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I want a Charr model upright posture update, but until then

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I am still waiting patiently for the Charr model upright posture update like many fans also are waiting for.


I like my Charr but don't like the posture that currently makes most helmets look awkward, especially around the neck, since it's elongated for it's current model posture design.

At first the Charr race hype seem cool, but over time, and many years at that, the side effects of having terrible looking head gear and body gear in general, just makes me frown on the design now.


I personally don't do race changes when playing MMOs, but for now one of the temporary fixes I somewhat enjoy playing around with are the

"Combat Tonics".

Combat Tonics themselves don't provide a way to customize them, but more of them to pick from with different armor designs and looks to pick from would be great! Right now I only have one of them unlocked, but have to find my watchknight one in my Alt inventory somewhere to also add.

But prefer the Combat Tonics had some Norn Knights, and other creatures. Also would like gender to gender to stay the same when feasible to do so.

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> @"Boysenberry.1869" said:

> I can't imagine any scenario where over 6 years into the game Anet is going to redesign the model of a race and go through all armors and outfits to make everything work with the new design (not to mention NPCs and cut-scenes involving Charr). It would also look strange to have a PC upright and all other Charr "normal".


the normal charr is upright, only the dumb and creepy ones bend over.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

I'm sorry that you've come to not care for the posture of your charr character, but am glad you've found options that work for you. As Boysenberry mentioned above, a complete "redo" of an entire race -- characters, NPCs, armor sets -- on the basis of subjective feedback from a player, or even a group of players (although I don't recall too much of this commentary in the past), would not be a feasible project to undergo. Consider, too, that any change would alter *every* charr character, not just yours. There are many who like their characters very much and would object to them suddenly being substantially altered.

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