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Latency/Ping/FPS Issues [merged]

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Glad I'm not the only one getting these below 10 fps drops. My system is without a doubt on the bottom rung compared to the rest in this thread (AMD 6300, gtx 760 2gb, 8gb ram) but I have never had much of a problem before and ran on decent graphic settings pre patch with frames at 45-60 not in meta events/wvw. Since the patch I am getting horrible drops to 1-5 fps at random and once it does this, it doesn't bounce back. Had this happen last night during the Lazarus fight for the last step of Season 3. During the first 3/4 of the 'dungeon' my fps was at 60, then I got close to the end room and everything tanked to 2-5 fps. I cranked all the settings as low as they would go to try to finish it, and it made absolutely no difference.


Earlier last week it happened as well during several story end fights when I was working through Season 3 on a new character. Also during the Casino Blitz the exact same thing happens.


Will try the windowed full screen mode and see if that helps any.

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My laptop's not a gaming rig by any stretch, but for two years, I ran at a solid 30-40, but now it's a constant 5-10 no matter where I go, though Lion's Arch seems to be the worst. I ran diagnostics, defragging, rolled back and updated my drivers, _reinstalled_ my drivers, fiddled with my settings, went from fullscreen to windowed and back again, turned off DPI, everything I could think of. No dice. And the lag slog is the worst. It takes almost a minute and a half just to do a single trading post exchange.

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As was suggested above, download and run pingplotter to determine where the issue is. Make sure use use the IP of the map you are in as the target for the test. The odds are that the issue is not related to Anet and as such there is nothing they can do to fix the problem. You connection passes through many nodes on its route to Anet, any one of those nodes could be causing the issue.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

We had a few threads on this subject, so I merged them to keep the conversation together and allow the tech team to see your concerns in an efficient manner.


Please note that over the last two days, we've experienced a series of DDOS attacks. Please see [this thread ](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/13512/serious-d-c-issues "this thread ")for more information, but consider that the issues that you're experiencing in relation to ping, latency, lag -- whatever term you prefer -- *might* be related to those incidents. You are, of course, welcome to discuss in this thread if you believe the issues you're having are not related to the recent incidents.

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Would like to add some additional information, and unsure if this applies to others who may have either problems but I suggest others to check if it applies.


The random 30 fps cap seems to only occur when playing the game in Windowed Full Screen, this issue is not present at all when playing Full Screen. There is still no additional information as to what triggers the 30 fps cap, as it occurs even in areas where I would have ~120 fps if uncapped.


The general fps drop still occurs while playing Full Screen, but it is not as low as Windows Full screen.

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> @Nichronos.2097 said:

> Problem is with your CPU, GW2 hates the i7-6700, it runs on one core only, ArenaNet are doing zero optimizations to fix that

> I have same issue, check my posts.


My CPU did not change, I have been using my GTX1070+6700k for the last 1 year 2-3 months. This issue did not exist prior to the weekend that just ended. The only thing that changed over the weekend had been updating Windows 10 to the new version, however the issue was not present immediately, and unfortunately I can not restore it to before that point due to Windows 10 not having a point before it.


Also, GW2 using a single core is normal. PC gaming has always used a primary thread to do most of the workload with at most part of a second for other things and the rest being done by the GPU. This is why games have for the most part favored Intel 2/4 cores over the 6/8 AMD offered for years. Multi-core applications is mostly a thing on consoles and phones due to how the hardware is setup, they use higher core counts with lower single core performance, resulting in everything being coded to make use of said standard. Meanwhile on the desktop platform we have had mostly 2 or 4 cores in the mainstream for how many years now? It's almost 2018 and Intel is barely giving us 4 and 6 as the new standard core count.


Another thing is, the 30 fps cap issue isn't a case of my CPU not handling the workload, when this 30 fps limit isn't forced onto my client my desktop can handle 120 fps. This is a bug that existed since a few years ago that seems to now be happening to me. Unfortunately I never found how anyone resolved it other than it just going away.


Here's an old post on Reddit with an explanation why games rely on one thread to do most of the work:

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I've also been having a combination of high ping with low fps that started mostly during PoF release and exploded after the last new builds and the Mad kinG patch. I went from 80-100 ping to 150-200 especially inside instances. Checked everything on my end, my connection,my isp, my drivers, defraged game, updated drivers,disabled DPI scaling, cleared game and DNS cache, zip, nothing. Im also running windows 7 so the new update shouldnt have any impact. I also tried played on lowest graphic settings possible and it doesnt fix anything. Im on EU btw.


The last straw for me was today, i decided to revisit a previous game i was playing to check overall performance with medium to high graphic settings. So... i played a few World of Tanks matches, 120 fps with 70-80 ping (never went higher). Then i logged back in GW2. About 40 fps on mistlock sanctuary with about 160 ping. The game itself as well as the servers seem to be an a very stressed situation atm, the servers apparently cannot handle the influx of new and returning players so overall input-lag has increased by a lot to compensate for the increased numbers of online players. It is evident just by checking latency during off and peak hours. Im 100% sure that the potato servers just cant handle it atm and the DDOS attacks are just the icing on the cake.


Last thing, i hate how every single message in-game or in-forums or in-tickets suggest that every internet problem (latency/spikes/dc's) is always on the customers end. So far in my experience every single networking problem i had with this game was never on my end as cross testing with other games always reveals the bitter truth that GW2 either needs better servers or the game itself needs proper optimization to utilize more resources on the pc so it can run smoothly and with proper fps. Something needs to change drastically cause atm the difference in performance when im playing GW2 and my other favourite games (Dota 2, WoT) is like night and day.


Edit: i actualy went through this whole subforum and its a bit appaling how there's all these bug, technical problem threads yet most of them are never answered,resolved,given any attention and as it seems never will. RIP.

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Been noticing the exact same issue .. I normally run a pretty solid 60FPS with Vsync on, 80-110FPS with it off. But since last weekend something has definitely been playing havoc with FPS.. the game just suddenly reverts to a solid 30FPS and graphics are delayed loading up, animations and environment lagging behind. A quick Alt Tab to desktop and back cures the issues until the next occurrence, but its annoying as hell.

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I've been having the same issues since around PoF launch. It's not my hardware; I can run other, often newer and more demanding games on maximum graphics settings without any problems and could do so with GW2 too before the expansion. Also, turning down graphics setting to the lowest doesn't improve the ping/FPS at all. Tested my general ping several times and it's perfectly fine - I only have severe drops in ping and FPS when playing GW2, and it's been going on for weeks. Very annoying especially when raiding, sometimes making the game almost unplayable. Please fix this already...

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Posting here again too since I just found the merged thread, here's what I wrote in another about the FPS problems already: "I've been having the same issues since around PoF launch. It's not my hardware; I can run other, often newer and more demanding games on maximum graphics settings without any problems and could do so with GW2 too before the expansion. Also, turning down graphics setting to the lowest doesn't improve the ping/FPS at all. Tested my general ping several times and it's perfectly fine - I only have severe drops in ping and FPS when playing GW2, and it's been going on for weeks. Very annoying especially when raiding, sometimes making the game almost unplayable. Please fix this already..."

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