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Everything posted by Endorphin.9147

  1. @"Leonidrex.5649" i dont play it most of the time, the problem is when vsing other thieves (which there is usually 1-2 thieves on each team every match in my experience) if you are not running shadow arts you are putting yourself at a disadvantage
  2. If you are purely doing it for the rewards then just copy a side node build and hope for the best in ranked. Getting good at something requires mindset, time and experience.
  3. @"Jennifer.6432" Maybe I worded it wrong. You don't have to pull together 10 people just to do a couple 1vs1's and experiment with different classes and learn general game mechanics. There are plenty of custom dueling servers that people have made where you can just join with a friend and fight each other. You can also spectate people who are currently dueling in them too to see how they play.
  4. My ping will bounce around between 60 to 500. It would be fine if it was a constant but its almost unplayable when I am trying to PvP and in the middle of a fight everything freezes for 1-3 seconds then I am dead. I am sure it is getting frustrating for not just me, but for others to a point where they probably dread even logging on. Hope it gets fixed soon. This optimization is getting ridiculous
  5. gut shadow arts to the ground, its boring AF to play.
  6. There are plenty of side node builds like the ones above listed. You will find them on sites like metabattles. Finding a custom lobby and dueling with that group of friends is a great way to do what you want to do. The main thing is understanding what other classes do and getting used to fighting them, you'll eventually learn on what you want to dodge/use cleanses/stunbreaks/damage negation for. Usually those people dying are dying because of bad positioning and not reacting to incoming damage in time. Good luck.
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