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Scribing: Matrix & Charged Quartz Crystal


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Hello ANet? Are you trying to kill scribes and scribing again?


When scribing was first introduced it took days to process items and the costs were staggering. Thank you for changing that. But, here we go again! I thought the idea of a scribe was to make things with the guild and for the guild. The idea of scribing was that nothing was attached to a single individual, not for (mostly) personal use, and it was for the Guild as a whole. If it is the scribe who must use only account bound items - How is this a supposed guild endeavor?


The matrix required for the new PoF Guild decorations are account bound, this means it is the scribe that is required to purchase them with Trade Contracts and are account bound deposited. As a solo player we need the Trade Contracts to purchase mounts, recipes for crafting other professions, and for purchasing achievement items or other items from every heart vendor.


Additionally, a lot of the recipes require Charged Quartz Crystals, also an account bound AND time-gated item. How are scribes to craft ascended armor, weapons, and some parts of personal legendaries if all the Charged Quartz Crystals are being used for a supposed guild endeavor?


Please change the requirements to allow guild members to purchase Matrix so the scribe can use them!

Please change the requirements eliminating Charged Quartz Crystals in decorations!

You are currently killing your scribes!

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Completely agree. Being a scribe, this forces me to choose between helping the guild, or helping myself. It also shuts out anyone who offers to help me, since telling them to level a scribe to 400 in order to help is a laughable solution at best. Please fix this horrible decision. Guild decorations should be able to be made with GUILDWIDE materials, not the materials from ONLY my wallet.

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I would like to see a material storage in the guild hall that is deposite only and is used first by scribes instead of their personal material storage. All items should be able to be deposited, even account bound crafting items. This is my serious proposal to reduce the cost on a single person in the guild that benefits the whole guild. I am the only scribe in my guild. And let me tell you, when I get a request to build something if I make said item before being paid or given the materials, I could be out allot of gold. Scribe is a gold sink, with no personal gain whatsoever. Please go over the requirements for guild hall decoration crafting, for banner crafting. I can't do this on my own. There needs to be a better way for the whole guild to contribute. Even an option to deposite to guild storage on your inventory.

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Totally agree here. I was really really surprised to see this for new decorations. Now I have to choose between crafting for my cele armor or decorations. Have not crafted a single of the new decorations just because of this. Decorations is something that should be for the whole guild, at least those interested in helping out with decorations. Valid point that anet really need to adress asap.

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I think the concept of Scribing as an individual profession is what's broken. It should be an attribute of the guild (not an individual) with a guild-owned inventory for the materials that can be deposited into by anyone in the guild (just like the treasury). Then anyone in the guild with appropriate scribing permissions (assigned by the guild) can do the scribing functions at the scribing stations in the guild hall (just like anyone with appropriate permissions can do guild upgrades from items in the treasury). The mechanisms for all this are already there with the treasury/upgrades. I think Scribing should use those mechanics and apply them to the scribe crafting/leveling.


Of course, I think if Anet were to do something like this, there would be a lot of objection from the folks who have spent a fortune to level scribing. But those "individual" scribes could still do their scribing and sell their crafted mats on the TP, so it wouldn't be a complete "make-current-scribing-useless" situation.

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As a guild, we are unbelievably lucky to have a member who devotes an insane amount of time to creating and placing decorations All Over our guild hall. He does this on his own -- with extensive help from the guild when necessary -- and with his own materials and gold.


He is the _only _person I know with the stamina and dedication to _be_ a scribe. You make it _that_ difficult, for reasons that are unclear at best. When he says, "Reconsider this issue," you should listen to him. The man knows whereof he speaks.


Sim the Ineluctable

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Agreed. Scribing is already expensive and hard enough -- even with the help of an ~1200 member guild alliance. The scribe always ends up buying more stuff even if the guild members have donated heavily. I haven't yet made one thing from the expansion because I need the trade contracts for other stuff. Please give us scribes a break.

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> @Archranis.2375 said:

> I think the concept of Scribing as an individual profession is what's broken. It should be an attribute of the guild (not an individual) with a guild-owned inventory for the materials that can be deposited into by anyone in the guild (just like the treasury). Then anyone in the guild with appropriate scribing permissions (assigned by the guild) can do the scribing functions at the scribing stations in the guild hall (just like anyone with appropriate permissions can do guild upgrades from items in the treasury). The mechanisms for all this are already there with the treasury/upgrades. I think Scribing should use those mechanics and apply them to the scribe crafting/leveling.


> Of course, I think if Anet were to do something like this, there would be a lot of objection from the folks who have spent a fortune to level scribing. But those "individual" scribes could still do their scribing and sell their crafted mats on the TP, so it wouldn't be a complete "make-current-scribing-useless" situation.


I can see some problems with this. Perhaps if the guild leaders could designate some people as scribes and others as decorators -- but I can foresee a scenario where you have scribes making and placing things all willy nilly all over the place. Even if you have a decorator it would an exercise in coordination to get the scribes to build to the decorator's vision.

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PLEASE change the recipes. It is not fair to use account bound materials for decoration crafting, and especially for the scribe has to do all the collecting themselves. I should not have to decide between crafting a decoration and buying a receipe or unlocking a mount. This isn't a good way to go. Whomever decides the scribal ingredients should have a long chat with scribers. It needs to be fixed sooner rather than later.

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I can almost get past the charged quartz. Almost. Other guild members can donate the quartz and the scribe just needs to charge it. However, that's a very time gated item and to need that to make a measy little urn is just kray kittens.

However, I am going to riot over those matrix that cost trade contracts? Come on now!!! Since when is it ok to use a map currency to buy ingredients for guild decor?? I have limited time to play as it is and now I have to decide whether I am going to make shiny new pretties for my guild mates, or get the things I need from PoF like mounts and recipes. That's unfair to the scribe.

Fix this shizzzz asap Anet!

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