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Latency/Ping/FPS Issues [merged]

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Sorry for the click bait troll title, but I was wondering if there is anything as a player that I can do on my end to decrease the lag I experience in-game? Or is it sadly coming from ANet's end of things. Constant DCs and 10s+ lag spikes really bring a negative game play experience. Any help would be great!

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I hope it stops when the halloween event is over,Game is unplayable atm and people and leaving in droves to play other games,ping shoots to 4k and then you either dc or find yourself dead,really annoying and not much info from Anet on why its happening..we shall wait..and PLEASE stop the random small explosions all through WVW they are annoying as hell :D

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ArenaNet did mention they have seen an influx over the last week in DDOS attacks. Other than those, most lag occurs as result of in-between routing troubles. IE: You are on the east coast, say GA, and somewhere in say Oklahoma there is a wide spread outage and that is blocking your fastest connection route. Result, it routes through a slower connection to get you around the outage.


As for your side, your system specifications and internet connection speeds are what will affect you most. With my setup: 60mbps cable w/ a Ryzen 1600X 16GB RX 470 I generally get around 100 ping and 20-60FPS.

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> @Legacy.7360 said:

> Lag and ping issues continue. It's fluctuating, any fixes soon?


> @baelydon.9604 said:

> Any updates? It's been a few days since any last official statements, and yet the issue still persists.


Have either of you run pingplotter or something similar to determine where the problem actually is?

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  • ArenaNet Staff

I've merged several more threads into this one, as we seem to have concurrent, separate conversations about the same issue. If you're having lag, latency, low ping, or reduced FPS issues, your posts are in this thread, as those are commonly-used descriptors for what is, essentially, the same problem. If you could kindly continue to use this one thread for your reports, the team will better be able to review all the reports and track what's going on in each case.


Remember, providing this info helps:

* Your geographical location

* Your game world

* The date and time (plus time zone) when the issue arose, or a smattering of sample dates/times when you've noticed the issue. If it's "ever since the [date] build, or "ever since the launch of Path of Fire," please note that

* Any error message you receive (if you eventually get disconnected)

* If you have submitted a ticket to Customer Support, your ticket number

* If you've submitted to CS and have been asked to provide them with reports, such as a GameAdvisor report, please note that you have done so


Thanks for the information!

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Recent FPS drops are caused by the Fall Windows 10 update. The effects are heavily noticeable in windowed mode and windowed fullscreen mode. Normal fullscreen mode doesn't seem to suffer nearly as bad.


> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Having said the above, there have been intermittent DDOS attacks over the last several days. Our teams are taking mitigation measures available to them, and are devising alternative measures, but there may be some impact on the game.


Thank you for confirming the DDoS attacks


> @ZerotheFang.5890 said:

> this is not an issue with lag when i am getting killed by nothing near me can't do jack cause skills are locked or my character attacks the air over and over how bad this is plz fix the issue. it is impossible to do anything and we have spvp tuesday which will not help that either.


That's textbook network lag.

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**Your geographical location:** Turkey

**Your game world: **Seafearer's Rest

**The date and time (plus time zone) when the issue arose, or a smattering of sample dates/times when you've noticed the issue. If it's "ever since the [date] build, or "ever since the launch of Path of Fire," please note that:** Between 6 and 12 PM everyday since halloween start.

**Any error message you receive (if you eventually get disconnected):** None, lag spikes jumping between 40ms - 3900ms

**If you have submitted a ticket to Customer Support, your ticket number:** Didn't bother since everyone around me got irrelevant responses.

**If you've submitted to CS and have been asked to provide them with reports, such as a GameAdvisor report, please note that you have done so:** Not me but my cousin did so, and got a reply saying we have problems with our router and need to connect directly to modem. Funny thing is we're not even using router, we're directly connected to modem.


Now the thing is, in any other mmo (such as wow as I'm also active there) or online games such as destiny 2, cs:go, pubg, and many other, I never get more than 80ms. Using a 50mbit fiberoptic connection. However in GW2, my ping is like 50 in ebg, 100 in normal world, and sometimes instantly jumps to 400-800-1900-3600 etc for like 15 secs, than returns to 100ms and jumps again. We're getting replies saying it's our connection which is bad but I'm only having issues with GW2. Have no idea what to do anymore. Tried every solution but none help. :/

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> @TheHeretic.3529 said:

> Recent FPS drops are caused by the Fall Windows 10 update. The effects are heavily noticeable in windowed mode and windowed fullscreen mode. Normal fullscreen mode doesn't seem to suffer nearly as bad.


This seems to be a widespread issue, not just GW2: http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/id-3558495/massive-fps-drops-games-fall-creators-update-win.html

Makes me glad I'm a couple revisions back (I never install Microsoft's bleeding edge, I dislike being a crash test dummy.)


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I am mostly just getting fps at 2 and ping over 500 constantly. It also slows down the rest of my computer. Haven't even bothered playing in the last week. The week before that it happened but then went away after a while. As of last week, the lag is constant.


Your geographical location: USA, New York City

Your game world: Maguuma

The date and time (plus time zone) when the issue arose, or a smattering of sample dates/times when you've noticed the issue. If it's "ever since the [date] build, or "ever since the launch of Path of Fire," please note that: ever since about 2 weeks ago. Hasn't stopped since.

Any error message you receive (if you eventually get disconnected): Haven't goten disconnected.

If you have submitted a ticket to Customer Support, your ticket number: N/A

If you've submitted to CS and have been asked to provide them with reports, such as a GameAdvisor report, please note that you have done so

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One thing I noticed about the framerate drop is that at the time, in my task manager, when I eventually managed to get it up, my hard drive was pinned at 100% usage. My computer was almost hung, as others have experienced. This was long before the creator's update. I have only had it happen twice and only on the laptop, but I dropped from my normal ~28fps to about 1 frame every 5 seconds. Been using this laptop to play for years and the first this happened was maybe a month ago. I blamed the laptop, so didn't think much of it, hence didn't record a great deal about the issue. If it happens again, I'll pay closer attention.

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The FPS issues are imo also due to the Win 10 fall update as my gaming has seen some weird FPS drops.. although not exactly acting like a drop more of a frame limitation as it almost seems the game is forcing my setup to hold at a solid 30FPS at times, regardless of where I am, even tho I have my settings tweaked to provide a solid 60FPS with Vsync.. 80-110FPS without.. both in FS Windowed mode.

As stated in another thread, my own work around is to perform a quick Alt Tab to desktop, which seems to immediately fix the issue for a while until it does it again.


Regarding the ping times... yip I have seen this happen.. last night I was running at approx 45-60ms then suddenly started seeing ping spikes in the multiple 000's ms but it was intermittent, whereas I thought a DDoS would likely plague network/client connections for much longer and a lot more consistent.

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I run tests on GW2 diagnostic tool and so far my ping is about 70 UNTIL it pings the TELIA servers. Then it spikes up to 150+. Logged out of the game.Tried Dota2, CS:GO,WoT, Warframe and my ping sits at 70-80 which is my average ping for games with my current connection. Then i go back to GW2 and the ping instantly goes to 150, sometimes even higher especially on populated maps, even afking on mistlock sanctuary gets me high ping.

Tried with support and nothing, srsly there's no point in support tickets if im consistently gettting suggestions that my connection or my isp is at fault even if all the tests point to the opposite (i tested my connection and my ISP for problems). To me it seems like the the server im connecting to is suffering from extremely high traffic which slows everything down and im not even on NA, unless ofc EU is getting DDoSed as well. I tried everything and nothing works so i'll just play something else for now and hope it gets better in the future.

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To those who think this issue is related to the Win 10 Fall update, I'm running Win 7 Pro (yeah, I'm still hanging on for dear life on my gaming rig LOL Win 10 soon...) and I'm experiencing the exact same issues described by others...ping spikes at random times/locations/activities. So I'm doubtful that this a "windows" issue, at least in regards to GW2.


That being said, if this is a comcast thing, I wouldn't be surprised. But wonder if that and the DDOS are related or separate issues :\


Guess I'll be playing some offline games instead til this gets "fixed" :p


EDIT: Forgot to mention that this all started for me after the latest patch, more so in the days after Halloween. Hmm, The Mad King's last revenge before he flies off til next year? xD

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Your geographical location: Southern Nevada

Your game world: Anvil Rock

The date and time (plus time zone) when the issue arose: Today, logging in just past rollover, is the first time I've had FPS this bad.


I am running Windows 7, have an i7-4790 CPU, 8GB RAM, GTX 750 Ti. It's occasionally had moments of misbehaving, but those have always previously been traced to high RAM usage with other programs. Today, I've tried restarting the game, closing everything else down, and rebooting the computer. I'm getting FPS of 2-7 in places like the Lily of the Elon and Lion's Arch, and Silverwastes and Straits of Devastation were running 11-14 FPS. My spouse, who has a beefier processor and more RAM than I do as well as Win10 (not updated recently), is having the same framerate issues.


Also today has brought an issue where I mount and my character can keep moving, but my PoV stays where I mounted. My necromancer made it from the Hero's Waypoint in Black Citadel to the edge where the easy-access vista is and my elementalist made it clear from the Asura Gates in Lion's Arch to the door to the Mad King's Labyrinth under the dome before the point of view snapped back to the actual character. Navigating by minimap isn't fun.


Additionally, the framerate is absolutely fine when we're on the character selection screen, roving around 60 FPS.


None of these problems were present this morning when I logged out before bed, around 5am Pacific time.


Ordinarily, I'd presume it was my computer, but this seems to be a widespread issue.

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Your geographical location: Singapore

Your game world: Tarnished Coast

The date and time (plus time zone) when the issue arose: +8 GMT. The problems have been there ever since PoF launched, although it wasn't until the DDoS attacks a few days ago that the issue really became frequent and obnoxious.


System Specs: Windows 7 Professional. Intel i7-7700k @4.20GHz. 16GB RAM, nVidia GTX 1080.


The problem I'm experiencing is purely latency-based. Framerate is never an issue, but I experience all the hallmarks of a laggy connection (skill lag, getting hit by attacks that my screen says I've already moved out of etc.) As a SEA gamer, I'm used to my ping hovering around the 250 mark, but in the last two weeks it's frequently gone up to the 500 range. Sometimes the spikes go up to a staggering 2 or 3k! However, what's most curious is that this lag often seems to be connected to a particular player. This is most obvious in Fractals, where the ping stays high through the Fractals, but once that player leaves at the end of the run, my ping mysteriously returns to normal. I could understand this if it was happening in, say, WvW and a massive 30 man squad just joined the map, but you'd think that one lone player in your Fractals squad wouldn't have such a drastic effect on your connection.


Another lag-related issue which may or may not be linked to the first is that sometimes I'll experience a major game lag spike where none of my in-game skills are responding (or when you dismount and are walking around on foot, yet your skill bar is still stuck with the mount skill), yet I can still see every other players running around and taking actions in perfect normal time. Often, I can also chat with absolutely no time lag at all. If I recall correctly, that suggests there's been a disconnect to the game server, but your connection to the chat/login server is still running. This is the issue which has been plaguing me since PoF launch, although it's intermittent.

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Updating the info requested by Gaile:

Geographical location: Germany

Game World: Drakkar Lake [DE]

Very sure that for me the issue has been present since PoF release, but it might have been slightly before already, sadly didn't note down the exact date; it's also fluctuated in how bad it got at times, but the performance has never been as stable as before the expansion release even on lowest graphic settings

I rarely get any disconnects with those lags so I can't provide an error message, nor have I contacted support yet since most people complain about long waiting times atm anyway and it doesn't seem to be an individual issue

Hope this helps a bit!


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Geographical location - England


Game World Aurora Glade



The issue's have been present since PoF release and it's affecting a whole range of players I don't think it's related to the DDOS attacks.


My ping tends to spike to say 400 then fps down to 6 from a stable 60 just randomly.


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