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Why the supply drop CD so long?


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6 year in the making and this skill still has more than 100sec cd.

Compared to other elites with alot of area pressure such as the spellbreaker or scourge elites it seems like the only thing to warrant the longer cd is the 1200 range.

But even that doesnt seem right, to me atleast.

It doesnt do alot other than stunning and giving a waterfield if the turrets survive.

Am I the onlyone who thinks it should be lower than 100sec?

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> @"Milan.9035" said:

> Most core elites are long cooldown. Has to be lile this. Can you image core classes being better than elites, no one would spend money on the game.

Engi-Mortar. ^^


> @"Jski.6180" said:

> Old balancing that not been updated. Anet is just like that they will complete forget old content for new.

They changed turrets to auto-overload once. They also reworked the F5-skill of the crate to cleanse ALL conditions of 5 people in addition to some healing.

However, in the healscrapper build, the F5 is the true reason for choosing this elite. Stunning people in bubbles is only a nice addition. If turrets still had the knockback on destruction that would be a good enough reason for the long CD.

But at the moment, in large scale fights, they instantly are destroyed and in low-scale fights, enemies will simply avoid the fields or use the turrets to double-hit you with chain-attacks.


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