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Rune and Sigil Changes - 13 November 2018 [Merged]

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> @"cylin.7048" said:

> You just want to sell your fricking upgrade extractors.


1. I agree and feel that the Dev's should have provided players with a set of extractors FoC so we can rebuild or recover costs associated with builds.

2. Feels harsh on Mesmer, peeps can have a giggle at that but the net net is less boons for all and prolly less mesmers.

3. Game is unplayable currently DC's from server within a minute.

4. Overall I do not see the any 'added value for the player base with these changes:- Cylin nailed it if you ask me.. Mooo goes the cash cow


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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Deaths.9165" said:

> > > @"Lolivia.3219" said:

> > > I don't like it cause it barely changes anything, how do those changes give more variety, when infact all the sigils are updated with the same general boost. "change 60% to 100%" sure, thats a huge buff in some cases, how does it give more active gameplay though? more like, 'just auto-attack cause it will always procc anyways.

> > > Then on the other side of the spectrum, we have sigil of concentration, that change actually made pretty sure, as a chrono, you cant have as much partial dps gear anymore, you're only good for boons now.

> > > everyone knows chrono isnt the easiest class, and the concentration sigil was a nice extra step, like, if you're still practicing chrono, just go full commanders/minstril to get used to it, once you get the hang of that, you add the weaponswapping and also dps next to that.

> > > now its really the exact opposite of "variety" and instead of active gameplay, just stand about and spread boons, no worry about squeezing as much into the 7 second time window, its all good, doesnt matter.

> > > I really dont understand why it would've seemed a good idea to take the enjoyment of that away from chrono's. I really don't, so please do explain the reasoning behind that, and not something like : it seemed mandatory on high-end... yeah..thats why the sigil itself was high-end..

> >

> > i can give u a good reason.

> >

> > $$$$$$$$$

> >

> > Every balance change means a buff or nerf of a build.

> >

> > Every buff or nerf means u have to build up an entire new charcter with an entire new equipment.

> >

> > For veteran players like me it is not a broken leg.

> >

> > For new players it means, u have to spent Gold.

> >

> > For the employee it means their is a possibility for gold exchange for rl money to gain the gold to use it up on the new needed equipment.

> >

> > This is a hidden treatmeal we face now for some time.

> >

> >


> Yes, having to spend 50 gold to restat your entire set really is the biggest and newest ploy to get you to bust out your credit card. Glad people like you have figured it out and educate the unwashed masses


50 Gold means 5h of farm. A rune change means i cant participitate in Raids as new player with my nerfed build. 5h means for a working person. i have less time on to play my favorite modes. Less time for the family. Less time for sports and so on.


Or i spent rl money for the gold.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Carcharoth Lucian.1378" said:

> Patch notes : "Salvage Kits: The chance to extract a rune or sigil from equipment is now a chance to salvage the upgrades directly into their crafting materials. This does not affect Black Lion Salvage Kits, which will continue to always extract upgrades intact."


> PSA : use of Black Lion Salvage Kits on exotic runes and sigils don't give you all the materials !

> Example, i use 5 of them -> no charms and no symbols, just some lucent motes :(


Hmmm. If that's counter to the messaging, would you mind posting that in the Bugs Forum, as well? I'll then point to it for the devs. Thanks!

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here is the thing, and, this is obviously mostly about the sigil of concentration.


the goal was to add more variety, and more active gameplay.

how does this change promote that?

every support class that used it, will now lose 23% buff uptime, meaning, they will have to go full support gear, meaning, if you were good and "mastered" your class, and were able to use the sigil to you adventage, meaning you could take less concentration gear, you could also add some dps to the table.


now, it doesnt matter anymore. if you try REAALLY moderately hard, you can effortlessly squeeze out a solid 2000 dps, and thats it. there is no skill or speed requirement, no planning on when to swap or when to cast, no significant benefit from adding some dps. the difference between someone who mastered their class, and someone who is more at the casual level, is too small, and the limit has now been set to a beginners level with no variety and no point to progress from there further..

sorry but i dont see how that change, fits into the idea of achieving more active gameplay, it only forces braindead rotation, knowing that before this change, you were able to do much better

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> @"Morte de Angelis.7986" said:

> Infiltration is another one that I feel like has been changed to simplify for almost no reason. Change all the +% damage to just straight power, so now its a Pwr/Prec rune >with vigor on stealth (I don't know why?) and 10% over 14% which now comes into direct confrontation with Eagle but the difference is that Eagle has Prec/Ferocity >except gives more stats and doesn't give vigor on health. n't think it would be like this. You change all these runes and I really wonder for what reason.


lol, all I could think of when I saw the change to Infiltration was:


"Non-DE Players": ANET, stealth off of dodge is stupid broken. plz fix

"ANET": Hold my beer!


Seriously though, there was a lot of work put in to this, and while I don't know the ins or outs, I knew that before this patch there were only a handful of sigils and runes worth looking at, and now at least, I'm looking over all of them trying to figure out if they would be useful.


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> @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > Upon entering combat = if *still in combat* and cooldown is up, automatically applied again?


> Should be easy enough to test, shouldnt it?

> A bit hard right now with the constant DC's, but I hear a hotfix is in the works.


Not for another 6 hours 15 minutes for me

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> > @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> > > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > Upon entering combat = if *still in combat* and cooldown is up, automatically applied again?

> >

> > Should be easy enough to test, shouldnt it?

> > A bit hard right now with the constant DC's, but I hear a hotfix is in the works.


> Not for another 6 hours 15 minutes for me


Oof. I'll see what I can do.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Have you forgotten about Facet of Nature from revenants? Herald revs fell out of meta because classes could cap out on boon duration of their own. Which never should have happened.


Oh good, we go from 4 locked slots to 6 locked slots. So good right?

I saw the Renegade was Meta on Dhumm according to SC :shrug:

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> @"Morte de Angelis.7986" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > Have you forgotten about Facet of Nature from revenants? Herald revs fell out of meta because classes could cap out on boon duration of their own. Which never should have happened.


> Oh good, we go from 4 locked slots to 6 locked slots. So good right?

> I saw the Renegade was Meta on Dhumm according to SC :shrug:


Considering the big sale point of facet of nature is boon duration increase for buddies, it renders it completely useless if people can boon duration cap on their own.


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> @"Mithos.9023" said:

> I have mixed feelings. While the new rune structure looks much cleaner it seems also a lot more boring, as most runes have only one active effect now.

> Not to mention that many changes here are a big downgrade when it comes to this. A +10 % health is nothing compared to what is lost on many runes. Not to mention an active effect would have been much more interesting than a flat health increase, which will probably have zero influence on actual combat.

> But as mentioned the before after patch note made working through it quite easy, thanks for that.

> Last I like the new effect of permanent companion on the runes, seems like fun.


I agree with that, I feel there is a bit of "special" some of the upgrade components lost post update. Sometime, it's good to have special effects, it makes systems interesting, it gives players more possibilities to have a unique playstyle. Focusing on stats will make "min maxers" players happy, as they value efficiency more than anything. I for my part like "out of the box" builds, and those rely on varieties and possibilities. A sigil to summon on kill was unique


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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> > @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> > > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > Upon entering combat = if *still in combat* and cooldown is up, automatically applied again?

> >

> > Should be easy enough to test, shouldnt it?

> > A bit hard right now with the constant DC's, but I hear a hotfix is in the works.


> Not for another 6 hours 15 minutes for me


I tested Superior Runes of the Pack _"Grants Swiftness, Fury and Might for 10 seconds on a 20 sec CD upon entering combat."_


The boons did not re-apply after the initial engagement, even after 20+ seconds. Curiously though, they do apply once you exit combat.

I tested this running around a wyvern enemy for a minute or more just letting it attack me.

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Overall, I am liking this change. I haven't gone over all the sigils and runes in the update post yet, just the ones I use. But that led me to discovering that one of the sigils I use was replaced with a version useless to my guardian. I dunno, was I the only one that liked Sigil of Demon Summoning? I liked having the ability to get an ally to help me in combat when I was out soloing. It was a small sacrifice to my overall performance, sure. But, to me, it was worth it when I could have something else to take the aggro.


While I do like the new Sigil of Demons, it's just completely useless to my guardian.

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aside from that, is there even content that would make these changes to SIGILS (not saying anything about the runes, those changes are fine) usefull?

I mean, not even 99cm is -that- hard, that i would considder making an extra ascended weapon on all my characters, just to have sigil of serpent slaying instead of sigil of force.

meaning, sigil of force will still do 2% more dps than the other sigils that are species specific in 90% of all cases, and im not gonna carry around a different sigil for each different fractal....

so it would be open world..well, most of the time in open world, even more dps is the last thing you'll need on a random mob...

(let alone the amount of enemies that have no classified race, or the amount of sigils you would have to carry around just to swap constantly)

so that only leaves the % chance to do x-effect... well, instead of 60%, its now 100%, meaning its garantueed, you dont have to watch your boon anymore to see IF it procced, it will always procc on your first hit when going into combat.

again, how does this promote more active gameplay

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> @"Ebonfire.8270" said:

> The combination of Nightmare and Trapper have been a staple for condi classes, but Nightmare has been changed from general condi duration to Fear duration. Trapper has been improved, but still, the change to Nightmare, given the means to attain it, is kind of uncool.


Awww man ! I spent a while getting the tokens to kit my Renegade with nightmare runes ! Just a Week ago

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I like most changes and I'm looking forward to check some runes and sigils out.

On the other hand some things instantly look very strong for me.


Swiftness movespeed increased to 66% basically gives you perma superspeed amirite?

many interesting things. 20%heal to Barrier - gotta check out on which things this would block

5% max health on block - guards say helloooo.


Much more might generation, which can make interesting builds i guess.


Looking forward for the dc's to stop so i can start waisting money <3

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Chronos well deserved a nerf.

Chronos are going to be perfectly fine. They'll just be forced into chaos even more than before. It's all _other_ potential support options that got the ax, because they will now have to run full support gear and lose all the dps they had.


Not sure how i feel about the change to sigil of Water however - it's a healer spec sigil, and those usually do not have precision.

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