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New PVP MAP (Djinn’s Dominion)-First Impressions

Vieux P.1238

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  • 1 month later...

I would stretch the map some so that the side points are further from each spawn area and then swap the djinn lamp entrance with the middle point (similar to the Skyhammer layout but exits are forward facing.


There is also a couple of really bad perch spots that completely ruins the map so it is hard to test if people abuse them since they hover over capture points.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Optimization is an issue here (sluggish camera and high GPU load) - now I simply ignore this type of content (have 100% GPU load with this map but only 30-50%(!) with rest of GW2 locations).

As for concept - it feels like it was made overnight because of deadlines - lacks of creativity and size is extremely small.


Also, voice over is processed with some weird effect which reminds me poorly programmed time-stretching algorithm - this is not good. I'd use clean voice instead.

Also, maybe consider changing voice actor to compliment Djin's appearence?


I feel any map needs variety to support different builds and playstyles:

- heights difference (Djin is obscenely flat atm);

- close-quarters locations (Silent Storm has some) - deadeye's bane!

- maybe some water squares (or island with cap point..)

- etc.. imagination is the limit

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