply niche builds and top end variations.


Any plans to extend additional choices to certain boons like alacrity and quickness that outside of chrono are only really available for guardian and revenant to provide to a group?


Any plans for changing Signet of Inspiration in function so we can stop nerfing every other mesmer trait/skill for the sake of this one skill that is still giving permanent every boon?

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> @"Einsof.1457" said:

> > @"Dace.8173" said: You did X,Y,Z then swap and do A,B,C and then swap and do X,Y,Z all over again.


> Yeah right...you try doing CM100 like that without timing Aegis for orbs and see how your group likes you...really...you don't know the timing that high end pve requires of chrono to maximize support, which is one of the most fun aspects of the profession that will now be gutted.


> > @"Dace.8173" said: Also, making your game more accessible to people, which brings in more people, which increases revenue, which increases the number of players who are engaged in a game is a winning business strategy.


> Blizzard thought this was true as well recently. I'd rather anet not turn into the new blizzard, tyvm. Making content for high end folks while creating pathways for low-mid content players to progress is the winning business strategy. Gutting high-end content and playstyles to cater to low to mid content and low-mid skill players is a net loss. Always has been. WoW made this mistake. SOE made this mistake with star wars galaxies. Turbine made this mistake. Square Enix made this mistake(FFXIV currently dying because of it). I have been playing MMOs for 20 years and I see this mistake made over and over by MMO businesses. I have never loved a game more than GW2 and hope anet realizes the mistakes others have made in the past and does not repeat them. Unfortunately, it seems they are on that path.


Timing is not complexity. You are also following a rotation. Most rotations someone thought out a set of moves that other people are to replicate in order to win. Rotations do not add much in the realm of complexity. They may be hard to do, but hard and complexity is not the same thing. Even then, you still have to time your moves. The new sigils don't remove timing, they just remove the need to weapon swap. This allows you to actually focus on other things.


Also, removing weapon swap is not gutting high-end game content and playstyles. Making your game more accessible is also not a mistake. If your game is not accessible then people stop playing. Removing weapon swap for sigils is nowhere in the same league as making a game-ending mistake. High-end playstyles are a bit more involved than weapon swapping for sigil bonuses.

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> @"Dace.8173" said:

> > @"Einsof.1457" said:

> > I play chrono because of the complexity...but anet just keeps dumbing it down. What do you guys think of this change to sigil of concentration? My thought is that my T4/raid rotation is going to be super boring now...


> It's hardly dumbing things down. It's tweaking and improving. I love it when a gaming company makes a move to overall increase the playability of their game is always viewed as dumbing down. Also, if you drew your enjoyment from T4/Raids from weapon swap then yes, it will be boring. For most folks it won't be though. A constant 10% is better 33% that you only get if you change weapons. All this does to your rotation is make you have to think more about what you are doing. The whole weapon swap rotation was rote. You did X,Y,Z then swap and do A,B,C and then swap and do X,Y,Z all over again. As a matter of fact, following a rotation is not complexity in play. We have rotations to make play easier and less complex. You memorize the rotation and you'll do well.


> > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> > Obviously it'll be a nerf, but I'm happy they revise runes and sigils.

> > Let be honest :

> > Pve : Scholar, renegade, berserker, and for support : leadership, monk.

> > WvW : Scholar, strenght, Durability, Leadership, monk...

> > PvP : Scholar, leadership, pack, Lynx, adventurer ...

> > Some others runes and sigils are for niche build, and not always that much relevant.The 80% remaining is trash.

> > It's a bit boring ; whatever the class, the build, you equip the sames runes and sigils.

> >

> > I hope there will be more synergy, or at least more choice, less disparity, with each class design and chosen roles.


> That is my hope too, that Runes and Sigils become more interesting and there is more value in what you choose. The removal of randomness will add consistency in results and combat becomes less a factor of being lucky at the right moment and a matter of making the right moves.


> > @"Einsof.1457" said:

> > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > As somebody with tremors and pain in my wrists, elbows, and shoulders, I welcome dumbed-down and simple rotations.

> >

> > Don't worry, anet is going to simplify this game into the ground because catering to the disabled over the abled is such a winning business strategy. In all seriousness 90% of profession builds are incredibly simple. Why can't you be happy with that and let those of us who like complexity have our 10%? Why must you take everything away?


> Weapon swap on Sigil of Concentration did not make gameplay more complex. People constantly fell into patterned behavior in which they went through the rotation. Then they repeated the rotation. I love complexity in play but following a rotation is by no means complex. It's Easy Mode. Also, making your game more accessible to people, which brings in more people, which increases revenue, which increases the number of players who are engaged in a game is a winning business strategy. So making the game more user-friendly for disabled people (though I'm loathed to use the term disabled) is a good thing.


> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > @"Einsof.1457" said:

> > > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > > As somebody with tremors and pain in my wrists, elbows, and shoulders, I welcome dumbed-down and simple rotations.

> > > >

> > > > Don't worry, anet is going to simplify this game into the ground because catering to the disabled over the abled is such a winning business strategy. In all seriousness 90% of profession builds are incredibly simple. Why can't you be happy with that and let those of us who like complexity have our 10%? Why must you take everything away?

> > >

> > > The hill that you're defending isn't worth anything. GW2 gets no benefit from having good performance barred behind fighting the interface. The difficulty of the game should come from the encounters and enemies in the game, and not from merely playing the game itself.

> >

> > Maybe you dont get that for chrono, encounteres were dificult because you had to plan your weaponswaps to be at the set you nned at specific times like on sloth focus when slublings spawns and shield when cc happens. You had to decide if you have time to swap or not. Now you dont need to plan anything (unless some new ultility is swap-based) and can cap wapon that you will need next. Basics of chrono were already very easy and this takes away more advanced stuff.


> There is nothing about this change that interferes with the gameplay you describe. You will still need to time your weapon swaps at specific moments. The only difference now is that your weapon swaps will be about changing what you are actually doing as opposed to trying to keep a 33% bonus going for as long as you can. They idea that you won't need to plan anything is simply false. With a potential increase in viable runes and sigils you will actually have to do a lot more planning as you figure out what new runes/sigils will be good for what situations and incorpating new bonuses into your playstyle.


> This in no way takes away advanced stuff. Weapon swap to maintain a 33% increase for 7 secs is not advanced.




There is a change. Now if you dpnt have time for swap and you swap you suffer. But if you have and dont you suffer too. After this chamge there is almost 0 punischment for just camping shield and swaping/not swaping for that specific encounter.

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:


> There is a change. Now if you dpnt have time for swap and you swap you suffer. But if you have and dont you suffer too. After this chamge there is almost 0 punischment for just camping shield and swaping/not swaping for that specific encounter.



Clone generation? Dps? Blocks? I mean, you currently need to have 3 clones for your CS to maximise quickness uptime. If your Echo of Memory/Deja Vu fails you are in a bit of a pickle


I play T4 with no sigil of concentration. Have 100% boon uptime. And yes I have to swap weapons.


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> @"Zlater.6789" said:

> Just stick concentration on your shield and air/slayer sigils on your sword/focus. You still gotta swap, except the difference between good and bad chrono's will not be as much their boon uptimes, but their personal contribution to dps.

Why would you care how much dps have your chrono ? He could run full tank gear and do 0 damage but provide perma boons ,no one ever would tell him he have low dps and kick him. You have dedicated DPS classes /facepalm

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> @"kasoki.5180" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:


> > There is a change. Now if you dpnt have time for swap and you swap you suffer. But if you have and dont you suffer too. After this chamge there is almost 0 punischment for just camping shield and swaping/not swaping for that specific encounter.



> Clone generation? Dps? Blocks? I mean, you currently need to have 3 clones for your CS to maximise quickness uptime. If your Echo of Memory/Deja Vu fails you are in a bit of a pickle


> I play T4 with no sigil of concentration. Have 100% boon uptime. And yes I have to swap weapons.



No. You need one clone man. Why do you need 3 clones??? You can cast tides of time, signet of inspiration, well of action, mimic (and all shatters if you time correctly) in one clone cs. Those are all your quickness and alacrity spells so you dont get better uptime if you have longer cs. In fact you will have less uptime because you lose those few seconds you are in cs when you dont need to be.


And yes, you can swap to increese dps or to get specific spell but it will not affect your quickness and alacrity generation. Right now you need to chose if you swap for boons or swap for damage/cc/pulls...(if you dont plan your swaps to be there when swaping for boon duration).


Truth is, after this change you can be lazy and camp one set without losing any boons.

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> @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > @"Zlater.6789" said:

> > Just stick concentration on your shield and air/slayer sigils on your sword/focus. You still gotta swap, except the difference between good and bad chrono's will not be as much their boon uptimes, but their personal contribution to dps.

> Why would you care how much dps have your chrono ? He could run full tank gear and do 0 damage but provide perma boons ,no one ever would tell him he have low dps and kick him. You have dedicated DPS classes /facepalm


Because some players want to do best possible job they can. That is fun for them. Its the same argument as why shouldnt warrior run magi gear when he is taken for banners and not damage ...

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > > @"Zlater.6789" said:

> > > Just stick concentration on your shield and air/slayer sigils on your sword/focus. You still gotta swap, except the difference between good and bad chrono's will not be as much their boon uptimes, but their personal contribution to dps.

> > Why would you care how much dps have your chrono ? He could run full tank gear and do 0 damage but provide perma boons ,no one ever would tell him he have low dps and kick him. You have dedicated DPS classes /facepalm


> Because some players want to do best possible job they can. That is fun for them. Its the same argument as why shouldnt warrior run magi gear when he is taken for banners and not damage ...

I dont even know what you have instead of a brain there lad. His gear doesnt increase bonus of his banners thus he can play any spec he want condi bers or power spb. Mesmer need concentration in order to provide boons so they have to get it from gear. Why i even have to exlain it ?

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> @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > > > @"Zlater.6789" said:

> > > > Just stick concentration on your shield and air/slayer sigils on your sword/focus. You still gotta swap, except the difference between good and bad chrono's will not be as much their boon uptimes, but their personal contribution to dps.

> > > Why would you care how much dps have your chrono ? He could run full tank gear and do 0 damage but provide perma boons ,no one ever would tell him he have low dps and kick him. You have dedicated DPS classes /facepalm

> >

> > Because some players want to do best possible job they can. That is fun for them. Its the same argument as why shouldnt warrior run magi gear when he is taken for banners and not damage ...

> I dont even know what you have instead of a brain there lad. His gear doesnt increase bonus of his banners thus he can play any spec he want condi bers or power spb. Mesmer need concentration in order to provide boons so they have to get it from gear. Why i even have to exlain it ?


a bit offensive, aren´t we?

what s/he meant was obviously that if for mesmer, boons should be anything to worry about, then for bs it should be enough to drop banners and autoatack for EA, since that is the reason to be in the squad. BUT some players don´t want to just fullfill there role, they want to master it by reaching the highest dps possible within the limitations of there role/build. for experienced chronos a good boonuptime is "easy to achive" so the only thing to improve on is there personal dps. Same goes for any other support spec. is it neccasary? no. but if its is their goal, why not.

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> @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > > > @"Zlater.6789" said:

> > > > Just stick concentration on your shield and air/slayer sigils on your sword/focus. You still gotta swap, except the difference between good and bad chrono's will not be as much their boon uptimes, but their personal contribution to dps.

> > > Why would you care how much dps have your chrono ? He could run full tank gear and do 0 damage but provide perma boons ,no one ever would tell him he have low dps and kick him. You have dedicated DPS classes /facepalm

> >

> > Because some players want to do best possible job they can. That is fun for them. Its the same argument as why shouldnt warrior run magi gear when he is taken for banners and not damage ...

> I dont even know what you have instead of a brain there lad. His gear doesnt increase bonus of his banners thus he can play any spec he want condi bers or power spb. Mesmer need concentration in order to provide boons so they have to get it from gear. Why i even have to exlain it ?


Well. You said that dps doesnt matter as chrono. It does. 10 k vs 2.5 k dps is 4 times more. Tell me what is better.

Both commander and minstrel provide same concentration. Why is minstrel bezter if commander brings more damage and minstrel nothing that is worth it?

And lastly, i have a brain. In fact my IQ makes me statisticaly a genius. Sorry if my post was too clever for you.

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> Well. You said that dps doesnt matter as chrono. It does. 10 k vs 2.5 k dps is 4 times more. Tell me what is better.

> Both commander and minstrel provide same concentration. Why is minstrel bezter if commander brings more damage and minstrel nothing that is worth it?

> And lastly, i have a brain. In fact my IQ makes me statisticaly a genius. Sorry if my post was too clever for you.

Your post tell otherwise . Compare warrior banners that unaffected by gear and chrono that does . Especially hilarious that you think BS taken for banners only

Dont bring your low IQ into discussion if you dont understand what I disliked in quoted post that wasn't addressed for you

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> @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > Well. You said that dps doesnt matter as chrono. It does. 10 k vs 2.5 k dps is 4 times more. Tell me what is better.

> > Both commander and minstrel provide same concentration. Why is minstrel bezter if commander brings more damage and minstrel nothing that is worth it?

> > And lastly, i have a brain. In fact my IQ makes me statisticaly a genius. Sorry if my post was too clever for you.

> Your post tell otherwise . Compare warrior banners that unaffected by gear and chrono that does . Especially hilarious that you think BS taken for banners only

> Dont bring your low IQ into discussion if you dont understand what I disliked in quoted post that wasn't addressed for you


Its interesting that sigur clearly saw my point.

As I said, dps in minstrel is ~2.5k. Dps in minmaxed build is ~10k. Show me a dps class that is considered good if you take away 7.5k dps.

The main reason why bs is taken is banners. Without banners, warrior wouldnt be taken. It is true that for banners, you dont need stats. They would work with any gear (as my magi example). It is true that if chrono have minstrel gear now, you provide boons. Interesting is that you provide same boons if you have full commander. Even more interesting fact. Now you provide exact same boons with just one commander accesory and rest berserker/assasin.

Your point is valid. Warrior is also taken for dps. But i guess elite pve guild like snowcrows will not take you in if you do 7.5k dps less then benchmark and it doesnt matter if you play warrior or chrono.


I once talked with member of such guild and she explained to me that 3 diferent trinkets on HEAL druid is for them the diference between having shake before or after breakbar (at sloth). I am sure those 3 trinkets bring less dps diference then 7.5k

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > Well. You said that dps doesnt matter as chrono. It does. 10 k vs 2.5 k dps is 4 times more. Tell me what is better.

> > > Both commander and minstrel provide same concentration. Why is minstrel bezter if commander brings more damage and minstrel nothing that is worth it?

> > > And lastly, i have a brain. In fact my IQ makes me statisticaly a genius. Sorry if my post was too clever for you.

> > Your post tell otherwise . Compare warrior banners that unaffected by gear and chrono that does . Especially hilarious that you think BS taken for banners only

> > Dont bring your low IQ into discussion if you dont understand what I disliked in quoted post that wasn't addressed for you


> Its interesting that sigur clearly saw my point.

> As I said, dps in minstrel is ~2.5k. Dps in minmaxed build is ~10k. Show me a dps class that is considered good if you take away 7.5k dps.

> The main reason why bs is taken is banners. Without banners, warrior wouldnt be taken. It is true that for banners, you dont need stats. They would work with any gear (as my magi example). It is true that if chrono have minstrel gear now, you provide boons. Interesting is that you provide same boons if you have full commander. Even more interesting fact. Now you provide exact same boons with just one commander accesory and rest berserker/assasin.

> Your point is valid. Warrior is also taken for dps. But i guess elite pve guild like snowcrows will not take you in if you do 7.5k dps less then benchmark and it doesnt matter if you play warrior or chrono.


> I once talked with member of such guild and she explained to me that 3 diferent trinkets on HEAL druid is for them the diference between having shake before or after breakbar (at sloth). I am sure those 3 trinkets bring less dps diference then 7.5k

As long as I played raids/fractals people never reached 10k on chrono unless it was DPS golem called Mursat. In fractals doing everyday CMs T4 those chronos never reach 6k even . When I had to play chrono I also couldnt get 10k on real bosses but on golem it was piece of cake to get this 10k.

BS dps is close to other DPS dedicated classes despite having 2 banners as utility slots.

What I was triggered about in post of guy who I quoted that he say its not boon duration (which clearly false , Iv seen too may chronos being unable to keep it even 50%) show who is good and BAD its their DPS . When their DPS depends on gear/build they use . Long ago when I started to play with arcdps I seen chrono does around 2k dps (minstel gear) but we had always perma all boons ,would you call him bad because his dps wasnt 10k ?


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> @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > > Well. You said that dps doesnt matter as chrono. It does. 10 k vs 2.5 k dps is 4 times more. Tell me what is better.

> > > > Both commander and minstrel provide same concentration. Why is minstrel bezter if commander brings more damage and minstrel nothing that is worth it?

> > > > And lastly, i have a brain. In fact my IQ makes me statisticaly a genius. Sorry if my post was too clever for you.

> > > Your post tell otherwise . Compare warrior banners that unaffected by gear and chrono that does . Especially hilarious that you think BS taken for banners only

> > > Dont bring your low IQ into discussion if you dont understand what I disliked in quoted post that wasn't addressed for you

> >

> > Its interesting that sigur clearly saw my point.

> > As I said, dps in minstrel is ~2.5k. Dps in minmaxed build is ~10k. Show me a dps class that is considered good if you take away 7.5k dps.

> > The main reason why bs is taken is banners. Without banners, warrior wouldnt be taken. It is true that for banners, you dont need stats. They would work with any gear (as my magi example). It is true that if chrono have minstrel gear now, you provide boons. Interesting is that you provide same boons if you have full commander. Even more interesting fact. Now you provide exact same boons with just one commander accesory and rest berserker/assasin.

> > Your point is valid. Warrior is also taken for dps. But i guess elite pve guild like snowcrows will not take you in if you do 7.5k dps less then benchmark and it doesnt matter if you play warrior or chrono.

> >

> > I once talked with member of such guild and she explained to me that 3 diferent trinkets on HEAL druid is for them the diference between having shake before or after breakbar (at sloth). I am sure those 3 trinkets bring less dps diference then 7.5k

> As long as I played raids/fractals people never reached 10k on chrono unless it was DPS golem called Mursat. In fractals doing everyday CMs T4 those chronos never reach 6k even . When I had to play chrono I also couldnt get 10k on real bosses but on golem it was piece of cake to get this 10k.

> BS dps is close to other DPS dedicated classes despite having 2 banners as utility slots.

> What I was triggered about in post of guy who I quoted that he say its not boon duration (which clearly false , Iv seen too may chronos being unable to keep it even 50%) show who is good and BAD its their DPS . When their DPS depends on gear/build they use . Long ago when I started to play with arcdps I seen chrono does around 2k dps (minstel gear) but we had always perma all boons ,would you call him bad because his dps wasnt 10k ?



No. But my question is this. If it doesnt matter how you reach 100% boon duration and there is an option to have 100% boon duration with offensive gear and 100% defensive gear then, as long as you dont die, offensive gear will be supperior right?

I have seen chronos at 10k dps on non golem bosses and even more on golems. (Personaly I had 15k at mo with perma boons).

Your point is valid. There is no reason to look at dps if you have horrible uptimes. Boons are priority.

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

>I have seen chronos at 10k dps on non golem bosses and even more on golems. (Personaly I had 15k at mo with perma boons).

On build with domi/inspiration wasnt possible (and still not possible according to snuscrows) to get more than 10.6k .Depends on build and gear . I'd prefer safe variation to prioritize boons to a lil bit more dps (pugs arent same as SC runs)

> Your point is valid. There is no reason to look at dps if you have horrible uptimes. Boons are priority.

Bravo,that was my point . For chrono is top priority are boons , not damage . (thats sole reason why I said its doesnt matter for me)

Of course more DPS its better than less DPS with same boon uptime, no doubt you are right .But doesnt make player worse than others if he does his job right.

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > > @"Zlater.6789" said:

> > > Just stick concentration on your shield and air/slayer sigils on your sword/focus. You still gotta swap, except the difference between good and bad chrono's will not be as much their boon uptimes, but their personal contribution to dps.

> > Why would you care how much dps have your chrono ? He could run full tank gear and do 0 damage but provide perma boons ,no one ever would tell him he have low dps and kick him. You have dedicated DPS classes /facepalm


> Because some players want to do best possible job they can. That is fun for them. Its the same argument as why shouldnt warrior run magi gear when he is taken for banners and not damage ...


That has nothing to do with how a sigil or rune is changed though ... You do the best you can ... WITHIN the gear available to you. If your DPS takes a hit to get more boon duration, it's not a problem, because you're going to take the build that's optimal for the situation anyways if you go into it with your mindset.


The only problem here is that there are people who want everything. I'm going throw this out there; if you want to maximize an aspect of your build, it seems to me that it makes lots of sense to have to make compromises in other areas to do that. So complaining your DPS goes down if you want to maintain boon duration cap is rather ridiculous if you understand this trade off concept when making a build in the first place.


Frankly, the idea that you get a 33% boon duration from a weapon swap is bad in the first place, because it makes weapon swaps something they should have never been; you swap weapons according to the tools you need from them, not because you can get a massive advantage by mindlessly spamming a mechanic to do so. Anet is simply fixing a mistake they made and I'm glad to see they learned from that mistake and are doing it.


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How the hell does it come to a point when dev answers a question the Mesmer forum and NEVER EVER answers anything in Theif forum? Da kitten is that? Mesmer is the least class in the game that needs any help or buffing or whatever and you put attention to them instead of classes that really need help?

I rly have no words for this.

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> How the hell does it come to a point when dev answers a question the Mesmer forum and NEVER EVER answers anything in Theif forum? Da kitten is that? Mesmer is the least class in the game that needs any help or buffing or whatever and you put attention to them instead of classes that really need help?

> I rly have no words for this.

Thread about nerfing sigil that mesmer use in pve and not getting help/buffs but nerfs . Since when thieves 'really' need help? xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > Well. You said that dps doesnt matter as chrono. It does. 10 k vs 2.5 k dps is 4 times more. Tell me what is better.

> > > Both commander and minstrel provide same concentration. Why is minstrel bezter if commander brings more damage and minstrel nothing that is worth it?

> > > And lastly, i have a brain. In fact my IQ makes me statisticaly a genius. Sorry if my post was too clever for you.

> > Your post tell otherwise . Compare warrior banners that unaffected by gear and chrono that does . Especially hilarious that you think BS taken for banners only

> > Dont bring your low IQ into discussion if you dont understand what I disliked in quoted post that wasn't addressed for you


> Its interesting that sigur clearly saw my point.

> As I said, dps in minstrel is ~2.5k. Dps in minmaxed build is ~10k. Show me a dps class that is considered good if you take away 7.5k dps.

> The main reason why bs is taken is banners. Without banners, warrior wouldnt be taken. It is true that for banners, you dont need stats. They would work with any gear (as my magi example). It is true that if chrono have minstrel gear now, you provide boons. Interesting is that you provide same boons if you have full commander. Even more interesting fact. Now you provide exact same boons with just one commander accesory and rest berserker/assasin.

> Your point is valid. Warrior is also taken for dps. But i guess elite pve guild like snowcrows will not take you in if you do 7.5k dps less then benchmark and it doesnt matter if you play warrior or chrono.


> I once talked with member of such guild and she explained to me that 3 diferent trinkets on HEAL druid is for them the diference between having shake before or after breakbar (at sloth). I am sure those 3 trinkets bring less dps diference then 7.5k


I do think you need to be more clear on whether we are talking top level raiding or average/competent raiding. As you say in the example a tiny 3 trinket makes a difference to timing of mechanics which if you're trying for a record run is so important that many won't understand the subtly. Additionally a well thought out record run will often run things that many would not run and they themselves would not recommend because the shorter time frame between mechanics can often mean you need either another class to bring stab/stunbreak, additional condition clears or more CC.


You mention a dps difference of ~7.5k but you also don't mention what that 7.5k loss brought like consistent spammable heals from the chrono, there is a reason why minstrels chrono was used and that's to carry sub par healers or people who tank mechanics. Yes that shouldn't happen (though it does if you watch teapots stream) in a static good group but it's still an extra safety net and if your DPS classes aren't slacking you should easily clear raids with no pressure.


This may all be academic though as I can't see SoI staying as a boonshare, it's too problematic and has caused nerfs to most of the chaos line already. It also makes other boon support classes unable to compete, sure they might have higher DPS, they might give nearly all the same boons but it's nowhere near as easy as chrono which gives every boon in the game so long as it received it once.

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