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Best sigils and runes after update for roaming?


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i still use adventurer, 1 stacking and double energy, imo still the best as you can chain your evades like no other can


last sigil is more flexible, cover condi is always good but since you focus on interrupts i'd go for absorption sigil, which is only 20 silver too. It works great as many of your cc are chain (sword ambush, diversion, chaos storm if taken) and enemies commonly only have 1 stab stack, you'll end up stealing a lot of boons


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One question, no one are running condi Mirage at WvW? I'm in doubt between Perplexity or Tormenting. Speedy loss is a problem but you don't need with you have someone to give you swiftness. My primary doubt is what is best for condi, small heal (171 by Tormenting rune) or 10% damage reduction (Perplexity) boot are good and I can inflict tons of confusion and torment. It's like the condi builds are broken, yesterday I'd played using full dire with perplexity and no one could kill me, at least draw against Druid or Dragonhunter (they flee). I have a set of tormenting and I'd like to listen more opinions... Thanks guys.

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I'm still running traveller runes but made the switch from interrupt sigils to double cleansing which really helps make scourges and condi mes a lot easier to deal with.


Also just because most classes are running power doesn't mean there's not a ton of conditions you need to get rid of, if you get hit by a reaper corrupt expect to be chilled and crippled forever with vuln and weakness for your rather short miserable life. It's helpful to be able to cleanse them by switching weapon and a quick jaunt.

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> @"Ney Matogrosso.5736" said:

> One question, no one are running condi Mirage at WvW? I'm in doubt between Perplexity or Tormenting. Speedy loss is a problem but you don't need with you have someone to give you swiftness. My primary doubt is what is best for condi, small heal (171 by Tormenting rune) or 10% damage reduction (Perplexity) boot are good and I can inflict tons of confusion and torment. It's like the condi builds are broken, yesterday I'd played using full dire with perplexity and no one could kill me, at least draw against Druid or Dragonhunter (they flee). I have a set of tormenting and I'd like to listen more opinions... Thanks guys.


I think tormenting is a good choice if you run a staff axe/torch build with illusion and the the trait shatters apply torment too.


I would use full condi mirage only to learn mirage mechanics if you are new to it, after playing for quite a while it was super boring and good against noobs, and it promotes a too spammy playstyle with zero risk, switching to hybrid or full power i am having way more fun, high risk but more reward especially in full zerk power.


What i decided to do in my full zerk mirage is to switch from domination or chaos to inspiration to help my sustain especially against condis.

If you run domination or chaos you literally have only jaunt and torch4 as cleansing, and they are too little.


Now seems condi players are more often seeing around, even some weird condi deadeye, so running inspiration trading off some damage doesn't seem that bad.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > > > Don't you think it's an over investment running all those anti condi?

> > > > It is. A decent mirage is more than capable of dealing with condi just using the cleanse mantra.

> > > > Plus the condi meta is almost dead now, bar a few exceptions. Power roflstomps all over it.

> > >

> > > Exactly, he runs more condi cleanses than a firebrand xD

> > >

> > > What about your new runes or sigil choices?

> > >

> > > Apart from double energy what are good sigils to use?

> >

> > Asks for recommendations.

> >

> > Someone gets insulted and criticized within the first two posts when they give them theirs.

> >

> > Cold world out there, bruh

> >


> You have a weird view of what an insult is, he told me his build and I asked if it's not an over investment running all those condi cleanses since 90% of roamers is power and not condi, find me where I insult this guy please.


I'm obviously roaming differently than both you and Dawdler. My roaming consists of nipping at the tails of zergs, fighting within zerg fights, flipping sentries, camps, and being a general nuisance around the map during prime time. I fight other roamers but in general I'm more often in 1vX or YvX situations than duking it out with roamers and in those situations you can never have enough condi cleanse. If your gameplay is centered around fighting other roamers with occasional outnumbered fights then cleanse mantra is sufficient.


That said, even when fights were more roamer-centric I swapped to duel/dom/mirage with antitoxin and found the dodges with jaunt were sufficient.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> I'm still running traveller runes but made the switch from interrupt sigils to double cleansing which really helps make scourges and condi mes a lot easier to deal with.


> Also just because most classes are running power doesn't mean there's not a ton of conditions you need to get rid of, if you get hit by a reaper corrupt expect to be chilled and crippled forever with vuln and weakness for your rather short miserable life. It's helpful to be able to cleanse them by switching weapon and a quick jaunt.


yeah you are right, i switched to inspiration because i dont wanna run cleanse mantra and give up an important stunbreak in my bar.


i am running IH and not Elusive mind, but i use clone spawned upon dodge, and with inspiration trait my clones gets my condis, i emulate elusive mind condi cleanse this way, works nicely seems.

> @"Hackuuna.4085" said:

> I'm obviously roaming differently than both you and Dawdler. My roaming consists of nipping at the tails of zergs, fighting within zerg fights, flipping sentries, camps, and being a general nuisance around the map during prime time. I fight other roamers but in general I'm more often in 1vX or YvX situations than duking it out with roamers and in those situations you can never have enough condi cleanse. If your gameplay is centered around fighting other roamers with occasional outnumbered fights then cleanse mantra is sufficient.


> That said, even when fights were more roamer-centric I swapped to duel/dom/mirage with antitoxin and found the dodges with jaunt were sufficient.


Right now as i said above i swapped domination or chaos for inspiration in my power mirage and that seems enough for me to deal with condi classes, for example bad scourges even running zero cleanses i could easily kill them, but if they caught me while im mid-afk no way i can survive their initial condi spam, with inspiration my chances are higher and overall the fight is easier, and yeah cleanses are also to get rid of nasty condis like cripple, chill, immob etc.



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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:


> I think tormenting is a good choice if you run a staff axe/torch build with illusion and the the trait shatters apply torment too.


> I would use full condi mirage only to learn mirage mechanics if you are new to it, after playing for quite a while it was super boring and good against noobs, and it promotes a too spammy playstyle with zero risk, switching to hybrid or full power i am having way more fun, high risk but more reward especially in full zerk power.


> What i decided to do in my full zerk mirage is to switch from domination or chaos to inspiration to help my sustain especially against condis.

> If you run domination or chaos you literally have only jaunt and torch4 as cleansing, and they are too little.


> Now seems condi players are more often seeing around, even some weird condi deadeye, so running inspiration trading off some damage doesn't seem that bad.


I'm playing Mesmer sinse the game launch and just could play viable condi mesmers in one occasion, when confusion was good at WvW. I played a lot of hybrid or zerk builds. They are fun, no doubt, but I'd like to play condi again ^^. I'm running Illusions + Duelling but I preffer scepter than axe. Axe is awesome but I can apply torment or confusion more constantly using a scepter, and this is not meta. Staff is the best deffensive weapon to mesmer, and can apply considerable conditions with skill 1 and clones. I'm wondering what is more efficient: health any time or 10% less damage ?

I don't think condi builds are just spamming with zero risk. Many classes have tons of condi removal, further than the runes rework, and Hybrid/Power builds are more combo oriented and many classes can break it with training. Both are fun, maybe I'll try tormenting. Ty for the answer ^^

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> @"Ney Matogrosso.5736" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> >

> > I think tormenting is a good choice if you run a staff axe/torch build with illusion and the the trait shatters apply torment too.

> >

> > I would use full condi mirage only to learn mirage mechanics if you are new to it, after playing for quite a while it was super boring and good against noobs, and it promotes a too spammy playstyle with zero risk, switching to hybrid or full power i am having way more fun, high risk but more reward especially in full zerk power.

> >

> > What i decided to do in my full zerk mirage is to switch from domination or chaos to inspiration to help my sustain especially against condis.

> > If you run domination or chaos you literally have only jaunt and torch4 as cleansing, and they are too little.

> >

> > Now seems condi players are more often seeing around, even some weird condi deadeye, so running inspiration trading off some damage doesn't seem that bad.


> I'm playing Mesmer sinse the game launch and just could play viable condi mesmers in one occasion, when confusion was good at WvW. I played a lot of hybrid or zerk builds. They are fun, no doubt, but I'd like to play condi again ^^. I'm running Illusions + Duelling but I preffer scepter than axe. Axe is awesome but I can apply torment or confusion more constantly using a scepter, and this is not meta. Staff is the best deffensive weapon to mesmer, and can apply considerable conditions with skill 1 and clones. I'm wondering what is more efficient: health any time or 10% less damage ?

> I don't think condi builds are just spamming with zero risk. Many classes have tons of condi removal, further than the runes rework, and Hybrid/Power builds are more combo oriented and many classes can break it with training. Both are fun, maybe I'll try tormenting. Ty for the answer ^^


Actually staff scepter/torch is pure meta for a celestial hybrid mirage, so even full condi should work.


Try tormenting I think the heal and sustain from torment application will be better than the 10% less damage, if you want that maybe run the food +70 expertise/condi dmg +10% damage reduction.

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Been playing a TB Mirage staff sword/x build with absorb sigil, duel/chaos with CI and IH, and [superior Rune of the Sunless](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_the_Sunless "Superior Rune of the Sunless"). Been taking Mantra of Distraction to add to the plethora of AoE interrupts and boon rips. Works wonderfully in 1vX situations and can really pin someone down if they aren't careful by chaining a few 3s immobs on interrupt along with sword 3 immob.


Very nasty against those with low stab and limited cleanse.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:


> Actually staff scepter/torch is pure meta for a celestial hybrid mirage, so even full condi should work.


> Try tormenting I think the heal and sustain from torment application will be better than the 10% less damage, if you want that maybe run the food +70 expertise/condi dmg +10% damage reduction.


Well, I really need a good place to search for build ideas, because in metabattle there no mention to staff scepter/torch for WvW builds... I tryed torment with dire set and was very good, no broken, very smoth. The lac of mobility is a problem if you are alone, but is very interesting to put lots of condi in the enemy and he/she be desesperated to take off and die running. Ty for comments and if you or others, know good places to search for builds, please mark me. Thanks

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> @"Hackuuna.4085" said:

> I'll cast my vote for [superior rune of Antitoxin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_Antitoxin "Superior rune of Antitoxin"). Played around with it quite a bit yesterday while roaming and it's top notch. It's actually so useful with EM that even after the EM nerf this rune brings it back to greatness.


> Tried running it with power shatter Duel/Inspire/Mirage with pain/recovery/midnight and it's faceroll against anything condi. 2 condi cleanse on dodge, torch, jaunt, shatter, heal, along with 6 condi cleanse on traited midnight. Condi mirage players who would normally be a somewhat difficult fight turned into laughably easy targets. You can basically ignore condi players while targeting the hard hitting power players when fighting outnumbered.


> Even though the set offers condi damage as the bonus I'd argue that this set is optimal for mirage roaming on almost any build that isn't benefiting more from IH. Ran around with duel/dom while having only jaunt/EM as my cleanse and it worked effectively enough too. Your main weakness of course is dodging while dazed which is quite punishing. If you learn to play around that it's probably the best set for roaming. It obviously has even better synergy on a condi mirage but after more people start running around with this rune set I wager condi builds are going to fall off the roaming map.


I build my Necro with a similar philosophy to yours.

I have 8 different condi clears in my build which allows me to take on most condi foes with ease.

Good thing is that the build is still decent against power foes despite a heavy investment on condi management.

And this makes for an all-rounder build that performs decently against a variety of builds that other roamers may be using, be it power or condi.



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